Контрольна робота:Reading

Read the text and statements 1-6 below. Then tick true (T) or false (F).

Додано: 5 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 8 клас
Тест виконано: 75 разів
6 запитань
Запитання 1


Maria Ornella is from France. She is a perfumer. She has a chemistry background. It is useful if you want to be a perfumer. She mixes different scents to get new ones. It makes her happy creating something beautiful for other people.


Martin Heights is from London. He is a librarian in a primary school. He organizes the books and put them in their shelves every day. For him there is nothing which smells better than an old book. A digital tablet doesn’t have the same effect. The smell is the charm of reading a book.


Ron Joseph is from Spain. He is a house painter. He has to stand the unpleasant smell of paint every day. Sometimes he has allergic reaction to some types of paint. He has a headache or watery eyes. The smell goes away when the paint dries, but it takes at least a few days. Ron likes his job because he thinks that he makes people’s houses a better place to live in.

Gas Station Attendant

Chris Higgin is from the USA. He is a gas station attendant. He fills gas tanks of the

cars. People think it is a dangerous job. Actually, it is not that dangerous because

pumping gas into tanks is a lot safer thanks to advanced technology. The only problem he has is that the gas smells horrible. Chris likes his job because he meets lots of people.

1 Martin thinks a digital book is better than a real one.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 2


Maria Ornella is from France. She is a perfumer. She has a chemistry background. It is useful if you want to be a perfumer. She mixes different scents to get new ones. It makes her happy creating something beautiful for other people.


Martin Heights is from London. He is a librarian in a primary school. He organizes the books and put them in their shelves every day. For him there is nothing which smells better than an old book. A digital tablet doesn’t have the same effect. The smell is the charm of reading a book.


Ron Joseph is from Spain. He is a house painter. He has to stand the unpleasant smell of paint every day. Sometimes he has allergic reaction to some types of paint. He has a headache or watery eyes. The smell goes away when the paint dries, but it takes at least a few days. Ron likes his job because he thinks that he makes people’s houses a better place to live in.

Gas Station Attendant

Chris Higgin is from the USA. He is a gas station attendant. He fills gas tanks of the

cars. People think it is a dangerous job. Actually, it is not that dangerous because

pumping gas into tanks is a lot safer thanks to advanced technology. The only problem he has is that the gas smells horrible. Chris likes his job because he meets lots of people.

2. The smell goes away a few hours after you paint the house.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 3


Maria Ornella is from France. She is a perfumer. She has a chemistry background. It is useful if you want to be a perfumer. She mixes different scents to get new ones. It makes her happy creating something beautiful for other people.


Martin Heights is from London. He is a librarian in a primary school. He organizes the books and put them in their shelves every day. For him there is nothing which smells better than an old book. A digital tablet doesn’t have the same effect. The smell is the charm of reading a book.


Ron Joseph is from Spain. He is a house painter. He has to stand the unpleasant smell of paint every day. Sometimes he has allergic reaction to some types of paint. He has a headache or watery eyes. The smell goes away when the paint dries, but it takes at least few days. Ron likes his job because he thinks that he makes people’s houses a better place to live in.

Gas Station Attendant

Chris Higgin is from the USA. He is a gas station attendant. He fills gas tanks of the

cars. People think it is a dangerous job. Actually, it is not that dangerous because

pumping gas into tanks is a lot safer thanks to advanced technology. The only problem he has is that the gas smells horrible. Chris likes his job because he meets lots of people.

3 You need to study chemistry to be a perfumer.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 4


Maria Ornella is from France. She is a perfumer. She has a chemistry background. It is useful if you want to be a perfumer. She mixes different scents to get new ones. It makes her happy creating something beautiful for other people.


Martin Heights is from London. He is a librarian in a primary school. He organizes the books and put them in their shelves every day. For him there is nothing which smells better than an old book. A digital tablet doesn’t have the same effect. The smell is the charm of reading a book.


Ron Joseph is from Spain. He is a house painter. He has to stand the unpleasant smell of paint every day. Sometimes he has allergic reaction to some types of paint. He has a headache or watery eyes. The smell goes away when the paint dries, but it takes at least few days. Ron likes his job because he thinks that he makes people’s houses a better place to live in.

Gas Station Attendant

Chris Higgin is from the USA. He is a gas station attendant. He fills gas tanks of the

cars. People think it is a dangerous job. Actually, it is not that dangerous because

pumping gas into tanks is a lot safer thanks to advanced technology. The only problem he has is that the gas smells horrible. Chris likes his job because he meets lots of people.

4 Maria loves her job because she mixes different scents to get new ones

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 5


Maria Ornella is from France. She is a perfumer. She has a chemistry background. It is useful if you want to be a perfumer. She mixes different scents to get new ones. It makes her happy creating something beautiful for other people.


Martin Heights is from London. He is a librarian in a primary school. He organizes the books and put them in their shelves every day. For him there is nothing which smells better than an old book. A digital tablet doesn’t have the same effect. The smell is the charm of reading a book.


Ron Joseph is from Spain. He is a house painter. He has to stand the unpleasant smell of paint every day. Sometimes he has allergic reaction to some types of paint. He has a headache or watery eyes. The smell goes away when the paint dries, but it takes at least few days. Ron likes his job because he thinks that he makes people’s houses a better place to live in.

Gas Station Attendant

Chris Higgin is from the USA. He is a gas station attendant. He fills gas tanks of the

cars. People think it is a dangerous job. Actually, it is not that dangerous because

pumping gas into tanks is a lot safer thanks to advanced technology. The only problem he has is that the gas smells horrible. Chris likes his job because he meets lots of people.

5 Chris Higgin thinks his job is dangerous.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 6


Maria Ornella is from France. She is a perfumer. She has a chemistry background. It is useful if you want to be a perfumer. She mixes different scents to get new ones. It makes her happy creating something beautiful for other people.


Martin Heights is from London. He is a librarian in a primary school. He organizes the books and put them in their shelves every day. For him there is nothing which smells better than an old book. A digital tablet doesn’t have the same effect. The smell is the charm of reading a book.


Ron Joseph is from Spain. He is a house painter. He has to stand the unpleasant smell of paint every day. Sometimes he has allergic reaction to some types of paint. He has a headache or watery eyes. The smell goes away when the paint dries, but it takes at least few days. Ron likes his job because he thinks that he makes people’s houses a better place to live in.

Gas Station Attendant

Chris Higgin is from the USA. He is a gas station attendant. He fills gas tanks of the

cars. People think it is a dangerous job. Actually, it is not that dangerous because

pumping gas into tanks is a lot safer thanks to advanced technology. The only problem he has is that the gas smells horrible. Chris likes his job because he meets lots of people.

6.Pumping gas is less dangerous.

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