Relashionship. Use of English

Додано: 21 вересня
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
5 запитань
Запитання 1

Nowadays, young people are waiting longer than ever before (1)..... to get married.While there is (2).... perfect age to marry, it is often not until people reach thirty that they are able to make such a big commitment. Delaying marriage until their thirties (3)..... people more time to develop personally and professionally. As a reasult, by the time they marry, they (4) provide financial stability for their patners and children. Also, because they are emotionally more mature, they may also find it (5).... to reach a compromise when it is necessary in their relationship.

Gap 1 is...

варіанти відповідей



to decide


Запитання 2

Nowadays, young people are waiting longer than ever before (1)..... to get married.While there is (2).... perfect age to marry, it is often not until people reach thirty that they are able to make such a big commitment. Delaying marriage until their thirties (3)..... people more time to develop personally and professionally. As a reasult, by the time they marry, they (4) provide financial stability for their patners and children. Also, because they are emotionally more mature, they may also find it (5).... to reach a compromise when it is necessary in their relationship.

Gap 2 is ...

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 3

Nowadays, young people are waiting longer than ever before (1)..... to get married.While there is (2).... perfect age to marry, it is often not until people reach thirty that they are able to make such a big commitment. Delaying marriage until their thirties (3)..... people more time to develop personally and professionally. As a reasult, by the time they marry, they (4) provide financial stability for their patners and children. Also, because they are emotionally more mature, they may also find it (5).... to reach a compromise when it is necessary in their relationship.

Gap 3 is ...

варіанти відповідей


had allowed


is allowing

Запитання 4

Nowadays, young people are waiting longer than ever before (1)..... to get married.While there is (2).... perfect age to marry, it is often not until people reach thirty that they are able to make such a big commitment. Delaying marriage until their thirties (3)..... people more time to develop personally and professionally. As a reasult, by the time they marry, they (4) provide financial stability for their patners and children. Also, because they are emotionally more mature, they may also find it (5).... to reach a compromise when it is necessary in their relationship.

Gap 4 is ...

варіанти відповідей


are able



Запитання 5

Nowadays, young people are waiting longer than ever before (1)..... to get married.While there is (2).... perfect age to marry, it is often not until people reach thirty that they are able to make such a big commitment. Delaying marriage until their thirties (3)..... people more time to develop personally and professionally. As a reasult, by the time they marry, they (4) provide financial stability for their patners and children. Also, because they are emotionally more mature, they may also find it (5).... to reach a compromise when it is necessary in their relationship.

Gap 5 is ...

варіанти відповідей




the easiest

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