Контрольна робота Сімейна форма навчання 8 клас ІІ семестр

Додано: 8 травня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 8 клас
Тест виконано: 213 разів
18 запитань
Запитання 1

Read and tick the statements T (True) or F (False).

People inhabited the territory in south-eastern Europe, that is now Ukraine,

since prehistoric times. The territory of Ukraine in ancient times was inhabited by the tribes of the Slavs. They grew the crops, hunted, fished, kept bees, and were engaged in various crafts.

The offi cial language is Ukrainian. According to UNESCO it occupies the twenty-second place among the world languages and the second place after Russian among the Slavonic languages. And what kind of people are we? In a recent poll, the Ukrainian people were asked to describe themselves: 80 % described us as tolerant people; 73 % thought Ukrainians were hospitable to foreigners; finally71 % agreed that Ukrainians were reserved people. But all the people admit that the main characteristic features of Ukrainians are kindness and hospitality. They welcome visitors open-heartedly, warmly and generously.

Ukrainians are hard-working and skilful. They are brave, and determined ready for celf-sacrifice.

People in Ukraine are well-known for their dancing and singing abilities. It is impossible to imagine Ukraine and Ukrainians without music. All people’s sorrows and joys, wittiness and humour, courage and passionate love to their native land are in our songs.

The Ukrainian nation is very talented. Our country gave numerous talented singers, musicians and composers to the world.

1.Ukrainians inhabited the territory

in southeastern Europe, that is now

Ukraine, since the 10th century.

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Запитання 2

Read and tick the statements T (True) or F (False).

People inhabited the territory in south-eastern Europe, that is now Ukraine,

since prehistoric times. The territory of Ukraine in ancient times was inhabited by the tribes of the Slavs. They grew the crops, hunted, fished, kept bees, and were engaged in various crafts.

The offi cial language is Ukrainian. According to UNESCO it occupies the twenty-second place among the world languages and the second place after Russian among the Slavonic languages. And what kind of people are we? In a recent poll, the Ukrainian people were asked to describe themselves: 80 % described us as tolerant people; 73 % thought Ukrainians were hospitable to foreigners; finally71 % agreed that Ukrainians were reserved people. But all the people admit that the main characteristic features of Ukrainians are kindness and hospitality. They welcome visitors open-heartedly, warmly and generously.

Ukrainians are hard-working and skilful. They are brave, and determined ready for celf-sacrifice.

People in Ukraine are well-known for their dancing and singing abilities. It is impossible to imagine Ukraine and Ukrainians without music. All people’s sorrows and joys, wittiness and humour, courage and passionate love to their native land are in our songs.

The Ukrainian nation is very talented. Our country gave numerous talented singers, musicians and composers to the world.

Now we live in an independent country.

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Запитання 3

Read and tick the statements T (True) or F (False).

People inhabited the territory in south-eastern Europe, that is now Ukraine,

since prehistoric times. The territory of Ukraine in ancient times was inhabited by the tribes of the Slavs. They grew the crops, hunted, fished, kept bees, and were engaged in various crafts.

The offi cial language is Ukrainian. According to UNESCO it occupies the twenty-second place among the world languages and the second place after Russian among the Slavonic languages. And what kind of people are we? In a recent poll, the Ukrainian people were asked to describe themselves: 80 % described us as tolerant people; 73 % thought Ukrainians were hospitable to foreigners; finally71 % agreed that Ukrainians were reserved people. But all the people admit that the main characteristic features of Ukrainians are kindness and hospitality. They welcome visitors open-heartedly, warmly and generously.

Ukrainians are hard-working and skilful. They are brave, and determined ready for celf-sacrifice.

People in Ukraine are well-known for their dancing and singing abilities. It is impossible to imagine Ukraine and Ukrainians without music. All people’s sorrows and joys, wittiness and humour, courage and passionate love to their native land are in our songs.

The Ukrainian nation is very talented. Our country gave numerous talented singers, musicians and composers to the world.

Ukrainians comprise the biggest part

of the whole population of Ukraine.

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Запитання 4

Read and tick the statements T (True) or F (False).

People inhabited the territory in south-eastern Europe, that is now Ukraine,

since prehistoric times. The territory of Ukraine in ancient times was inhabited by the tribes of the Slavs. They grew the crops, hunted, fished, kept bees, and were engaged in various crafts.

The offi cial language is Ukrainian. According to UNESCO it occupies the twenty-second place among the world languages and the second place after Russian among the Slavonic languages. And what kind of people are we? In a recent poll, the Ukrainian people were asked to describe themselves: 80 % described us as tolerant people; 73 % thought Ukrainians were hospitable to foreigners; finally71 % agreed that Ukrainians were reserved people. But all the people admit that the main characteristic features of Ukrainians are kindness and hospitality. They welcome visitors open-heartedly, warmly and generously.

Ukrainians are hard-working and skilful. They are brave, and determined ready for celf-sacrifice.

People in Ukraine are well-known for their dancing and singing abilities. It is impossible to imagine Ukraine and Ukrainians without music. All people’s sorrows and joys, wittiness and humour, courage and passionate love to their native land are in our songs.

The Ukrainian nation is very talented. Our country gave numerous talented singers, musicians and composers to the worl.

The Ukrainian language occupies thetwentieth place among the world languages.

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Запитання 5

Read and tick the statements T (True) or F (False).

People inhabited the territory in south-eastern Europe, that is now Ukraine,

since prehistoric times. The territory of Ukraine in ancient times was inhabited by the tribes of the Slavs. They grew the crops, hunted, fished, kept bees, and were engaged in various crafts.

The offi cial language is Ukrainian. According to UNESCO it occupies the twenty-second place among the world languages and the second place after Russian among the Slavonic languages. And what kind of people are we? In a recent poll, the Ukrainian people were asked to describe themselves: 80 % described us as tolerant people; 73 % thought Ukrainians were hospitable to foreigners; finally71 % agreed that Ukrainians were reserved people. But all the people admit that the main characteristic features of Ukrainians are kindness and hospitality. They welcome visitors open-heartedly, warmly and generously.

Ukrainians are hard-working and skilful. They are brave, and determined ready for celf-sacrifice.

People in Ukraine are well-known for their dancing and singing abilities. It is impossible to imagine Ukraine and Ukrainians without music. All people’s sorrows and joys, wittiness and humour, courage and passionate love to their native land are in our songs.

The Ukrainian nation is very talented. Our country gave numerous talented singers, musicians and composers to the worl.

The main characteristic features of Ukrainians are kindness and hospitality.

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Запитання 6

Read and tick the statements T (True) or F (False).

People inhabited the territory in south-eastern Europe, that is now Ukraine,

since prehistoric times. The territory of Ukraine in ancient times was inhabited by the tribes of the Slavs. They grew the crops, hunted, fished, kept bees, and were engaged in various crafts.

The offi cial language is Ukrainian. According to UNESCO it occupies the twenty-second place among the world languages and the second place after Russian among the Slavonic languages. And what kind of people are we? In a recent poll, the Ukrainian people were asked to describe themselves: 80 % described us as tolerant people; 73 % thought Ukrainians were hospitable to foreigners; finally71 % agreed that Ukrainians were reserved people. But all the people admit that the main characteristic features of Ukrainians are kindness and hospitality. They welcome visitors open-heartedly, warmly and generously.

Ukrainians are hard-working and skilful. They are brave, and determined ready for celf-sacrifice.

People in Ukraine are well-known for their dancing and singing abilities. It is impossible to imagine Ukraine and Ukrainians without music. All people’s sorrows and joys, wittiness and humour, courage and passionate love to their native land are in our songs.

The Ukrainian nation is very talented. Our country gave numerous talented singers, musicians and composers to the world.

Ukrainians have no sense of humour.

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Запитання 7

Read and tick the statements T (True) or F (False).

People inhabited the territory in south-eastern Europe, that is now Ukraine,

since prehistoric times. The territory of Ukraine in ancient times was inhabited by the tribes of the Slavs. They grew the crops, hunted, fished, kept bees, and were engaged in various crafts.

The offi cial language is Ukrainian. According to UNESCO it occupies the twenty-second place among the world languages and the second place after Russian among the Slavonic languages. And what kind of people are we? In a recent poll, the Ukrainian people were asked to describe themselves: 80 % described us as tolerant people; 73 % thought Ukrainians were hospitable to foreigners; finally71 % agreed that Ukrainians were reserved people. But all the people admit that the main characteristic features of Ukrainians are kindness and hospitality. They welcome visitors open-heartedly, warmly and generously.

Ukrainians are hard-working and skilful. They are brave, and determined ready for celf-sacrifice.

People in Ukraine are well-known for their dancing and singing abilities. It is impossible to imagine Ukraine and Ukrainians without music. All people’s sorrows and joys, wittiness and humour, courage and passionate love to their native land are in our songs.

The Ukrainian nation is very talented. Our country gave numerous talented singers, musicians and composers to the world.

A lot of discoveries about Ukraine and its people can be made from the

Ukrainian songs.

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Запитання 8

Complete the sentence.

The Prime Minister … a speech in the television right now.

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is giving


are giving

has given

Запитання 9

Complete the sentence.

We … cleaning the kitchen.

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has just finished  


have just finished


 just have finished


are just finished

Запитання 10

Complete the sentence.

The books ... from the school library two days ago.

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were borrowed 


was borrowed


 are borrowed

  is borrowed

Запитання 11

Complete the sentence.

Tom is happy with the fact his exams... already.

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was passed

  have been passed


were passed


 has been passed

Запитання 12

Complete the sentence.

Nowadays English ... in the United Kingdom, the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

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 has been spoken

  was spoken

  is spoken


 are spoken

Запитання 13

Tick (√) all the correct variants.

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This hat knitted by my mother last year.

This hat was knitted by my mother last year.

The work hasn’t being done yet.

The work hasn’t been done yet.

My watch were mended a week ago.

My watch was mended a week ago.

Запитання 14

Tick (√) all the correct variants.

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The parcel was tied up by a string.

The parcel was tied up with a string.

You will have been met at the airport tomorrow.

You will be met at the airport tomorrow.

My camera haven’t been returned yet.

My camera hasn’t been returned yet.

Запитання 15

Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or Past Continuous Tense.

Sally _______ (to work) in the library at 3 o’clock yesterday.

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were working

was working

Запитання 16

Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or Past Continuous Tense.

Bill___________ (to take) the magazine and ___________(to open) it.

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take/ open


was taking/ was opening

Запитання 17

Complete the sentences with if or unless.

Our team won’t win the competition _______we all train a lot.

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Запитання 18

Complete the sentences with if or unless.

I will tell Nick the results of his test ________I see him today.

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