Контроль навичок читання

Додано: 14 грудня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 4 клас
Тест виконано: 752 рази
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Hi! I'm Haruka and I'm 10. I'm from Tokyo. It's the largest city in the world. My school is too far from my house, so I travel to school by the underground every day. I think, it's the fastest and the most popular means of transport in my country. Millions of people use the underground to get to work and school. The underground trains are clean and cheap, but they are very crowded.

I leave home at half past seven every day. I walk to the underground station with my younger brother. We take two trains to get to school. We travel for one hour. It's a log time, but some of my friends travel longer. I like reading a book on my way to school and my brother likes playing on his mobile telephone. After school at about 4 pm my brother and I take the underground again.

Haruka is from the largest city in the world.

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Запитання 2

Hi! I'm Haruka and I'm 10. I'm from Tokyo. It's the largest city in the world. My school is too far from my house, so I travel to school by the underground every day. I think, it's the fastest and the most popular means of transport in my country. Millions of people use the underground to get to work and school. The underground trains are clean and cheap, but they are very crowded.

I leave home at half past seven every day. I walk to the underground station with my younger brother. We take two trains to get to school. We travel for one hour. It's a log time, but some of my friends travel longer. I like reading a book on my way to school and my brother likes playing on his mobile telephone. After school at about 4 pm my brother and I take the underground again.

Haruka's house is too far from school.

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Запитання 3

Hi! I'm Haruka and I'm 10. I'm from Tokyo. It's the largest city in the world. My school is too far from my house, so I travel to school by the underground every day. I think, it's the fastest and the most popular means of transport in my country. Millions of people use the underground to get to work and school. The underground trains are clean and cheap, but they are very crowded.

I leave home at half past seven every day. I walk to the underground station with my younger brother. We take two trains to get to school. We travel for one hour. It's a log time, but some of my friends travel longer. I like reading a book on my way to school and my brother likes playing on his mobile telephone. After school at about 4 pm my brother and I take the underground again.

Haruka travels to work by the underground every day.

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Запитання 4

Hi! I'm Haruka and I'm 10. I'm from Tokyo. It's the largest city in the world. My school is too far from my house, so I travel to school by the underground every day. I think, it's the fastest and the most popular means of transport in my country. Millions of people use the underground to get to work and school. The underground trains are clean and cheap, but they are very crowded.

I leave home at half past seven every day. I walk to the underground station with my younger brother. We take two trains to get to school. We travel for one hour. It's a log time, but some of my friends travel longer. I like reading a book on my way to school and my brother likes playing on his mobile telephone. After school at about 4 pm my brother and I take the underground again.

Haruka thinks that the underground is the most popular means of transport in the world.

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Запитання 5

Hi! I'm Haruka and I'm 10. I'm from Tokyo. It's the largest city in the world. My school is too far from my house, so I travel to school by the underground every day. I think, it's the fastest and the most popular means of transport in my country. Millions of people use the underground to get to work and school. The underground trains are clean and cheap, but they are very crowded.

I leave home at half past seven every day. I walk to the underground station with my younger brother. We take two trains to get to school. We travel for one hour. It's a log time, but some of my friends travel longer. I like reading a book on my way to school and my brother likes playing on his mobile telephone. After school at about 4 pm my brother and I take the underground again.

Millions of people in Japan use the underground.

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Запитання 6

Hi! I'm Haruka and I'm 10. I'm from Tokyo. It's the largest city in the world. My school is too far from my house, so I travel to school by the underground every day. I think, it's the fastest and the most popular means of transport in my country. Millions of people use the underground to get to work and school. The underground trains are clean and cheap, but they are very crowded.

I leave home at half past seven every day. I walk to the underground station with my younger brother. We take two trains to get to school. We travel for one hour. It's a log time, but some of my friends travel longer. I like reading a book on my way to school and my brother likes playing on his mobile telephone. After school at about 4 pm my brother and I take the underground again.

The underground trains aren't cheap, but very clean.

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Запитання 7

Hi! I'm Haruka and I'm 10. I'm from Tokyo. It's the largest city in the world. My school is too far from my house, so I travel to school by the underground every day. I think, it's the fastest and the most popular means of transport in my country. Millions of people use the underground to get to work and school. The underground trains are clean and cheap, but they are very crowded.

I leave home at half past seven every day. I walk to the underground station with my younger brother. We take two trains to get to school. We travel for one hour. It's a log time, but some of my friends travel longer. I like reading a book on my way to school and my brother likes playing on his mobile telephone. After school at about 4 pm my brother and I take the underground again.

Haruka's school starts at half past seven every day.

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Запитання 8

Hi! I'm Haruka and I'm 10. I'm from Tokyo. It's the largest city in the world. My school is too far from my house, so I travel to school by the underground every day. I think, it's the fastest and the most popular means of transport in my country. Millions of people use the underground to get to work and school. The underground trains are clean and cheap, but they are very crowded.

I leave home at half past seven every day. I walk to the underground station with my younger brother. We take two trains to get to school. We travel for one hour. It's a log time, but some of my friends travel longer. I like reading a book on my way to school and my brother likes playing on his mobile telephone. After school at about 4 pm my brother and I take the underground again.

Haruka and her younger brother walk to the station together.

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Запитання 9

Hi! I'm Haruka and I'm 10. I'm from Tokyo. It's the largest city in the world. My school is too far from my house, so I travel to school by the underground every day. I think, it's the fastest and the most popular means of transport in my country. Millions of people use the underground to get to work and school. The underground trains are clean and cheap, but they are very crowded.

I leave home at half past seven every day. I walk to the underground station with my younger brother. We take two trains to get to school. We travel for one hour. It's a log time, but some of my friends travel longer. I like reading a book on my way to school and my brother likes playing on his mobile telephone. After school at about 4 pm my brother and I take the underground again.

Haruka and her brother take two trains to get to school.

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Запитання 10

Hi! I'm Haruka and I'm 10. I'm from Tokyo. It's the largest city in the world. My school is too far from my house, so I travel to school by the underground every day. I think, it's the fastest and the most popular means of transport in my country. Millions of people use the underground to get to work and school. The underground trains are clean and cheap, but they are very crowded.

I leave home at half past seven every day. I walk to the underground station with my younger brother. We take two trains to get to school. We travel for one hour. It's a log time, but some of my friends travel longer. I like reading a book on my way to school and my brother likes playing on his mobile telephone. After school at about 4 pm my brother and I take the underground again.

Some of Haruka's friends travel to school as long as Haruka.

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Запитання 11

Hi! I'm Haruka and I'm 10. I'm from Tokyo. It's the largest city in the world. My school is too far from my house, so I travel to school by the underground every day. I think, it's the fastest and the most popular means of transport in my country. Millions of people use the underground to get to work and school. The underground trains are clean and cheap, but they are very crowded.

I leave home at half past seven every day. I walk to the underground station with my younger brother. We take two trains to get to school. We travel for one hour. It's a log time, but some of my friends travel longer. I like reading a book on my way to school and my brother likes playing on his mobile telephone. After school at about 4 pm my brother and I take the underground again.

Haruka's brother likes reading a book on his way to school.

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Запитання 12

Hi! I'm Haruka and I'm 10. I'm from Tokyo. It's the largest city in the world. My school is too far from my house, so I travel to school by the underground every day. I think, it's the fastest and the most popular means of transport in my country. Millions of people use the underground to get to work and school. The underground trains are clean and cheap, but they are very crowded.

I leave home at half past seven every day. I walk to the underground station with my younger brother. We take two trains to get to school. We travel for one hour. It's a log time, but some of my friends travel longer. I like reading a book on my way to school and my brother likes playing on his mobile telephone. After school at about 4 pm my brother and I take the underground again.

Haruka and her brother travel home by the underground.

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