Контрольна робота з теми "Велика Британія, Лондон" 7 клас

Додано: 14 березня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
Тест виконано: 270 разів
20 запитань
Запитання 1

The capital of England is.....

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Запитання 2

This attraction is called ..

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London Eye

London Elbow

London Ear

Запитання 3

Choose the correct variant - Westminster ....

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Запитання 4

This museum has ancient mummies from ancient civilizations.

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Science Museum

Victoria and Albert Museum

The British Museum

Запитання 5

What is Big Ben?

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The name of the clock

The name of the bell

The name of the ball

The name of the house

Запитання 6

Choose the correct variant - Buckingham....

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Запитання 7

London stands on the River ... .

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Great Ouse


Запитання 8

How is the main square in London called?

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 Maidan Nezalezhnosti

Picadilly Circus

 Trafalgar Square

 the Globe Theatre

Запитання 9

Where is the main clock tower of Britain?

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Запитання 10

You can see waxworks of historical and royal figures, film stars, sports stars and famous murderers there.

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The British Museum

Picadilly Circus

Madame Tussaud’s Museum

the Globe Theatre

Запитання 11

The Globe Theatre in London now is a copy of old William Shakespeare's Globe.

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Запитання 12

The Tower of London gives its name to Tower Bridge.

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Запитання 13

The cathedral is famous for its Whispering Gallery

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 St. Paul's Cathedral

Westminster Abbey

the Tower of London


 Windsor Castle

Запитання 14

'I haven't written the essay yet.' B: 'Neither _________.

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haven`t I

 do I

have I

 did I

Запитання 15

'I'm very thirsty.' B: _________.

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So am I

 Neither do I

So I am

Neither am I

Запитання 16

 'Sam won't help us.' B: ' ___________Scotty".

варіанти відповідей

Neither does

Neither will

So does

So will

Запитання 17

 'I drink too much coffee.' B: '________."

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Neither do I

 Neither don`t I

 So do I

So am I

Запитання 18

'Mum was very proud of us.' B: 'And_________."

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 Neither was dad

Neither does dad

So does dad

So was dad

Запитання 19

‘I went for a run this morning.’ B: ‘_____ .’

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Neither went I

So went I

Neither did I

So did I

Запитання 20

 'I can't go to the presentation.' B: '_____ .'

варіанти відповідей

Neither can I

 Neither do I

So can I

So did I

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