Контрольна семестрова робота 2 курс

Додано: 10 грудня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 60 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Do you know who_______ the electric guitar?

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 2

Use the prompts and choose right sentence.

My computer / crash / while / I / download / a song.

варіанти відповідей

My computer was crushed while I was downloading a song.

My computer crushed while I was downloading a song.

My computer was crushind while I was downloading a song.

My computer crusheed while I was downloading a song.

Запитання 3

How do you understand the word "career"?

варіанти відповідей

a professional growth, usually in one field

a social improvement

a possibility to earn money

Запитання 4

The Church was very important in Oxford and Cambridge for many years. For example, until the 19th century the university teachers were almost like priests and they couldn’t marry.

варіанти відповідей

The first students,

Staying at the universities

No married teachers

Ancient universities

Women students

Запитання 5

Read the text about Oxford and Cambridge and match paragraphs to headings.

The towns of Oxford and Cambridge have some of the finest buildings in Britain. They are famous for their universities, the oldest in England. All the students live and study in colleges. Cambridge has 31 colleges and Oxford has 39. Oxford’s first college started in 1249. Cambridge’s first college opened in 1281.

варіанти відповідей

The first students

Staying at the universities

No married teachers

 Ancient universities

Women students

Запитання 6

People can visit rooms at Oxford and Cambridge when the students are on holiday. Some rooms are modern but the older rooms are more interesting (and more uncomfor­table!). They often have low ceilings, small windows and a view of the square in the middle of the college. Imagine sleeping in the same room as an ex Prime Minister or eating at the same table as Lawrence of Arabia!

варіанти відповідей

The first students

Staying at the universities

No married teachers

 Ancient universities

Women students

Запитання 7

Children ------ primary school from 6 years in Ukraine. It is ------

варіанти відповідей

grant, compulsory

attend, compulsory

compulsory, enrol

Запитання 8

Read the text and choose if the statements are true or false according to the text - Прочитайте текст та визначте правдиві вони чи ні відповідно до тексту

Christmas in My Family.

Hello! My name is Alexander. I live in Ukraine. My family is large. I live with my parents and grandparents. I've got two elder sisters Olga and Anna. Now they are students of Kyiv University and they visit our place only on holidays and some family occasions. Each Ukrainian family has its own customs and traditions. Ours is not an exception. My parents are very sociable and friendly people, so from time to time our house is full of guests. Our favourite holidays are New Year, Christmas and Women's Day. My mother thinks that at night of New Year's Eve the old year with all its troubles leaves us forever and the New Year with all our hopes and expectations knocks at our doors. On the eve of January the 7' we start celebrating Christmas. It's a real ritual for ray grandparents. My granny always gets ready for this religious holiday beforehand. On Sviat Vechir we gather around the table for a holy supper of twelve symbolic dishes. We are not allowed to start supper until the first star appears in the sky. We begin our supper with the kutia (a dish of honey, poppy seeds and wheat kernels boiled in pure rainwater). There are no meat and meat products on our table. My granny is a wonderful cook, so we enjoy her varenyky, holubtsi and desserts made from dried fruit and honey. After tasty supper we go to bed. Early in the morning we go to church to take part in the church service. When we come back home we give each other presents and wish "Merry Christmas'". All boxes with the presents are located under Christmas tree. It's a nice time when my sisters are at home and we've got a lot of happy moments together.

6. There are a lot of meat dishes on the table on Sviat Vechir.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 9

They .... have a passport to visit most foreign countries.

варіанти відповідей



have to


Запитання 10

Ann ....... not eat so much chocolate because it's bad for her figure.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 11

3. Choose the correct alternatives to complete the text.

There isn’t a lot of serious crime in my town. (1) Vandals/Vandalism is probably the biggest problem and a lot of it is graffiti. I suppose (2) thieves/theft is also a problem – there’s a lot of (3) shoplifters/shoplifting in the supermarket. Sometimes (4) thieves/theft also steal cars. We don’t have many other problems, although someone was arrested for breaking into a house. The (5) burglar/burglary was caught when he was leaving through the window

варіанти відповідей

1 Vandalism 2 theft 3 shoplifting 4 thieves 5 burglar

1 Vandalism 2 thieves 3 shoplifting 4 thieves 5 burglar

1 Vandalism 2 theft 3 shoplifting 4 thieves 5 burglary

Запитання 12

4. Read the article about art fraud. Six sentences are missing from the article. Choose from the sentences A–F the one which fits each gap.

A. Shaun was a good artist and George was a good salesman.

B. Why didn’t they buy expensive things or go on nice holidays?

C. In 2006 the police arrested Shaun and his parents, and Shaun went to prison.

D. How did they do this for so long?

E. He copied one famous Egyptian statue of a Pharaoh’s daughter in less than a month!

F. There wasn’t a big art studio

For over 17 years, Shaun Greenhalgh and his elderly parents, George and Olive, sold copies of real famous paintings and statues to museums and art dealers all over the world. (1) ……………………… Why did no one think that these pieces of art were not real? Where did Shaun learn to copy art so cleverly? No one knows the answers to these questions! The man himself is definitely not talking about it! (2) ……………………… The story of Shaun's arrest shocked the whole art world. They are calling this one of the biggest art crimes in history. Everyone is amazed that no one suspected the family for such a long time. When the police finally found them, the family was living in a small house in Bolton. (3) ……………………… Shaun did his work in a shed in the garden. This was where he made his amazing copies – everything from paintings and drawings to statues and plates. Shaun worked with tools from a local shop and used tea to make the objects look old. The work didn’t take him long either. (4) ……………………… Shaun did the copies and then his father, 84-year-old George, took them to museums and galleries to sell them. George invented stories about Shaun’s art to persuade the museums to buy it. (5) …………………… The British Museum, The Tate Modern and other famous places all bought copies from the family. Some experts believe that Shaun’s art had a value of more than ten million pounds and the family probably made over a million pounds from their crimes. So why were they still living in an old house? (6) ……………………… No one knows. Many people believe that Shaun copied the art work because he couldn’t sell his own paintings and statues, not to make money. He just wanted to be a real artist.

варіанти відповідей

1 D 2 B 3 F 4 E 5 A 6 C

1 D 2 C 3 A 4 E 5 F 6 B

1 D 2 C 3 F 4 E 5 A 6 B

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