Before doing the test you have to watch the video twice.
Посилання на відео до тесту
Read the tasks attentively and choose the correct answer.
Choose True or False.
The narrator is looking for a restaurant to go to with their old friend tomorrow night.
"Last Days of the Raj" serves Italian food and pasta.
"Your Local Caff" offers full English breakfasts that can be eaten at any time of the day.
"The Chocolate Box" serves a variety of meat and fish dishes.
"Musical Chairs" has live music every night and serves excellent food.
Word Choice
"Last Days of the Raj" is known for its _____ dishes.
"The Lemon Tree" focuses on serving _____ food.
At "Cheesy Bites," the main ingredient in every dish is _____.
"Fast Best" offers _____ food made with high-quality ingredients.
At "The Chocolate Box," you can only find _____ dishes.
Sentence Stretch: Follow the Context
At "Last Days of the Raj," brave customers can try...
"A Taste of Tuscany" is a good place for...
At "Your Local Caff," you can enjoy...
"Musical Chairs" stands out because it offers...
If you love chocolate, "The Chocolate Box" is...
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