Listening 8th form

Додано: 10 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 8 клас
Тест виконано: 131 раз
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Listen to a radio programme talking about a tourist attraction. For each question choose the best answer.

Question 1

The original London Bridge is located in

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Запитання 2

Listen to a radio programme talking about a tourist attraction. For each question choose the best answer.

Question 2

Julie Sykes is a

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tour guide

tourist office employee

Запитання 3

Listen to a radio programme talking about a tourist attraction. For each question choose the best answer.

Question 3

John Rennie's London Bridge was built in

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Запитання 4

Listen to a radio programme talking about a tourist attraction. For each question choose the best answer.

Question 4

Robert McCulloch bought London Bridge because

варіанти відповідей

he wanted to attract tourists to Lake Havasu.

he wanted to use it to connect the city to an island on the lake.

he wanted to add it to his old stone collection.

Запитання 5

Listen to a radio programme talking about a tourist attraction. For each question choose the best answer.

Question 5

According to Julie Sykes, the highlight of London Bridge is

варіанти відповідей

it's the world's largest antique.

it has great shops and restaurants.

it's a mixture of two places.

Запитання 6

Listen to a radio programme talking about a tourist attraction. For each question choose the best answer.

Question 6

Lake Havasu is a lake created by nature.

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Запитання 7

Listen to a radio programme talking about a tourist attraction. For each question choose the best answer.

Question 7

The city of London sold London Bridge in 1924

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Запитання 8

Listen to a radio programme talking about a tourist attraction. For each question choose the best answer.

Question 8

The bridge was transported in pieces.

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Запитання 9

Listen to a radio programme talking about a tourist attraction. For each question choose the best answer.

Question 9

The bridge was put over a river.

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Запитання 10

Listen to a radio programme talking about a tourist attraction. For each question choose the best answer.

Question 10

The bridge is 290 meters long

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Запитання 11

Listen to a radio programme talking about a tourist attraction. For each question choose the best answer.

Question 11

Near the Bridge, there is a modern English village.

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Запитання 12

Listen to a radio programme talking about a tourist attraction. For each question choose the best answer.

Question 12

Julie Sykes believes that Lake Havasu is a great place for the bridge.

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