Listening: My Favourite Film + Exercise 11 page 110

Додано: 24 січня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Копія з тесту: Listening: My Favourite Film
Тест виконано: 107 разів
20 запитань
Запитання 1

Speaker 1

варіанти відповідей

A science fiction film 

A modern vampire film

An action film

A romance

A romance based on a book

Запитання 2

Speaker 2

варіанти відповідей

A science fiction film

A modern vampire film

An action film

A romance

A romance based on a book

Запитання 3

Speaker 3

варіанти відповідей

A science fiction film

A modern vampire film

An action film

A romance

A romance based on a book

Запитання 4

Speaker 4

варіанти відповідей

A science fiction film

A modern vampire film

An action film

A romance

A romance based on a book

Запитання 5

Speaker 5

варіанти відповідей

A science fiction film

A modern vampire film

An action film

A romance

A romance based on a book

Запитання 6

Speaker A

варіанти відповідей

thinks the film shows you not to judge people too quickly

 says the film is not too sentimental, thanks to the actor.

 likes a film in which everything we think is real is fiction

 prefers the first version of the film. 

 likes a film with murder, violence and blood-drinking

 likes a film which tells a love story over several years

 likes a film which shows bullying at school.

 likes the scenes filmed in different countrie

Запитання 7

Speaker A

варіанти відповідей

thinks the film shows you not to judge people too quickly

 says the film is not too sentimental, thanks to the actor.

 likes a film in which everything we think is real is fiction

 prefers the first version of the film. 

 likes a film with murder, violence and blood-drinking

 likes a film which tells a love story over several years

 likes a film which shows bullying at school.

 likes the scenes filmed in different countrie

Запитання 8

Speaker B

варіанти відповідей

thinks the film shows you not to judge people too quickly

 says the film is not too sentimental, thanks to the actor.

 likes a film in which everything we think is real is fiction

 prefers the first version of the film. 

 likes a film with murder, violence and blood-drinking

 likes a film which tells a love story over several years

 likes a film which shows bullying at school.

 likes the scenes filmed in different countrie

Запитання 9

Speaker C

варіанти відповідей

thinks the film shows you not to judge people too quickly

 says the film is not too sentimental, thanks to the actor.

 likes a film in which everything we think is real is fiction

 prefers the first version of the film. 

 likes a film with murder, violence and blood-drinking

 likes a film which tells a love story over several years

 likes a film which shows bullying at school.

 likes the scenes filmed in different countrie

Запитання 10

Speaker D

варіанти відповідей

thinks the film shows you not to judge people too quickly

 says the film is not too sentimental, thanks to the actor.

 likes a film in which everything we think is real is fiction

 prefers the first version of the film. 

 likes a film with murder, violence and blood-drinking

 likes a film which tells a love story over several years

 likes a film which shows bullying at school.

 likes the scenes filmed in different countrie

Запитання 11

Speaker D

варіанти відповідей

thinks the film shows you not to judge people too quickly

 says the film is not too sentimental, thanks to the actor.

 likes a film in which everything we think is real is fiction

 prefers the first version of the film. 

 likes a film with murder, violence and blood-drinking

 likes a film which tells a love story over several years

 likes a film which shows bullying at school.

 likes the scenes filmed in different countrie

Запитання 12

Speaker E

варіанти відповідей

thinks the film shows you not to judge people too quickly

 says the film is not too sentimental, thanks to the actor.

 likes a film in which everything we think is real is fiction

 prefers the first version of the film. 

 likes a film with murder, violence and blood-drinking

 likes a film which tells a love story over several years

 likes a film which shows bullying at school.

 likes the scenes filmed in different countrie

Запитання 13

Speaker E

варіанти відповідей

thinks the film shows you not to judge people too quickly

 says the film is not too sentimental, thanks to the actor.

 likes a film in which everything we think is real is fiction

 prefers the first version of the film. 

 likes a film with murder, violence and blood-drinking

 likes a film which tells a love story over several years

 likes a film which shows bullying at school.

 likes the scenes filmed in different countrie

Запитання 14

Ex. 11. p. 110

The first review says that ...

варіанти відповідей

a) lead dancers were great

b)both lead and secondary dancers were good 

c) the music and dancing were wonderful 

Запитання 15

2) The second review says that _____. 

варіанти відповідей

a) it was a good movie adaptation of an old tale

b) not everyone understood the main idea

c) the storyline of the play is plain  

Запитання 16

The third review says that _____. 

варіанти відповідей

a) The girls weren’t afraid of watching the movie 

b)The girls were afraid while watching the movie 

c)There was not such a movie which would terrify the girls

Запитання 17

The fourth review says that _____. 

варіанти відповідей

a) visitors could take a photo with a live reindeer after the show 

b)visitors could take a photo with Santa and the Nutcracker during the play

c) they liked the opportunity to take a photo with Santa and the Nutcracker a lot 

Запитання 18

The fifth review says that _____.

варіанти відповідей

a)first the show was not really good

b)the show was rather slow but fine

c)all in all the show is really worth watching 

Запитання 19

The sixth review says that _____.

варіанти відповідей

a)the show is dull and ridiculous

b)the show is not good enough, but ok

c)main heroes of the show didn’t impress the audience 

Запитання 20

The seventh review says that _____.

варіанти відповідей

a)all dancers didn’t show a good performance

b)the Sugar Plum Fairy and her partner were the only good party

c)all dancers were professional except for the Sugar Plum Fairy

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