A person who plays the violin is …
A person who plays the cello is …
The leader of an orchestra is …
A large group of people who play classical music together is called …
An orchestra usually plays ... music.
Carmen is an opera ____ Bizet.
A performance of music is a/an ____.
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What can you see in the picture?
A type of music with a strong beat, played very loudly on electric guitars:
A person who sings, especially professionaly.
My favourite music ... is rock.
... is traditional music which includes songs written a long time ago and nobody knows their authors. Modern songs of this genre are written in the old style.
What genre of music is this picture?
A person who performs operas on the stage.
What instrument is on this picture?
Many people like to watch ... of their favourite singers online.
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Who's she?
Carmen is an opera ____ Bizet.
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A large group of people who play music together is called ____.
A person who leads the orchestra is ____.
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