Контроль письма 11 клас

Додано: 3 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 413 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Complete the sentences with future perfect: They______by one pm unless their plane is late.

варіанти відповідей

will have arrived

will arrived

had arrived

have will arrived

Запитання 2

Complete the sentences with future perfect continuous: If they don't come in the next five minutes, we______for over an hour.

варіанти відповідей

have been wanting

has been waiting

shall have been wanting

shall been waiting

Запитання 3

Choose the best word to complete the sentence : His acting____ began when he was just 6 years old and is still going well.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 4

Choose the correct answer : Once upon a time there were some frogs who arranged a running________.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 5

Choose the correct answer : There has recently been a popular trend of finding overseas friends on the Internet as a way of______language skills and leaning more about the way of life in other countries.

варіанти відповідей


to practise



Запитання 6

Rephrase the sentence, adding the appropriate suffix to the noun in italics : Alec did it without care. Alec was______.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 7

Rephrase the sentence, adding the appropriate suffix to the noun in italics : The magazine comes out every week. The magazine comes out_____.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 8

Make sentence with 3rd Conditional: If it_______sunny, we______.

варіанти відповідей

been, should have gone sailing

had been, should have gone sailing

have been, should have went sailing

had been, should had go sailing

Запитання 9

Make sentence using the 3rd Conditional: I/recognise/you/if/it/not be/dark.

варіанти відповідей

I have recognise you if it hadn't been dark.

I'd have recognised you if it haven't be dark

I'd have recognised you if it hadn't been dark

I have recognise you if it hadn't be dark.

Запитання 10

Rewrite the sentence in reported speech: "Take these bags, please!" she asked me.

варіанти відповідей

She ask me to take those bags

She asked me to take those bags

She spoke, that she takes those bags

She told me that she was take those bags

Запитання 11

Complete the sentence with Passive Voice: The layer of gases in the atmosphere has got thicker due to industry and the gases that____by cars.

варіанти відповідей

have been emitted

has emitted

have emiting

have emitted

Запитання 12

Complete the sentence with Passive Voice: This means more heat____back to Earth, causing floods and draughts.

варіанти відповідей

have been reflected

have reflected

have was reflect

is reflected

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