Test ( ПЗ-119, ПР-119)

Любі студенти, пропоную Вам пройти тест з англійської мови. Будьте уважні! Будь ласка , пишіть своє справжнє прізвище та імя, час для проходження тесту - 45 хв. Успіху Вам!

Додано: 21 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
Тест виконано: 111 разів
20 запитань
Запитання 1

My grandmother bakes … cakes than my sister.

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the best

Запитання 2

The Queen of Great Britain lives in...

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Big Ben

Buckingham Palace

St. Basil Cathedral

The Tower of London

Запитання 3


  I think chess is ______ game that I know.


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as interesting

more interesting

the most interesting

Запитання 4

Ms Smith _____________ a nice present for her son two days ago.

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was buying

were buying


Запитання 5

The national flag of Ukraine consists of two horizontal stripes.

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Запитання 6

The national flag of Ukraine consists of…

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two horizontal stripes

three horizontal stripes

four horizontal stripes

Запитання 7

8. If we don't have cash, we ____ use a credit card in any shopping centre.

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Запитання 8

12. ____ did you buy for your friend's family? - Some souvenirs.

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Запитання 9

I (to play) football last week.

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was played

has played


Запитання 10

We (not to listen) to this song yet.

варіанти відповідей

didn't listen

haven't listen

haven't listened

don't listen

Запитання 11

Ben (to study) English for three years.

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has study

has studied

Запитання 12

Two yers ago I (to visit) my aunt in a small old town.

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didn't visited

Запитання 13

Прочитай речення та вибери правильну відповідь.

Nick sometimes ________ long hours.

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is working

are working

Запитання 14

If you feel too ill to go to the doctor, ...

варіанти відповідей

you'll stay in bed and send for a doctor.

you'll stay in bed and call to Emergency department.

you'll stay in bed and call to the Accident department.

you'll go to the hospital.

Запитання 15

Does your head hurt? Yes, I have a/an

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tummy ache


Запитання 16

Ben (to study) English for three years.

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has study

has studied

Запитання 17

I’m writing about my winter holidays. On January 11th I travelled to Italy with my aunt Polly. We travelled by ship for a week. Of course it’s a long way from America to Europe, but it was really exciting because the ship was very big, and there were shops, cafés, swimming pools, a cinema and a gym on board. First the ship visited Spain and the south of France.On January 18th we arrived in Italy. Then we travelled by train. It’s a wonderful country! We stayed there in a hotel in the mountains. We went skiing every day. I had never skied before, but our trainer was very good. So on the third day I could ski down the hills. It was fantastic! We went back to the USA by plane. Our plane to Chicago was on January 28th. It was my first flight. Usually we travel around the country by train or by car. I’ll never forget my journey to Europe! What did you do on holidays? Write soon.

True or false:

Alex was in Italy in winter.

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Запитання 18

I’m writing about my winter holidays. On January 11th I travelled to Italy with my aunt Polly. We travelled by ship for a week. Of course it’s a long way from America to Europe, but it was really exciting because the ship was very big, and there were shops, cafés, swimming pools, a cinema and a gym on board. First the ship visited Spain and the south of France.On January 18th we arrived in Italy. Then we travelled by train. It’s a wonderful country! We stayed there in a hotel in the mountains. We went skiing every day. I had never skied before, but our trainer was very good. So on the third day I could ski down the hills. It was fantastic! We went back to the USA by plane. Our plane to Chicago was on January 28th. It was my first flight. Usually we travel around the country by train or by car. I’ll never forget my journey to Europe! What did you do on holidays? Write soon.

Choose the correct answer

When did they arrive in Italy?

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On January 18th

On July 18th

On January 11th

Запитання 19

I’m writing about my winter holidays. On January 11th I travelled to Italy with my aunt Polly. We travelled by ship for a week. Of course it’s a long way from America to Europe, but it was really exciting because the ship was very big, and there were shops, cafés, swimming pools, a cinema and a gym on board. First the ship visited Spain and the south of France.On January 18th we arrived in Italy. Then we travelled by train. It’s a wonderful country! We stayed there in a hotel in the mountains. We went skiing every day. I had never skied before, but our trainer was very good. So on the third day I could ski down the hills. It was fantastic! We went back to the USA by plane. Our plane to Chicago was on January 28th. It was my first flight. Usually we travel around the country by train or by car. I’ll never forget my journey to Europe! What did you do on holidays? Write soon.

Choose the correct answer

What is this text about?

варіанти відповідей

about the boy and his friend Polly who travelled to Europe

about the boy who travelled to the USA

about the boy and his aunt Polly who travelled to Europe

about the boy who travelled to Chicago

Запитання 20

I am fond ........collecting coins

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