Sometimes I _________ for dinner.
Sometimes men _______the things and women ______ the dishes.
We usually boil sausages in a _______
Оберіть зайвий варіант
to do:
Оберіть зайвий варіант
to wash:
Оберіть зайвий варіант
to tidy up:
Оберіть зайвий варіант
to make:
Doing work about the house is called _______
We can’t find _______________ to help us with English grammar.
We must find ________________ to help us. We need help!
We have been ___________ near London.
Do you know _______ about England?
He didn't say _________ .
He iss so helpful. He helps _________ in the village.
There is ________ you can do.
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