контрольна робота з читання

Додано: 1 травня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 8 клас
Тест виконано: 446 разів
10 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text and answer the questions.

Dave loves travelling very much. When he goes to another country, he travels by plane because it is the fastest and the most comfortable way. But when he goes to another city he takes a train. Dave doesn't like buses because there are often many passengers there. He never has heavy suitcases and he always has a place where to put souvenirs at the end of his trips. This year Dave will go to Brazil with his family and it will be his first time travelling by boat. He is very excited but he is not sure what to take with him. His parents told him not to worry. After all it's not his first time travelling, so what he needs, first of all, is his passport and a great smile!

1. When does Dave travel by plane?

варіанти відповідей

when he goes to another country

when he goes to another city

when he goes to the village

when he goes to the seaside

Запитання 2

Read the text and answer the questions.

Dave loves travelling very much. When he goes to another country, he travels by plane because it is the fastest and the most comfortable way. But when he goes to another city he takes a train. Dave doesn't like buses because there are often many passengers there. He never has heavy suitcases and he always has a place where to put souvenirs at the end of his trips. This year Dave will go to Brazil with his family and it will be his first time travelling by boat. He is very excited but he is not sure what to take with him. His parents told him not to worry. After all it's not his first time travelling, so what he needs, first of all, is his passport and a great smile!

2. Why does Dave travel by plane?

варіанти відповідей

it's the fastest way

it's the most comfortable way

it's the fastest and the most comfortable way

it's the cheapest way

Запитання 3

Read the text and answer the questions.

Dave loves travelling very much. When he goes to another country, he travels by plane because it is the fastest and the most comfortable way. But when he goes to another city he takes a train. Dave doesn't like buses because there are often many passengers there. He never has heavy suitcases and he always has a place where to put souvenirs at the end of his trips. This year Dave will go to Brazil with his family and it will be his first time travelling by boat. He is very excited but he is not sure what to take with him. His parents told him not to worry. After all it's not his first time travelling, so what he needs, first of all, is his passport and a great smile!

3. How does he travel when he goes to another city?

варіанти відповідей

by train

by plane

by bus

on foot

Запитання 4

Read the text and answer the questions.

Dave loves travelling very much. When he goes to another country, he travels by plane because it is the fastest and the most comfortable way. But when he goes to another city he takes a train. Dave doesn't like buses because there are often many passengers there. He never has heavy suitcases and he always has a place where to put souvenirs at the end of his trips. This year Dave will go to Brazil with his family and it will be his first time travelling by boat. He is very excited but he is not sure what to take with him. His parents told him not to worry. After all it's not his first time travelling, so what he needs, first of all, is his passport and a great smile!

4. Why doesn't Dave like to travel by bus?

варіанти відповідей

It's the slowest way

There aren't any buses in his city

There are often many passengers there

He likes travelling on foot

Запитання 5

Read the text and answer the questions.

Dave loves travelling very much. When he goes to another country, he travels by plane because it is the fastest and the most comfortable way. But when he goes to another city he takes a train. Dave doesn't like buses because there are often many passengers there. He never has heavy suitcases and he always has a place where to put souvenirs at the end of his trips. This year Dave will go to Brazil with his family and it will be his first time travelling by boat. He is very excited but he is not sure what to take with him. His parents told him not to worry. After all it's not his first time travelling, so what he needs, first of all, is his passport and a great smile!

5. Does he always have heavy suitcases?

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 6

Read the text and answer the questions.

Dave loves travelling very much. When he goes to another country, he travels by plane because it is the fastest and the most comfortable way. But when he goes to another city he takes a train. Dave doesn't like buses because there are often many passengers there. He never has heavy suitcases and he always has a place where to put souvenirs at the end of his trips. This year Dave will go to Brazil with his family and it will be his first time travelling by boat. He is very excited but he is not sure what to take with him. His parents told him not to worry. After all it's not his first time travelling, so what he needs, first of all, is his passport and a great smile!

6. Where will Dave go this year?

варіанти відповідей

the USA




Запитання 7

Read the text and answer the questions.

Dave loves travelling very much. When he goes to another country, he travels by plane because it is the fastest and the most comfortable way. But when he goes to another city he takes a train. Dave doesn't like buses because there are often many passengers there. He never has heavy suitcases and he always has a place where to put souvenirs at the end of his trips. This year Dave will go to Brazil with his family and it will be his first time travelling by boat. He is very excited but he is not sure what to take with him. His parents told him not to worry. After all it's not his first time travelling, so what he needs, first of all, is his passport and a great smile!

7. How will he go there?

варіанти відповідей

by plane

by train

by boat

by bus

Запитання 8

Read the text and answer the questions.

Dave loves travelling very much. When he goes to another country, he travels by plane because it is the fastest and the most comfortable way. But when he goes to another city he takes a train. Dave doesn't like buses because there are often many passengers there. He never has heavy suitcases and he always has a place where to put souvenirs at the end of his trips. This year Dave will go to Brazil with his family and it will be his first time travelling by boat. He is very excited but he is not sure what to take with him. His parents told him not to worry. After all it's not his first time travelling, so what he needs, first of all, is his passport and a great smile!

8. What isn't Dave sure about?

варіанти відповідей

how to get there

what to take with him

what to wear on

when to come there

Запитання 9

Read the text and answer the questions.

Dave loves travelling very much. When he goes to another country, he travels by plane because it is the fastest and the most comfortable way. But when he goes to another city he takes a train. Dave doesn't like buses because there are often many passengers there. He never has heavy suitcases and he always has a place where to put souvenirs at the end of his trips. This year Dave will go to Brazil with his family and it will be his first time travelling by boat. He is very excited but he is not sure what to take with him. His parents told him not to worry. After all it's not his first time travelling, so what he needs, first of all, is his passport and a great smile!

9. What did his parents tell him?

варіанти відповідей

to go to bed

to take a big suitcase

not to worry

to sing

Запитання 10

Read the text and answer the questions.

Dave loves travelling very much. When he goes to another country, he travels by plane because it is the fastest and the most comfortable way. But when he goes to another city he takes a train. Dave doesn't like buses because there are often many passengers there. He never has heavy suitcases and he always has a place where to put souvenirs at the end of his trips. This year Dave will go to Brazil with his family and it will be his first time travelling by boat. He is very excited but he is not sure what to take with him. His parents told him not to worry. After all it's not his first time travelling, so what he needs, first of all, is his passport and a great smile!

10. What does he need?

варіанти відповідей

his passport

his tickets

his passport and his tickets

his passport and a great smile

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