
Додано: 21 березня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 8 клас
Тест виконано: 314 разів
19 запитань
Запитання 1

Complete the sentences (доповни речення, 8 речень - 8 слів):

I am fond of folk ... .

варіанти відповідей

well known















Запитання 2

I am crazy about ... music.

варіанти відповідей

well known








Запитання 3

Mark plays the guitar and Sam is a ...

варіанти відповідей

 well known















Запитання 4

Alex is the ... singer.

варіанти відповідей

well known















Запитання 5

There are five people in the ...

варіанти відповідей

well known














Запитання 6

He is a ... composer.

варіанти відповідей

 well known















Запитання 7

What is the name of their first ...?

варіанти відповідей

 well known















Запитання 8

I am good at playing the ...

варіанти відповідей

well known















Запитання 9

Choose the correct word.

Do you like listening to this ...?

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 10 my favorite musical instrument.

варіанти відповідей

A violin

A choir

Запитання 11

Put the verbs in brackets into the past tense, passive voice.

This book _______ bv Charles Dickens.

варіанти відповідей



was written

were write

Запитання 12

These stories______ bv the editor.

варіанти відповідей


was choosed

were choosed

were chosen

Запитання 13

The dinner ______bv Kellv.

варіанти відповідей

was cooked


were cook

were cooken

Запитання 14

Complete the conversation with the sentences from A to F.

Mary: I can't find my MP3 player.

Retro: (1)_________________________________

Mary: No, it isn't. I've looked everywhere.

Petro: (2)_________________________________

Mary: Wait! Here it is! It was on that chair. Silly me.

Retro: (3)_________________________________

Mary: Yes, I have.

Petro: (4)_________________________________

Mary: Good idea. I'd like to watch a film.

Retro: (5)__________________________

Mary: No, wait. I'll come with you.

Petro: (6)__________________________

Mary: A comedy, I think. Or an action film.

Petro: Good. Me too. Let's go.

варіанти відповідей

a You haven't finished your homework, yet, have you?

b Shall I go to the DVD rental shop?

c Is it on your desk?

d What would you like to watch?

e Great. Let's watch a DVD, then.

f You should ask Mum. Maybe she's seen it.

Запитання 15

Mary: I can't find my MP3 player.

Retro: (1)_________________________________

Mary: No, it isn't. I've looked everywhere.

Petro: (2)_________________________________

Mary: Wait! Here it is! It was on that chair. Silly me.

Retro: (3)_________________________________

Mary: Yes, I have.

Petro: (4)_________________________________

Mary: Good idea. I'd like to watch a film.

Retro: (5)__________________________

Mary: No, wait. I'll come with you.

Petro: (6)__________________________

Mary: A comedy, I think. Or an action film.

Petro: Good. Me too. Let's go.

варіанти відповідей

a You haven't finished your homework, yet, have you?

b Shall I go to the DVD rental shop?

c Is it on your desk?

d What would you like to watch?

e Great. Let's watch a DVD, then.

f You should ask Mum. Maybe she's seen it.

Запитання 16

Mary: I can't find my MP3 player.

Retro: (1)_________________________________

Mary: No, it isn't. I've looked everywhere.

Petro: (2)_________________________________

Mary: Wait! Here it is! It was on that chair. Silly me.

Retro: (3)_________________________________

Mary: Yes, I have.

Petro: (4)_________________________________

Mary: Good idea. I'd like to watch a film.

Retro: (5)__________________________

Mary: No, wait. I'll come with you.

Petro: (6)__________________________

Mary: A comedy, I think. Or an action film.

Petro: Good. Me too. Let's go.

варіанти відповідей

a You haven't finished your homework, yet, have you?

b Shall I go to the DVD rental shop?

c Is it on your desk?

d What would you like to watch?

e Great. Let's watch a DVD, then.

f You should ask Mum. Maybe she's seen it.

Запитання 17

Mary: I can't find my MP3 player.

Retro: (1)_________________________________

Mary: No, it isn't. I've looked everywhere.

Petro: (2)_________________________________

Mary: Wait! Here it is! It was on that chair. Silly me.

Retro: (3)_________________________________

Mary: Yes, I have.

Petro: (4)_________________________________

Mary: Good idea. I'd like to watch a film.

Retro: (5)__________________________

Mary: No, wait. I'll come with you.

Petro: (6)__________________________

Mary: A comedy, I think. Or an action film.

Petro: Good. Me too. Let's go.

варіанти відповідей

a You haven't finished your homework, yet, have you?

b Shall I go to the DVD rental shop?

c Is it on your desk?

d What would you like to watch?

e Great. Let's watch a DVD, then.

f You should ask Mum. Maybe she's seen it.

Запитання 18

Mary: I can't find my MP3 player.

Retro: (1)_________________________________

Mary: No, it isn't. I've looked everywhere.

Petro: (2)_________________________________

Mary: Wait! Here it is! It was on that chair. Silly me.

Retro: (3)_________________________________

Mary: Yes, I have.

Petro: (4)_________________________________

Mary: Good idea. I'd like to watch a film.

Retro: (5)__________________________

Mary: No, wait. I'll come with you.

Petro: (6)__________________________

Mary: A comedy, I think. Or an action film.

Petro: Good. Me too. Let's go.

варіанти відповідей

a You haven't finished your homework, yet, have you?

b Shall I go to the DVD rental shop?

c Is it on your desk?

d What would you like to watch?

e Great. Let's watch a DVD, then.

f You should ask Mum. Maybe she's seen it.

Запитання 19

Mary: I can't find my MP3 player.

Retro: (1)_________________________________

Mary: No, it isn't. I've looked everywhere.

Petro: (2)_________________________________

Mary: Wait! Here it is! It was on that chair. Silly me.

Retro: (3)_________________________________

Mary: Yes, I have.

Petro: (4)_________________________________

Mary: Good idea. I'd like to watch a film.

Retro: (5)__________________________

Mary: No, wait. I'll come with you.

Petro: (6)__________________________

Mary: A comedy, I think. Or an action film.

Petro: Good. Me too. Let's go.

варіанти відповідей

a You haven't finished your homework, yet, have you?

b Shall I go to the DVD rental shop?

c Is it on your desk?

d What would you like to watch?

e Great. Let's watch a DVD, then.

f You should ask Mum. Maybe she's seen it.

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