Tests (part Ib: listening). 5th form. Time For Outdoors. Lessons 3-4. За підр. О. Карпюк

Додано: 6 травня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
Тест виконано: 7 разів
6 запитань
Запитання 1

Mark the correct answer.

Helen: Hello, Nelly. Did you have good holidays?

Nelly: Hi, Helen. My holidays were wonderful.

H: Where were you, Nelly? Did you go to the village to visit your grandparents?

N: No, I was in the camp.

H: Great! Was the camp in the forest?

N: No, it was at the seaside.

H: Did you live in comfortable houses, Nelly?

N: Well, my friends and I lived in big tents.

H: Did you take many things to the camp?

N: Not many. Just my tooth brush, some clothes, a swimsuit and my mobile phone of course.

H: And what about your CD player? Did you take it?

N: No, I listened to music on my mobile phone.

H: Did you have a computer or a TV set in the camp?

N: No, we didn’t have any computers or a TV set there, but our life wasn’t boring without them. The weather wasn’t rainy and we went swimming and sunbathing every day. We played different sports games like volleyball and basketball after

breakfast. In the evenings we made a camp fire and sang songs or danced near


H: Did you go climbing or sailing?

N: We went sailing sometimes, but we didn’t go climbing.

H: Well, you really had a great time in the camp.

The children sometimes went swimming. 

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Запитання 2

Mark the correct answer.

Helen: Hello, Nelly. Did you have good holidays?

Nelly: Hi, Helen. My holidays were wonderful.

H: Where were you, Nelly? Did you go to the village to visit your grandparents?

N: No, I was in the camp.

H: Great! Was the camp in the forest?

N: No, it was at the seaside.

H: Did you live in comfortable houses, Nelly?

N: Well, my friends and I lived in big tents.

H: Did you take many things to the camp?

N: Not many. Just my tooth brush, some clothes, a swimsuit and my mobile phone of course.

H: And what about your CD player? Did you take it?

N: No, I listened to music on my mobile phone.

H: Did you have a computer or a TV set in the camp?

N: No, we didn’t have any computers or a TV set there, but our life wasn’t boring without them. The weather wasn’t rainy and we went swimming and sunbathing every day. We played different sports games like volleyball and basketball after

breakfast. In the evenings we made a camp fire and sang songs or danced near


H: Did you go climbing or sailing?

N: We went sailing sometimes, but we didn’t go climbing.

H: Well, you really had a great time in the camp.

The children didn’t go sailing.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 3

Mark the correct answer.

Helen: Hello, Nelly. Did you have good holidays?

Nelly: Hi, Helen. My holidays were wonderful.

H: Where were you, Nelly? Did you go to the village to visit your grandparents?

N: No, I was in the camp.

H: Great! Was the camp in the forest?

N: No, it was at the seaside.

H: Did you live in comfortable houses, Nelly?

N: Well, my friends and I lived in big tents.

H: Did you take many things to the camp?

N: Not many. Just my tooth brush, some clothes, a swimsuit and my mobile phone of course.

H: And what about your CD player? Did you take it?

N: No, I listened to music on my mobile phone.

H: Did you have a computer or a TV set in the camp?

N: No, we didn’t have any computers or a TV set there, but our life wasn’t boring without them. The weather wasn’t rainy and we went swimming and sunbathing every day. We played different sports games like volleyball and basketball after

breakfast. In the evenings we made a camp fire and sang songs or danced near


H: Did you go climbing or sailing?

N: We went sailing sometimes, but we didn’t go climbing.

H: Well, you really had a great time in the camp.

Nelly didn’t go to the village in summer. 

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 4

Mark the correct answer.

Helen: Hello, Nelly. Did you have good holidays?

Nelly: Hi, Helen. My holidays were wonderful.

H: Where were you, Nelly? Did you go to the village to visit your grandparents?

N: No, I was in the camp.

H: Great! Was the camp in the forest?

N: No, it was at the seaside.

H: Did you live in comfortable houses, Nelly?

N: Well, my friends and I lived in big tents.

H: Did you take many things to the camp?

N: Not many. Just my tooth brush, some clothes, a swimsuit and my mobile phone of course.

H: And what about your CD player? Did you take it?

N: No, I listened to music on my mobile phone.

H: Did you have a computer or a TV set in the camp?

N: No, we didn’t have any computers or a TV set there, but our life wasn’t boring without them. The weather wasn’t rainy and we went swimming and sunbathing every day. We played different sports games like volleyball and basketball after

breakfast. In the evenings we made a camp fire and sang songs or danced near


H: Did you go climbing or sailing?

N: We went sailing sometimes, but we didn’t go climbing.

H: Well, you really had a great time in the camp.

The camp was near the sea. 

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 5

Mark the correct answer.

Helen: Hello, Nelly. Did you have good holidays?

Nelly: Hi, Helen. My holidays were wonderful.

H: Where were you, Nelly? Did you go to the village to visit your grandparents?

N: No, I was in the camp.

H: Great! Was the camp in the forest?

N: No, it was at the seaside.

H: Did you live in comfortable houses, Nelly?

N: Well, my friends and I lived in big tents.

H: Did you take many things to the camp?

N: Not many. Just my tooth brush, some clothes, a swimsuit and my mobile phone of course.

H: And what about your CD player? Did you take it?

N: No, I listened to music on my mobile phone.

H: Did you have a computer or a TV set in the camp?

N: No, we didn’t have any computers or a TV set there, but our life wasn’t boring without them. The weather wasn’t rainy and we went swimming and sunbathing every day. We played different sports games like volleyball and basketball after

breakfast. In the evenings we made a camp fire and sang songs or danced near


H: Did you go climbing or sailing?

N: We went sailing sometimes, but we didn’t go climbing.

H: Well, you really had a great time in the camp.

Nelly didn’t live in a small house. 

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Запитання 6

Mark the correct answer.

Helen: Hello, Nelly. Did you have good holidays?

Nelly: Hi, Helen. My holidays were wonderful.

H: Where were you, Nelly? Did you go to the village to visit your grandparents?

N: No, I was in the camp.

H: Great! Was the camp in the forest?

N: No, it was at the seaside.

H: Did you live in comfortable houses, Nelly?

N: Well, my friends and I lived in big tents.

H: Did you take many things to the camp?

N: Not many. Just my tooth brush, some clothes, a swimsuit and my mobile phone of course.

H: And what about your CD player? Did you take it?

N: No, I listened to music on my mobile phone.

H: Did you have a computer or a TV set in the camp?

N: No, we didn’t have any computers or a TV set there, but our life wasn’t boring without them. The weather wasn’t rainy and we went swimming and sunbathing every day. We played different sports games like volleyball and basketball after

breakfast. In the evenings we made a camp fire and sang songs or danced near


H: Did you go climbing or sailing?

N: We went sailing sometimes, but we didn’t go climbing.

H: Well, you really had a great time in the camp.

Nelly took her CD player to the camp. 

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