контроль читання 5 клас ІІ семестр

Додано: 31 травня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
Тест виконано: 124 рази
8 запитань
Запитання 1

Reading (the 3rd form)


         Hello! My name is Betty. I’m ten. I’m from England. My country is big. I live in London. London is a big city.

I have got a family. My family is small. I’ve got a father, a mother and a brother. My dad’s name is Tom. He is a businessman. My mum’s name is Mary. She is a teacher.

I go to school №15. I learn English on Mondays and Fridays. My hobby is music and I like to play tennis very much.

I have got a rabbit. It is grey and it lives in a big box. My brother likes to play with my rabbit. I like to go for a walk my dog in the park.

I.              Mark true or false

1.   Her country is little. _____________

s. _____________

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 2

Reading (the 3rd form)


         Hello! My name is Betty. I’m ten. I’m from England. My country is big. I live in London. London is a big city.

I have got a family. My family is small. I’ve got a father, a mother and a brother. My dad’s name is Tom. He is a businessman. My mum’s name is Mary. She is a teacher.

I go to school №15. I learn English on Mondays and Fridays. My hobby is music and I like to play tennis very much.

I have got a rabbit. It is grey and it lives in a big box. My brother likes to play with my rabbit. I like to go for a walk my dog in the park.

I.              Mark true or false

2.   She lives in the city. _____________

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 3

Reading (the 3rd form)


         Hello! My name is Betty. I’m ten. I’m from England. My country is big. I live in London. London is a big city.

I have got a family. My family is small. I’ve got a father, a mother and a brother. My dad’s name is Tom. He is a businessman. My mum’s name is Mary. She is a teacher.

I go to school №15. I learn English on Mondays and Fridays. My hobby is music and I like to play tennis very much.

I have got a rabbit. It is grey and it lives in a big box. My brother likes to play with my rabbit. I like to go for a walk my dog in the park.

I.              Mark true or false


3.   Her family is big. _____________

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 4

Reading (the 3rd form)


         Hello! My name is Betty. I’m ten. I’m from England. My country is big. I live in London. London is a big city.

I have got a family. My family is small. I’ve got a father, a mother and a brother. My dad’s name is Tom. He is a businessman. My mum’s name is Mary. She is a teacher.

I go to school №15. I learn English on Mondays and Fridays. My hobby is music and I like to play tennis very much.

I have got a rabbit. It is grey and it lives in a big box. My brother likes to play with my rabbit. I like to go for a walk my dog in the park.

I.              Mark true or false

4.   Her mother’s name is Susan. _____________

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 5

Reading (the 3rd form)


         Hello! My name is Betty. I’m ten. I’m from England. My country is big. I live in London. London is a big city.

I have got a family. My family is small. I’ve got a father, a mother and a brother. My dad’s name is Tom. He is a businessman. My mum’s name is Mary. She is a teacher.

I go to school №15. I learn English on Mondays and Fridays. My hobby is music and I like to play tennis very much.

I have got a rabbit. It is grey and it lives in a big box. My brother likes to play with my rabbit. I like to go for a walk my dog in the park.

I.              Mark true or false


5.   She goes to school №15. _____________

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 6

Reading (the 3rd form)


         Hello! My name is Betty. I’m ten. I’m from England. My country is big. I live in London. London is a big city.

I have got a family. My family is small. I’ve got a father, a mother and a brother. My dad’s name is Tom. He is a businessman. My mum’s name is Mary. She is a teacher.

I go to school №15. I learn English on Mondays and Fridays. My hobby is music and I like to play tennis very much.

I have got a rabbit. It is grey and it lives in a big box. My brother likes to play with my rabbit. I like to go for a walk my dog in the park.

I.              Mark true or false

6.   She learns English on Mondays and Wednesdays. _____________

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 7

1.   She lives in …

варіанти відповідей

a)   village

b)   town

c)   city

Запитання 8

1.   Her father is a …

варіанти відповідей

a)   businessman

b)   teacher

c)   sell

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