Lilia "Lily Pod"

Додано: 31 січня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
Тест виконано: 27 разів
11 запитань
Запитання 1

As an Olympic champion, Lilia "Lily Pod" Podkopayeva affirmed her status as the premiere women's gymnast with gold medal wins in the European Championships, Worlds, and the Olympics. At the age of seventeen and holding the top titles at every level of competition, Podkopayeva was the first athlete ever to win multiple medals while representing Ukraine. 

варіанти відповідей

She was 17.

She held the low titles at every level of competition.

Lilia was eleven.

She held the top titles at every level of competition.

Запитання 2

As an Olympic champion, Lilia "Lily Pod" Podkopayeva affirmed her status as the premiere women's gymnast with gold medal wins in the European Championships, Worlds, and the Olympics. At the age of seventeen and holding the top titles at every level of competition, Podkopayeva was the first athlete ever to win multiple medals while representing Ukraine. 

варіанти відповідей

Lilia was an Olympik chempion.

Lilia was an Olympic champion.

Podkopayeva was the first athlete ever to win multiple medals.

Podkopayeva was the second athlete ever to win multiple medals.

Запитання 3

As an Olympic champion, Lilia "Lily Pod" Podkopayeva affirmed her status as the premiere women's gymnast with gold medal wins in the European Championships, Worlds, and the Olympics. At the age of seventeen and holding the top titles at every level of competition, Podkopayeva was the first athlete ever to win multiple medals while representing Ukraine. 

варіанти відповідей

Podkopayeva was the first athlete ever to win multiple medals while representing Ukraine. 

She is a gymnast.

She is a runner.

Podkopayeva was the first athlete ever to win multiple medals while representing England. 

Запитання 4

Podkopayeva was born on August 15, 1978, in Donetsk in Ukraine.

The second of two children, she lived with her parents and grandparents.

 At the age of five Podkopayeva was enrolled in gymnastics classes at the Dynamo Gym. There she worked with coach Ulla Pugacheva.

варіанти відповідей

She was born on the fifteenth of August.

She is Ukrainian.

She was born in Agust.

She is Australian.

Запитання 5

Podkopayeva was born on August 15, 1978, in Donetsk in Ukraine.

The second of two children, she lived with her parents and grandparents.

 At the age of five Podkopayeva was enrolled in gymnastics classes at the Dynamo Gym. There she worked with coach Ulla Pugacheva.

варіанти відповідей

There were three children in Lilia's family.

There were two children in Lilia's family.

She lived with her parents and grandparents.

She lived with her grandparents only.

Запитання 6

Podkopayeva was born on August 15, 1978, in Donetsk in Ukraine.

The second of two children, she lived with her parents and grandparents.

 At the age of five Podkopayeva was enrolled in gymnastics classes at the Dynamo Gym. There she worked with coach Ulla Pugacheva.

варіанти відповідей

She worked with coach Ulla Pugacheva.

She worked with coach Alla Pugacheva.

 At the age of five Podkopayeva was enrolled in gymnastics at the Dynamo Club.

 At the age of five Podkopayeva was enrolled in gymnastics classes at the Dynamo Gym.

Запитання 7

Soon Podkopayeva was training with Galyna Losinska.

When she won her first age-group competition at the age of six, Podkopayeva enjoyed the flowers and attention that accompanied the victory.

варіанти відповідей

She won her first age-group competition at the age of 6.

She won her first age-group competition at the age of six.

She lost her first age-group competition at the age of 6.

She lost her first age-group competition at the age of six.

Запитання 8

Soon Podkopayeva was training with Galyna Losinska.

When she won her first age-group competition at the age of six, Podkopayeva enjoyed the flowers and attention that accompanied the victory.

варіанти відповідей

Soon Podkopayeva was training with Galyna Losinska.

Podkopayeva enjoyed the flowers and attention that accompanied the victory.

Soon Podkopayeva was training with Maryna Losinska.

Podkopayeva enjoyed the play that accompanied the victory.

Запитання 9

Podkopayeva was first named to the Ukrainian national team in 1988 at the age of eleven. She then spent five years with Losinska at a gymnastics training camp in preparation for her planned Olympic competition in 1996. 

варіанти відповідей

Podkopayeva was first named to the Ukrainian national team in 1988 at the age of eleven.

Podkopayeva was first named to the Ukrainian total team in 1988 at the age of eleven.

She spent five years with Losinska at a gymnastics training camp

She spent six years with Losinska at a gymnastics training camp

Запитання 10

Podkopayeva was first named to the Ukrainian national team in 1988 at the age of eleven. She then spent five years with Losinska at a gymnastics training camp in preparation for her planned Olympic competition in 1996. 

варіанти відповідей

Podkopayeva was first named to the Ukrainian national team

Podkopayeva was first named to the English national team

Podkopayeva was second named to the Ukrainian national team

Podkopayeva was first named to the Ukrainian national team in1988

Запитання 11

Podkopayeva was first named to the Ukrainian national team in 1988 at the age of eleven. She then spent five years with Losinska at a gymnastics training camp in preparation for her planned Olympic competition in 1996. 

варіанти відповідей

Her first Olympic competition was in 1996. 

Olympic competition in 1996 was great.

At the age of 12 she was first named to the Ukrainian national team.

At the age of 11 she was first named to the Ukrainian national team.

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