Обери правильну відповідь.
A person who plays the piano is a ... .
Обери правильну відповідь.
A person who plays the cello is a ... .
Обери назви музичних інструментів.
A person who writes music is a ... .
An orchestra usually plays _________ music
Translate into Ukrainian: conductor
What is this?
Translate - диригент, віолончель, гурт.
Look at the picture. What genre of music is this?
Ruslana Lyzhychko is a Ukrainian _____ singer.
Jamala's voice range is ____ octaves.
The Beatles came from ___ .
Choose string musical instrument.
Choose the right answer.
Mozart / by / play / the / written / was .
Choose the right answer.
Concert / performed / the / orchestra / the / was / local / by.
Complete the sentense with the Past Simple Passive.
The cinema (to invent) in France.
Complete the sentense with the Past Simple Passive.
All the albums (to record) in 1960s.
Complete the sentense with the Past Simple Passive.
The Mona Lisa (to paint) by Leonardo da Vinci.
Зміни речення використовуючи Past Simple Passive.
They published the series of books last year.
Зміни речення використовуючи Past Simple Passive.
They discussed the topic two days ago.
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