Контроль читання 1 семестр англійська мова 5 клас

Додано: 6 грудня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
11 запитань
Запитання 1

. Read the text:


Hi! I'm Peter. I'm 10. I live in Oxford, it's in England. I go to school. My school is near my house. It's big and new. My favourite lesson is Craft. I'm good at making planes. I've got two pets. My dog Nessie is big and brown. It likes hamburgers. It can catch a ball and run very fast. My parrot Candy likes sweets. It lives in a cage. It can speak. In the morning at 7 am Candy says: "Wake up!" At 10pm it says: "Good night!" I want to have a gold fish. But I haven't got an aquarium. That's my story.


2. Find out it is True or False:

1) Peter is ten.

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Запитання 2

Hi! I'm Peter. I'm 10. I live in Oxford, it's in England. I go to school. My school is near my house. It's big and new. My favourite lesson is Craft. I'm good at making planes. I've got two pets. My dog Nessie is big and brown. It likes hamburgers. It can catch a ball and run very fast. My parrot Candy likes sweets. It lives in a cage. It can speak. In the morning at 7 am Candy says: "Wake up!" At 10pm it says: "Good night!" I want to have a gold fish. But I haven't got an aquarium. That's my story.


Find out it is True or False:

2) He lives in England.

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Запитання 3

Hi! I'm Peter. I'm 10. I live in Oxford, it's in England. I go to school. My school is near my house. It's big and new. My favourite lesson is Craft. I'm good at making planes. I've got two pets. My dog Nessie is big and brown. It likes hamburgers. It can catch a ball and run very fast. My parrot Candy likes sweets. It lives in a cage. It can speak. In the morning at 7 am Candy says: "Wake up!" At 10pm it says: "Good night!" I want to have a gold fish. But I haven't got an aquarium. That's my story.


Find out it is True or False:

3) He goes to school.

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Запитання 4

Hi! I'm Peter. I'm 10. I live in Oxford, it's in England. I go to school. My school is near my house. It's big and new. My favourite lesson is Craft. I'm good at making planes. I've got two pets. My dog Nessie is big and brown. It likes hamburgers. It can catch a ball and run very fast. My parrot Candy likes sweets. It lives in a cage. It can speak. In the morning at 7 am Candy says: "Wake up!" At 10pm it says: "Good night!" I want to have a gold fish. But I haven't got an aquarium. That's my story.


Find out it is True or False:

4) His school is far from his house.

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Запитання 5

Hi! I'm Peter. I'm 10. I live in Oxford, it's in England. I go to school. My school is near my house. It's big and new. My favourite lesson is Craft. I'm good at making planes. I've got two pets. My dog Nessie is big and brown. It likes hamburgers. It can catch a ball and run very fast. My parrot Candy likes sweets. It lives in a cage. It can speak. In the morning at 7 am Candy says: "Wake up!" At 10pm it says: "Good night!" I want to have a gold fish. But I haven't got an aquarium. That's my story.


Find out it is True or False:

5) His school is large.

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Запитання 6

Hi! I'm Peter. I'm 10. I live in Oxford, it's in England. I go to school. My school is near my house. It's big and new. My favourite lesson is Craft. I'm good at making planes. I've got two pets. My dog Nessie is big and brown. It likes hamburgers. It can catch a ball and run very fast. My parrot Candy likes sweets. It lives in a cage. It can speak. In the morning at 7 am Candy says: "Wake up!" At 10pm it says: "Good night!" I want to have a gold fish. But I haven't got an aquarium. That's my story.


Find out it is True or False:

6) His favourite lesson is History.

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Запитання 7

Hi! I'm Peter. I'm 10. I live in Oxford, it's in England. I go to school. My school is near my house. It's big and new. My favourite lesson is Craft. I'm good at making planes. I've got two pets. My dog Nessie is big and brown. It likes hamburgers. It can catch a ball and run very fast. My parrot Candy likes sweets. It lives in a cage. It can speak. In the morning at 7 am Candy says: "Wake up!" At 10pm it says: "Good night!" I want to have a gold fish. But I haven't got an aquarium. That's my story.


Find out it is True or False:

7) He is good at making ships.

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Запитання 8

Hi! I'm Peter. I'm 10. I live in Oxford, it's in England. I go to school. My school is near my house. It's big and new. My favourite lesson is Craft. I'm good at making planes. I've got two pets. My dog Nessie is big and brown. It likes hamburgers. It can catch a ball and run very fast. My parrot Candy likes sweets. It lives in a cage. It can speak. In the morning at 7 am Candy says: "Wake up!" At 10pm it says: "Good night!" I want to have a gold fish. But I haven't got an aquarium. That's my story.


Find out it is True or False:

8) He has got three pets: a dog, a parrot and a gold fish.

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Запитання 9

Hi! I'm Peter. I'm 10. I live in Oxford, it's in England. I go to school. My school is near my house. It's big and new. My favourite lesson is Craft. I'm good at making planes. I've got two pets. My dog Nessie is big and brown. It likes hamburgers. It can catch a ball and run very fast. My parrot Candy likes sweets. It lives in a cage. It can speak. In the morning at 7 am Candy says: "Wake up!" At 10pm it says: "Good night!" I want to have a gold fish. But I haven't got an aquarium. That's my story.


Find out it is True or False:


9) Nessie is a parrot.

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Запитання 10

Hi! I'm Peter. I'm 10. I live in Oxford, it's in England. I go to school. My school is near my house. It's big and new. My favourite lesson is Craft. I'm good at making planes. I've got two pets. My dog Nessie is big and brown. It likes hamburgers. It can catch a ball and run very fast. My parrot Candy likes sweets. It lives in a cage. It can speak. In the morning at 7 am Candy says: "Wake up!" At 10pm it says: "Good night!" I want to have a gold fish. But I haven't got an aquarium. That's my story.


Find out it is True or False:

10) A parrot cannot speak.

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Запитання 11

Hi! I'm Peter. I'm 10. I live in Oxford, it's in England. I go to school. My school is near my house. It's big and new. My favourite lesson is Craft. I'm good at making planes. I've got two pets. My dog Nessie is big and brown. It likes hamburgers. It can catch a ball and run very fast. My parrot Candy likes sweets. It lives in a cage. It can speak. In the morning at 7 am Candy says: "Wake up!" At 10pm it says: "Good night!" I want to have a gold fish. But I haven't got an aquarium. That's my story.


Find out it is True or False:

11) Peter has got an aquarium.


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