Контрольна робота (11)

Додано: 14 жовтня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 69 разів
23 запитання
Запитання 1

 What is the main purpose of Moneyspot?

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to advise young people on saving money

to persuade people to save more money

to provide information about economic conditions

Запитання 2

 What does Alison say about teenagers in the past?

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They got less money than teenagers today.

They got their money from different sources than teenagers today.

They got more money from working than teenagers today.

Запитання 3

 Alison says that many parents today

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don’t like giving their teenage children money.

put money into a bank account for their teenagers.

are too busy to remember to give their children money.

Запитання 4

Most teenagers’ money today is spent on

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things that weren’t available to buy in the past.

things that teenagers in the past weren’t interested in.

the same things teenagers in the past spent their money on.

Запитання 5

What difference does Alison say the internet has made?

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Teenagers can buy things they couldn’t find in the shops in the past.

Teenagers are less likely to want to learn how to drive than in the past.

Teenagers can find things much cheaper than they are in the shops.

Запитання 6

Alison suggests that parents generally

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don’t understand how good teenagers are with money.

don’t give their teenage children enough money.

don’t encourage their teenage children to save properly.

Запитання 7

Alison suggests teenagers work part-time even though

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it’s unlikely to help them in their future careers.

nobody really wants to employ young people.

the law limits the amount of work they can do.

Запитання 8

Task 2. Reading. Read the text and complete it

With so much competition for fewer and fewer jobs, life can be tough for young people. It is quite worrying that there are growing numbers who fall into the NEET category. NEET stands for Not in Employment, Education or Training and there are around a million of them in the UK.

For those young people who are unemployed and have no qualifications, the future can seem very bleak. (1)_____ One of these is by taking a VET course. These are vocational education and training courses and their purpose is to give people the skills they need for work. The courses are offered at a variety of places, such as colleges and community centres, and there are various levels depending on the type of work the students want to train for.

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Many don't have any opportunities at all.

But there are ways that young people can develop their prospects.

It takes quite a few years to finish but the good thing is that you are working, and earning, while training.

Запитання 9

A basic level of training on a VET course would result in a certificate I or II. This would help a young person who wanted to work in a job in the retail industry, for instance. (2)_____Some courses for highly-skilled jobs also offer advanced diplomas and even degrees. The only difference between a VET degree and an ordinary degree from a university is that VET degrees focus on occupational skills more than academic theory.

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Then there are higher level certificates for jobs that require more training.

The minimum is usually a GCSE pass in maths and English to show basic skills in numeracy and literacy.

Many don't have any opportunities at all.

Запитання 10

Another way to get training while working is to do an apprenticeship. (3)____Now they are becoming popular again. On an apprenticeship, you start to learn the job while working. 

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But things are improving and there are more opportunities than ever before.

But there are ways that young people can develop their prospects.

For hundreds of years this was the best way to learn to do a skilled job

Запитання 11

They are a good way to learn a trade such as carpentry, or to become an electrician, for example. (4)____And you will be fully qualified in your chosen trade at the end of the apprenticeship.

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But there are ways that young people can develop their prospects.

But things are improving and there are more opportunities than ever before.

It takes quite a few years to finish but the good thing is that you are working, and earning, while training.

Запитання 12

Most apprenticeships last about four years. And to get on one you do need some basic qualifications from school. (5)___  Some apprenticeships, such as ones for jobs in engineering, require more qualifications and at the end of it you take an HND (Higher National Diploma). It is not always easy to be accepted on an apprenticeship. Even if you have the qualifications from school, there is a lot of competition for these places.

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Then there are higher level certificates for jobs that require more training.

The minimum is usually a GCSE pass in maths and English to show basic skills in numeracy and literacy.

Many don't have any opportunities at all.

Запитання 13

It is easy for young people to feel discouraged when looking for a way to obtain the training and experience they need to secure a good place in the workforce. (6)___ For one thing, more and more employers are offering work placements to young people. Once a young person has some experience it is much easier to get employment. And with the numbers of VET courses and apprenticeships rising, it is becoming easier for young people to get the training they need for the job they want to do.

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Then there are higher level certificates for jobs that require more training.

It takes quite a few years to finish but the good thing is that you are working, and earning, while training.

But things are improving and there are more opportunities than ever before.

Запитання 14


'It can be so difficult to support a family and bring up children,' says Michael Wilson, father of two teenage girls. 'It's something that nobody can ever prepare you for because every family (1)_______of different people and personalities.

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Запитання 15

Firstly, you have to make sure that everyone has what they (2)______. 

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Запитання 16

Children require so many things these days, from school uniforms and books, pens and pencils to games, toys, computers and, of course, clothes. Secondly, there is always the concern that they might be (3)______danger.

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Запитання 17

I (4)___________so many terrible things on the news every day

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Запитання 18

That's why I always wonder whether my own children are safe or (5)_______

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Запитання 19

Sometimes I get very concerned, even if they are only a little late (6)______ home.

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Запитання 20

That's what they don't (7)___________when I tell them off.

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Запитання 21

Of course, there are wonderful aspects to (8)_____a family. 

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Запитання 22

It is a great pleasure to (9)___________them grow and develop their own personalities, not to mention the love and warmth that exists in a family. 

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Запитання 23

My wife and children are the most precious things in my life and, (10)_____the difficulties, I can honestly say that I wouldn't change a thing!'

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in spite



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