Listening 11th grade

Додано: 6 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 67 разів
5 запитань
Запитання 1

You will hear people talking in five different situations. For questions, 1-5, choose the best answer a, b or c.

1. You overhear a conversation. What did the woman not like about the restaurant? (Tracks 43-44)

варіанти відповідей

a. the lack of variety

b. the dessert

c. the soup

Запитання 2

2. You overhear a conversation. Why is the man pleased? (Tracks 45-46)

варіанти відповідей

a. because he’s got a new pastime

b. because he moved to a new flat

c. because he was promoted

Запитання 3

3. You overhear a conversation. What does the man suggest the woman should do? ( Tracks 47-48)

варіанти відповідей

a. take the computer away from the kids

b. buy the same book as him

c. use her imagination

Запитання 4

4. You overhear a conversation. What does the woman suggest the man should do? (Tracks 49-50)

варіанти відповідей

a. work less

b. eat healthily

c. gain some weight

Запитання 5

5. You overhear a conversation at a fashion show. Why is the man upset? ( Tracks 51-52)

варіанти відповідей

a. He can’t find anything to his taste.

b. The prices are too high.

c. He’d rather be somewhere else.

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