Контроль навичок читання за 2 семестр для учнів, що навчаються за індивідуальним навчальним планом.
Тільки 4 запитання по 2 бали кожне з опорою на текст та зображення
Прочитайте та оберіть правильну відповідь:
London is a big city. It's in England. There is a river in London. It's called the Thames.
There are a lot of bridges over the Thames. The Tower Bridge is very old and very famous.
There is a big park in London. It's called Hyde Park. You can do a lot of things there. You can walk, run, ride a bike or a horse.
London is ....
Прочитайте та оберіть правильний варіант:
London is a big city. It's in England. There is a river in London. It's called the Thames.
There are a lot of bridges over the Thames. The Tower Bridge is very old and very famous.
There is a big park in London. It's called Hyde Park. You can do a lot of things there. You can walk, run, ride a bike or a horse.
There is a river in London. It's called ....
Прочита та обери правильну відповідь:
London is a big city. It's in England. There is a river in London. It's called the Thames.
There are a lot of bridges over the Thames. The Tower Bridge is very old and very famous.
There is a big park in London. It's called Hyde Park. You can do a lot of things there. You can walk, run, ride a bike or a horse.
The Tower .... is very old and famous.
Прочита та обери правильний варіант:
London is a big city. It's in England. There is a river in London. It's called the Thames.
There are a lot of bridges over the Thames. The Tower Bridge is very old and very famous.
There is a big park in London. It's called Hyde Park. You can do a lot of things there. You can walk, run, ride a bike or a horse.
Hyde Park is a big .... in London.
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