Texts for reading:

Додано: 27 лютого 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 8 клас
Тест виконано: 475 разів
14 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text "Ludwig van Beethoven" and complete the sentence

Ludwig van Beethoven began to support his family when he was …

варіанти відповідей

… pianist.

… Italian composer of his time.

… some of his best music.

… still only a boy.

… was an excellent pianist and violinist.

… started going deaf.

… a genius.

… fire from the heart of a man, and bring tears from the eyes of a woman.

Запитання 2

Read the text "Ludwig van Beethoven" and complete the sentence

At first Beethoven was known as a brilliant …

варіанти відповідей

… pianist.

… Italian composer of his time.

… some of his best music.

… still only a boy.

… was an excellent pianist and violinist.

… started going deaf.

… a genius.

… fire from the heart of a man, and bring tears from the eyes of a woman.

Запитання 3

Read the text "Ludwig van Beethoven" and complete the sentence

At the age of about 30 years old he …

варіанти відповідей

… pianist.

… Italian composer of his time.

… some of his best music.

… still only a boy.

… was an excellent pianist and violinist.

… started going deaf.

… a genius.

… fire from the heart of a man, and bring tears from the eyes of a woman.

Запитання 4

Read the text "Ludwig van Beethoven" and complete the sentence

After he had lost his hearing completely he carried on composing and composed …

варіанти відповідей

… pianist.

… Italian composer of his time.

… some of his best music.

… still only a boy.

… was an excellent pianist and violinist.

… started going deaf.

… a genius.

… fire from the heart of a man, and bring tears from the eyes of a woman.

Запитання 5

Read the text "Ludwig van Beethoven" and complete the sentence

He wrote, “Music should strike …

варіанти відповідей

… pianist.

… Italian composer of his time.

… some of his best music.

… still only a boy.

… was an excellent pianist and violinist.

… started going deaf.

… a genius.

… fire from the heart of a man, and bring tears from the eyes of a woman.

Запитання 6

Read the text "Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart" and complete the sentence

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart composed his first piece of music at the age of five and wrote his first opera …

варіанти відповідей

… a genius.

… when he was twelve.

… in Venice, Italy.

… was an excellent pianist and violinist.

… Italian composer of his time.

… including operas, symphonies, concertos, masses, and chamber music.

… pianist.

… wrote a lot of music for the girls to play.

Запитання 7

Read the text "Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart" and complete the sentence

When Wolfgang was 6, he …

варіанти відповідей

… a genius.

… when he was twelve.

… in Venice, Italy.

… was an excellent pianist and violinist.

… Italian composer of his time.

… including operas, symphonies, concertos, masses, and chamber music.

… pianist.

… wrote a lot of music for the girls to play.

Запитання 8

Read the text "Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart" and complete the sentence

He composed in different musical forms …

варіанти відповідей

… a genius.

… when he was twelve.

… in Venice, Italy.

… was an excellent pianist and violinist.

… Italian composer of his time.

… including operas, symphonies, concertos, masses, and chamber music.

… pianist.

… wrote a lot of music for the girls to play.

Запитання 9

Read the text "Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart" and complete the sentence

Today, he is still considered …

варіанти відповідей

… a genius.

… when he was twelve.

… in Venice, Italy.

… was an excellent pianist and violinist.

… Italian composer of his time.

… including operas, symphonies, concertos, masses, and chamber music.

… pianist.

… wrote a lot of music for the girls to play.

Запитання 10

Read the text "Antonio Vivaldi" and complete the sentence

Antonio Vivaldi was born …

варіанти відповідей

… writing music and teaching.

… when he was twelve.

… in Venice, Italy.

… was an excellent pianist and violinist.

… Italian composer of his time.

… including operas, symphonies, concertos, masses, and chamber music.

… concertos, among them his greatest hit “The Four Seasons”.

… wrote a lot of music for the girls to play.

Запитання 11

Read the text "Antonio Vivaldi" and complete the sentence

Vivaldi spent all his time … .

варіанти відповідей

… writing music and teaching.

… when he was twelve.

… in Venice, Italy.

… was an excellent pianist and violinist.

… Italian composer of his time.

… including operas, symphonies, concertos, masses, and chamber music.

… concertos, among them his greatest hit “The Four Seasons”.

… wrote a lot of music for the girls to play.

Запитання 12

Read the text "Antonio Vivaldi" and complete the sentence

He was the best …

варіанти відповідей

… writing music and teaching.

… when he was twelve.

… in Venice, Italy.

… was an excellent pianist and violinist.

… Italian composer of his time.

… including operas, symphonies, concertos, masses, and chamber music.

… concertos, among them his greatest hit “The Four Seasons”.

… wrote a lot of music for the girls to play.

Запитання 13

Read the text "Antonio Vivaldi" and complete the sentence

He wrote …

варіанти відповідей

… writing music and teaching.

… when he was twelve.

… in Venice, Italy.

… was an excellent pianist and violinist.

… Italian composer of his time.

… including operas, symphonies, concertos, masses, and chamber music.

… concertos, among them his greatest hit “The Four Seasons”.

… a lot of music for the girls to play.

Запитання 14

Read the text "Antonio Vivaldi" and complete the sentence

He wrote over 500 …

варіанти відповідей

… writing music and teaching.

… when he was twelve.

… in Venice, Italy.

… was an excellent pianist and violinist.

… Italian composer of his time.

… including operas, symphonies, concertos, masses, and chamber music.

… concertos, among them his greatest hit “The Four Seasons”.

… a lot of music for the girls to play.

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