Mass Media

Додано: 27 березня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 8 клас
Тест виконано: 31 раз
10 запитань
Запитання 1

Read 2 texts about magazines and mark the sentences (прочитайте тексти про 2 журнали і пронумеровані речення під текстами. Визначте про який журнал кожне речення: Sonyahnyk, або Piznayko

Sonyashnyk is my favourite magazine. It was established in 1991, the year of the Independence of Ukraine. There are smart crosswords and quizzes, articles about nature and the problem page. Young readers are told about the culture and traditions of different countries and their native land, about old and modern authors and their books. You can send your drawings, photos, poems or stories, which are published in the magazine in a way of a literary competition or exhibition. Everyone is encouraged to creativity and, I think it’s amazing!

I am fond of reading and find it very useful. The magazine I like the best is Piznayko. It is published once a month in three languages: Ukrainian, Russian and English, which helps a lot in studying. Its motto is “Learn English by playing” and it works with me. This magazine is for modern schoolchildren who want to know more and surprise everybody. There you can read about famous people, popular gadgets, interesting news, also find comics, table games and logical puzzles. 

1. I can find my poems and stories in this magazine and it's amazing!

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Запитання 2

Sonyashnyk is my favourite magazine. It was established in 1991, the year of the Independence of Ukraine. There are smart crosswords and quizzes, articles about nature and the problem page. Young readers are told about the culture and traditions of different countries and their native land, about old and modern authors and their books. You can send your drawings, photos, poems or stories, which are published in the magazine in a way of a literary competition or exhibition. Everyone is encouraged to creativity and, I think it’s amazing!

I am fond of reading and find it very useful. The magazine I like the best is Piznayko. It is published once a month in three languages: Ukrainian, Russian and English, which helps a lot in studying. Its motto is “Learn English by playing” and it works with me. This magazine is for modern schoolchildren who want to know more and surprise everybody. There you can read about famous people, popular gadgets, interesting news, also find comics, table games and logical puzzles.

2. In this magazine you can find articles about well-known people and gadgets.

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Запитання 3

Sonyashnyk is my favourite magazine. It was established in 1991, the year of the Independence of Ukraine. There are smart crosswords and quizzes, articles about nature and the problem page. Young readers are told about the culture and traditions of different countries and their native land, about old and modern authors and their books. You can send your drawings, photos, poems or stories, which are published in the magazine in a way of a literary competition or exhibition. Everyone is encouraged to creativity and, I think it’s amazing!

I am fond of reading and find it very useful. The magazine I like the best is Piznayko. It is published once a month in three languages: Ukrainian, Russian and English, which helps a lot in studying. Its motto is “Learn English by playing” and it works with me. This magazine is for modern schoolchildren who want to know more and surprise everybody. There you can read about famous people, popular gadgets, interesting news, also find comics, table games and logical puzzles.

3. This magazine is for creative kids.

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Запитання 4

Sonyashnyk is my favourite magazine. It was established in 1991, the year of the Independence of Ukraine. There are smart crosswords and quizzes, articles about nature and the problem page. Young readers are told about the culture and traditions of different countries and their native land, about old and modern authors and their books. You can send your drawings, photos, poems or stories, which are published in the magazine in a way of a literary competition or exhibition. Everyone is encouraged to creativity and, I think it’s amazing!

I am fond of reading and find it very useful. The magazine I like the best is Piznayko. It is published once a month in three languages: Ukrainian, Russian and English, which helps a lot in studying. Its motto is “Learn English by playing” and it works with me. This magazine is for modern schoolchildren who want to know more and surprise everybody. There you can read about famous people, popular gadgets, interesting news, also find comics, table games and logical puzzles.

4. I read this magazine because I am interested in different writers and their books.

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Запитання 5

Sonyashnyk is my favourite magazine. It was established in 1991, the year of the Independence of Ukraine. There are smart crosswords and quizzes, articles about nature and the problem page. Young readers are told about the culture and traditions of different countries and their native land, about old and modern authors and their books. You can send your drawings, photos, poems or stories, which are published in the magazine in a way of a literary competition or exhibition. Everyone is encouraged to creativity and, I think it’s amazing!

I am fond of reading and find it very useful. The magazine I like the best is Piznayko. It is published once a month in three languages: Ukrainian, Russian and English, which helps a lot in studying. Its motto is “Learn English by playing” and it works with me. This magazine is for modern schoolchildren who want to know more and surprise everybody. There you can read about famous people, popular gadgets, interesting news, also find comics, table games and logical puzzles.

5. You can read about the culture and traditions of different countries

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Запитання 6

Sonyashnyk is my favourite magazine. It was established in 1991, the year of the Independence of Ukraine. There are smart crosswords and quizzes, articles about nature and the problem page. Young readers are told about the culture and traditions of different countries and their native land, about old and modern authors and their books. You can send your drawings, photos, poems or stories, which are published in the magazine in a way of a literary competition or exhibition. Everyone is encouraged to creativity and, I think it’s amazing!

I am fond of reading and find it very useful. The magazine I like the best is Piznayko. It is published once a month in three languages: Ukrainian, Russian and English, which helps a lot in studying. Its motto is “Learn English by playing” and it works with me. This magazine is for modern schoolchildren who want to know more and surprise everybody. There you can read about famous people, popular gadgets, interesting news, also find comics, table games and logical puzzles.

6. I read the magazine and I find reading useful.

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Запитання 7

Sonyashnyk is my favourite magazine. It was established in 1991, the year of the Independence of Ukraine. There are smart crosswords and quizzes, articles about nature and the problem page. Young readers are told about the culture and traditions of different countries and their native land, about old and modern authors and their books. You can send your drawings, photos, poems or stories, which are published in the magazine in a way of a literary competition or exhibition. Everyone is encouraged to creativity and, I think it’s amazing!

I am fond of reading and find it very useful. The magazine I like the best is Piznayko. It is published once a month in three languages: Ukrainian, Russian and English, which helps a lot in studying. Its motto is “Learn English by playing” and it works with me. This magazine is for modern schoolchildren who want to know more and surprise everybody. There you can read about famous people, popular gadgets, interesting news, also find comics, table games and logical puzzles.

7. It is my favourite magazine and it is published not only in Ukrainian.

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Запитання 8

Sonyashnyk is my favourite magazine. It was established in 1991, the year of the Independence of Ukraine. There are smart crosswords and quizzes, articles about nature and the problem page. Young readers are told about the culture and traditions of different countries and their native land, about old and modern authors and their books. You can send your drawings, photos, poems or stories, which are published in the magazine in a way of a literary competition or exhibition. Everyone is encouraged to creativity and, I think it’s amazing!

I am fond of reading and find it very useful. The magazine I like the best is Piznayko. It is published once a month in three languages: Ukrainian, Russian and English, which helps a lot in studying. Its motto is “Learn English by playing” and it works with me. This magazine is for modern schoolchildren who want to know more and surprise everybody. There you can read about famous people, popular gadgets, interesting news, also find comics, table games and logical puzzles.

8. This magazine helps study foreign languages.

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Запитання 9

Sonyashnyk is my favourite magazine. It was established in 1991, the year of the Independence of Ukraine. There are smart crosswords and quizzes, articles about nature and the problem page. Young readers are told about the culture and traditions of different countries and their native land, about old and modern authors and their books. You can send your drawings, photos, poems or stories, which are published in the magazine in a way of a literary competition or exhibition. Everyone is encouraged to creativity and, I think it’s amazing!

I am fond of reading and find it very useful. The magazine I like the best is Piznayko. It is published once a month in three languages: Ukrainian, Russian and English, which helps a lot in studying. Its motto is “Learn English by playing” and it works with me. This magazine is for modern schoolchildren who want to know more and surprise everybody. There you can read about famous people, popular gadgets, interesting news, also find comics, table games and logical puzzles.

9. It is my favourite monthly.

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Запитання 10

Sonyashnyk is my favourite magazine. It was established in 1991, the year of the Independence of Ukraine. There are smart crosswords and quizzes, articles about nature and the problem page. Young readers are told about the culture and traditions of different countries and their native land, about old and modern authors and their books. You can send your drawings, photos, poems or stories, which are published in the magazine in a way of a literary competition or exhibition. Everyone is encouraged to creativity and, I think it’s amazing!

I am fond of reading and find it very useful. The magazine I like the best is Piznayko. It is published once a month in three languages: Ukrainian, Russian and English, which helps a lot in studying. Its motto is “Learn English by playing” and it works with me. This magazine is for modern schoolchildren who want to know more and surprise everybody. There you can read about famous people, popular gadgets, interesting news, also find comics, table games and logical puzzles.

10. If you are fond of quizzes and crosswords this magazine is for you.

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