Контрольна робота 8 (екстернат)


Додано: 30 березня
Предмет: Англійська мова, 8 клас
49 запитань
Запитання 1


Listening. Choose «true» if the statement is true and « false» if the statement is false.

   A man took my things.

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Запитання 2

Listening. Choose «true» if the statement is true and « false» if the statement is false.

  The teacher took me into a short room.

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Запитання 3

Listening. Choose «true» if the statement is true and « false» if the statement is false.

   Girls sat on chairs. It was very cold in the room.

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Запитання 4

Listening. Choose «true» if the statement is true and «false» if the statement is false.

   We didn’t go into the windy garden.

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Запитання 5

Listening. Choose «true» if the statement is true and «false» if the statement is false.

   The water in the washroom wasn’t warm.

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Запитання 6

Listening. Choose «true» if the statement is true and « false» if the statement is false.

   For dinner we had some bad meat and potatoes.

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Запитання 7

Choose a correct variant.

   The room was with many…

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Запитання 8

Choose a correct variant.

The girls were dressed in…

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skirts and blouses

Запитання 9

Choose a correct variant.

We had a piece of bread …

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for supper

for dinner

for lunch

Запитання 10

Choose a correct variant.

We read…

варіанти відповідей

the Bible

the text

the book

Запитання 11

Choose a correct variant.

In May school wasn’t…

варіанти відповідей

a sad place

a hospital

a happy place

Запитання 12

Choose a correct variant.

Many pupils didn’t…

варіанти відповідей

feel fine

go home

go from the school to die

Запитання 13

Read the text and do the tasks after it.


The word library comes from the Latin word liber, meaning "a book". This is a place where information in print (books, manuscripts, periodicals and musical scores) and in other forms is collected and arranged to serve people of all ages and interests.

Libraries appeared in ancient times in Egypt, Assyria, Greece and Rome. Perhaps the most famous library of that early day was at Alexandria. It was found by Ptolomy I. Ptolomy ordered the librarians to collect all Greek texts as well as manuscripts in other languages from every part of the known world. By the middle of the 1st century BC there were about 700,000 papyrus rolls in the library. The first libraries in Europe were established in medieval monasteries. 

The library today is a centre for all kinds of communications: printed, pictured, recorded, and even electronically stored. People go to the library to read, look, listen, search, inquire, relax, discuss, learn, and think.

Libraries can be found in many places. There are libraries in small towns and large cities, and there are libraries in schools, universities, colleges.

The largest and best known libraries in the world are: the British National Library in London, the Library of Congress in Washington and the Russian State Library. The national libraries of different countries keep in touch and exchange books and information.

Most libraries have a professionally educated staff whose first duty is to help you. Librarians also select and purchase books and other materials, organize materials so that you can easily use them, answer questions about facts, people, events, or advise you how to find the information you need.

Read the sentence. Write True or False

The word library comes from the Latin word liber, meaning "a pocket book"

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Запитання 14

Read the text and do the tasks after it.


The word library comes from the Latin word liber, meaning "a book". This is a place where information in print (books, manuscripts, periodicals and musical scores) and in other forms is collected and arranged to serve people of all ages and interests.

Libraries appeared in ancient times in Egypt, Assyria, Greece and Rome. Perhaps the most famous library of that early day was at Alexandria. It was found by Ptolomy I. Ptolomy ordered the librarians to collect all Greek texts as well as manuscripts in other languages from every part of the known world. By the middle of the 1st century BC there were about 700,000 papyrus rolls in the library. The first libraries in Europe were established in medieval monasteries. 

The library today is a centre for all kinds of communications: printed, pictured, recorded, and even electronically stored. People go to the library to read, look, listen, search, inquire, relax, discuss, learn, and think.

Libraries can be found in many places. There are libraries in small towns and large cities, and there are libraries in schools, universities, colleges.

The largest and best known libraries in the world are: the British National Library in London, the Library of Congress in Washington and the Russian State Library. The national libraries of different countries keep in touch and exchange books and information.

Most libraries have a professionally educated staff whose first duty is to help you. Librarians also select and purchase books and other materials, organize materials so that you can easily use them, answer questions about facts, people, events, or advise you how to find the information you need.

Read the sentence. Write True or False

Libraries appeared in ancient times in Egypt, Assyria, Greece and Rome.

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Запитання 15

Read the text and do the tasks after it.


The word library comes from the Latin word liber, meaning "a book". This is a place where information in print (books, manuscripts, periodicals and musical scores) and in other forms is collected and arranged to serve people of all ages and interests.

Libraries appeared in ancient times in Egypt, Assyria, Greece and Rome. Perhaps the most famous library of that early day was at Alexandria. It was found by Ptolomy I. Ptolomy ordered the librarians to collect all Greek texts as well as manuscripts in other languages from every part of the known world. By the middle of the 1st century BC there were about 700,000 papyrus rolls in the library. The first libraries in Europe were established in medieval monasteries. 

The library today is a centre for all kinds of communications: printed, pictured, recorded, and even electronically stored. People go to the library to read, look, listen, search, inquire, relax, discuss, learn, and think.

Libraries can be found in many places. There are libraries in small towns and large cities, and there are libraries in schools, universities, colleges.

The largest and best known libraries in the world are: the British National Library in London, the Library of Congress in Washington and the Russian State Library. The national libraries of different countries keep in touch and exchange books and information.

Most libraries have a professionally educated staff whose first duty is to help you. Librarians also select and purchase books and other materials, organize materials so that you can easily use them, answer questions about facts, people, events, or advise you how to find the information you need.

 Read the sentence. Write True or False

By the middle of the 1st century BC there were about seven thousand papyrus rolls in library

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Запитання 16

Read the text and do the tasks after it.


The word library comes from the Latin word liber, meaning "a book". This is a place where information in print (books, manuscripts, periodicals and musical scores) and in other forms is collected and arranged to serve people of all ages and interests.

Libraries appeared in ancient times in Egypt, Assyria, Greece and Rome. Perhaps the most famous library of that early day was at Alexandria. It was found by Ptolomy I. Ptolomy ordered the librarians to collect all Greek texts as well as manuscripts in other languages from every part of the known world. By the middle of the 1st century BC there were about 700,000 papyrus rolls in the library. The first libraries in Europe were established in medieval monasteries. 

The library today is a centre for all kinds of communications: printed, pictured, recorded, and even electronically stored. People go to the library to read, look, listen, search, inquire, relax, discuss, learn, and think.

Libraries can be found in many places. There are libraries in small towns and large cities, and there are libraries in schools, universities, colleges.

The largest and best known libraries in the world are: the British National Library in London, the Library of Congress in Washington and the Russian State Library. The national libraries of different countries keep in touch and exchange books and information.

Most libraries have a professionally educated staff whose first duty is to help you. Librarians also select and purchase books and other materials, organize materials so that you can easily use them, answer questions about facts, people, events, or advise you how to find the information you need.

Read the sentence. Write True or False

The first libraries in Europe were established in medieval monasteries. 

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Запитання 17

Read the text and do the tasks after it.


The word library comes from the Latin word liber, meaning "a book". This is a place where information in print (books, manuscripts, periodicals and musical scores) and in other forms is collected and arranged to serve people of all ages and interests.

Libraries appeared in ancient times in Egypt, Assyria, Greece and Rome. Perhaps the most famous library of that early day was at Alexandria. It was found by Ptolomy I. Ptolomy ordered the librarians to collect all Greek texts as well as manuscripts in other languages from every part of the known world. By the middle of the 1st century BC there were about 700,000 papyrus rolls in the library. The first libraries in Europe were established in medieval monasteries. 

The library today is a centre for all kinds of communications: printed, pictured, recorded, and even electronically stored. People go to the library to read, look, listen, search, inquire, relax, discuss, learn, and think.

Libraries can be found in many places. There are libraries in small towns and large cities, and there are libraries in schools, universities, colleges.

The largest and best known libraries in the world are: the British National Library in London, the Library of Congress in Washington and the Russian State Library. The national libraries of different countries keep in touch and exchange books and information.

Most libraries have a professionally educated staff whose first duty is to help you. Librarians also select and purchase books and other materials, organize materials so that you can easily use them, answer questions about facts, people, events, or advise you how to find the information you need.

Read the sentence. Write True or False

Most libraries have a professionally educated staff whose first duty is to help you. 

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Запитання 18

Match the word with its definition

to collect  

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pick something up

bring or gather together (a number of things)

try to find something by looking or otherwise seeking carefully and thoroughly.

Запитання 19

Match the word with its definition

to appear    

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attempt to find


come into sight; become visible or noticeable, especially without apparent cause.

Запитання 20

Match the word with its definition

to exchange  

варіанти відповідей

try to find something by looking or otherwise seeking carefully and thoroughly

give something and receive something of the same kind in return

the action of buying and selling goods and services

Запитання 21

Match the word with its definition

to search for  

варіанти відповідей

bring or gather together (a number of things)

come into sight; become visible or noticeable, especially without apparent cause.

try to find something by looking or otherwise seeking carefully and thoroughly.

Запитання 22

Finish the following sentences

The word library comes from the Latin word...

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Запитання 23

Finish the following sentences:

Libraries appeared in ancient times in ...

варіанти відповідей

Egypt, Assyria, Greece and Rome

Egypt, Assyria and Rome

Egypt, Greece and Rome

Запитання 24

Finish the following sentences:

The first libraries in Europe were established 

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in medieval universities

in medieval schools

in medieval monasteries. 

Запитання 25

Finish the following sentences:

The library today is a centre for all kinds of communications:

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printed, pictured and even recorded.

printed, pictured, recorded, and even electronically stored. 

printed, recorded and even electronically stored. 

Запитання 26

Finish the following sentences:

People go to the library...

варіанти відповідей

to read, listen, search, relax, discuss, learn and think

to read, listen, search, inquire, discuss, learn and think

to read, look, listen, search, inquire, relax, discuss, learn and think.

Запитання 27

Music is heard everywhere

Translate - диригент, віолончель, гурт, співати

варіанти відповідей

conductor, cello, band, sing

conductor, violin, band, sing

conductor, cello, band, song

Запитання 28

Music is heard everywhere

A person who plays the drums is called ...

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Запитання 29

Music is heard everywhere

Lead singer is ...

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the most important singer


one song a CD

Запитання 30

Music is heard everywhere

An instrument you hold in your hands and has black and white keys like a piano is a/an __________

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Запитання 31

Music is heard everywhere

All the albums (to record) in 1960s.

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was recorded

were recorded

are recorded

Запитання 32

Music is heard everywhere

What music instruments do we use playing jazz music?

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piano, harmonica, bass guitar, cello

trumpet, cello, violin, piano

drums, guitar, piano, saxophone, trumpet, guitar

trumpet, cello, violin, saxophone

Запитання 33

Music is heard everywhere

An orchestra usually plays _________ music.

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Запитання 34

Music is heard everywhere

Complete the sentense.

The cinema (to invent) in France.

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was invented

is invented

were invented

Запитання 35

Grammar Find the correct answer

Be quiet! I _______ a book.

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am reading



is reading

Запитання 36

Grammar Find the correct answer

You _________ the dishes. (never do)

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never do

never does

are never doing

are never do

Запитання 37

Grammar Find the correct answer

 What film _______on Sundays? (watch)

варіанти відповідей

do you watch

are you watching?

are you going to watch

Запитання 38

Grammar Find the correct answer

 What film _______? (watch)

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do you watch

are you watching

are you watch?

Запитання 39

Grammar Find the correct answer

Mum, Sam ______ (pick) his nose again!

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is peaking


Запитання 40

Grammar Find the correct answer

He ______ to school every day. (walk)

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is walking

Запитання 41

 Grammar Find the correct answer

She______ sweets. (love)

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is loving

am loving

Запитання 42

Grammar Find the correct answer

 I ______ there whenever I can. (go)

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am going



Запитання 43

Grammar Find the correct answer

I always ________ there by plane. (go)

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am going


Запитання 44

Grammar Find the correct answer

Right now, we _______ to a lovely CD. (listen)

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are listening



Запитання 45

Grammar Find the correct answer

My brother _______ his driving exam now. (take)

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is taking


Запитання 46

Grammar Find the correct answer

July … to work at the moment? (drive)

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is driving

Запитання 47

Grammar Find the correct answer

Look! I think she … sick. (feel)

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is feeling

Запитання 48

Grammar Find the correct answer

My dad … always … his guitar for hours? (play)

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Is ... play

Do... plays

Does... play

Is.... playing

Запитання 49

Grammar Find the correct answer

John … on a project in his room? (work)

варіанти відповідей

Is... working

Is... work


Does... work

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