A person who plays violin is called ...
A person who writes songs is called ...
A person who plays the drums is called ...
Translate - диригент, віолончель, гурт, співати
Complete the sentense.
The cinema (to invent) in France.
All the albums (to record) in 1960s.
Chenge into passive - You can hear music everywhere.
An orchestra usually plays _________ music.
What genre of music is this picture?
An instrument you hold in your hands and has black and white keys like a piano is a/an __________
Copies of Sherlock Holmes stories ________________ every year
The door lock ________________ (change) last week to keep out burglars.
What music instruments do we use playing jazz music?
Choose the correct translation of the sentence: Джона нагородили першим призом на музичному змаганні.
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