Комплексний контроль. 7 клас

Додано: 12 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
Тест виконано: 67 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

It's important to sleep a lot,...

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am I?

are they?

isn`t it?

is it?

Запитання 2

Peter played football yesterday, ...

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didn't he?

wasn't he?

did he?

does he?

Запитання 3

She always helps her mother,.....

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isn't she?

doesn't she?

don't she?

helps she?

Запитання 4

I can do it.....

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 5

Her parrot can do it.....

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Запитання 6

 A cinema is a place ....... you watch films.

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Запитання 7

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An Unusual Pub

     The owner of «The George» was feeling sad. He did his best to make his pub a comfortable, pleasant place. The tea was good, the food was delicious and the prices were cheap. But his pub was never full, not many people visited that pub. One day, an old man came to the pub. There were no people in the pub. He asked the owner, «Why are you so sad?» After listening to a sad story, the man said, «Change the name of the pub». «That’s impossible!» said the owner. «It’s been called «The George» for many generations and it is very well known». «Change the name! You must call it «The Five Bells» and have six bells hanging at the front door». The owner agreed to change the name of the pub. Things changed. All the passers-by came in to point out the mistake. Each one thought he was the first to notice it. The pub impressed them. They felt like at home and stayed for a drink or two. The things have been good since then.

owner - власник

feeling - почуватися

to do the best - робити все найкраще

delicious - смачний

to change - змінювати

generations - покоління

bells hanging - дзвіночки, які висять

agree - погоджуватися

passer - by - перехожий,людина, яка йде мимо

to point out - вказувати

to notice - помітити

to impress - вражати

варіанти відповідей

He invited many people.

He painted the door green.

The tea was good, the food was delicious, the price were cheap.    

He told interesting stories.

Запитання 8

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An Unusual Pub

     The owner of «The George» was feeling sad. He did his best to make his pub a comfortable, pleasant place. The tea was good, the food was delicious and the prices were cheap. But his pub was never full, not many people visited that pub. One day, an old man came to the pub. There were no people in the pub. He asked the owner, «Why are you so sad?» After listening to a sad story, the man said, «Change the name of the pub». «That’s impossible!» said the owner. «It’s been called «The George» for many generations and it is very well known». «Change the name! You must call it «The Five Bells» and have six bells hanging at the front door». The owner agreed to change the name of the pub. Things changed. All the passers-by came in to point out the mistake. Each one thought he was the first to notice it. The pub impressed them. They felt like at home and stayed for a drink or two. The things have been good since then.

owner - власник

feeling - почуватися

to do the best - робити все найкраще

delicious - смачний

to change - змінювати

generations - покоління

bells hanging - дзвіночки, які висять

agree - погоджуватися

passer - by - перехожий,людина, яка йде мимо

to point out - вказувати

to notice - помітити

to impress - вражати

What was the name of the pub after changing?

варіанти відповідей

Three bells

Six bells


The Five Bells

Запитання 9

Моя бабуся сказала, що вона ніколи не була в Лондоні.

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My granny said that she had never been to London before.

My granny said that she has never been to London before.

My granny says that she had never been to London before.

My granny said that she had never was to London before.

My granny says that she has never was to London before.

Запитання 10

Він дивився телевізор, коли я зайшов.

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He watching TV when I came.

He was watching TV when I come.

He was watching TV when I came.

He watching TV when I went.

Запитання 11

The London Eye is a big .....

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observation wheel

wooden wheel



Запитання 12

He ........ to the village last Sunday.

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has gone




had gone


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