My favourite movies. Мої улюблені фільми. Reflexive (зворотні займенники). Form 7th

Додано: 11 квітня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
Тест виконано: 220 разів
10 запитань
Запитання 1

Mark the correct variant.

Olha did it by itself

варіанти відповідей

Olha did it by sheself. 

Olha did it by himself. 

Olha did it by sheselves. 

Olha did it by herself. 

Запитання 2

Mark the correct variant.

We thought to myselves, this has been the best day we have ever spent together!

варіанти відповідей

We thought to myselfes, this has been the best day we have ever spent together!

We thought to myself, this has been the best day we have ever spent together!

We thought to weselves, this has been the best day we have ever spent together!

We thought to ourselves, this has been the best day we have ever spent together!

Запитання 3

Mark the correct variant.

If you don't know what is wrong with youself, then ask a doctor.

варіанти відповідей

If you don't know what is wrong with myself, then ask a doctor.

If you don't know what is wrong with yourself, then ask a doctor.

If you don't know what is wrong with herself, then ask a doctor.

If you don't know what is wrong with himself, then ask a doctor.

Запитання 4

Mark the correct variant.

Sometimes I play video games by himself, but I also invite friends over to play.

варіанти відповідей

Sometimes I play video games by heself, but I also invite friends over to play.

Sometimes I play video games by sheself, but I also invite friends over to play.

Sometimes I play video games by myself, but I also invite friends over to play.

Sometimes I play video games by Iself, but I also invite friends over to play.

Запитання 5

Mark the correct variant.

The children made holiday decorations by theirselves

варіанти відповідей

The children made holiday decorations by themselves. 

The children made holiday decorations by themself. 

The children made holiday decorations by yourselves. 

The children made holiday decorations by ourselves. 

Запитання 6

Mark the correct variant.

That man is talking to herself

варіанти відповідей

That man is talking to himself. 

That man is talking to herself. 

That man is talking to itself. 

That man is talking to himselves. 

Запитання 7

Mark the correct variant.

When I saw himself in the mirror, I was horrified — there was red paint on

my nose!

варіанти відповідей

When I saw myself in the mirror, I was horrified — there was red paint on

my nose!

When I saw meself in the mirror, I was horrified — there was red paint on

my nose!

When I saw herself in the mirror, I was horrified — there was red paint on

my nose!

When I saw heself in the mirror, I was horrified — there was red paint on

my nose!

Запитання 8

Mark the correct variant.

She bought itself a new dress for her new job. 

варіанти відповідей

She bought sheself a new dress for her new job. 

She bought herself a new dress for her new job. 

She bought himself a new dress for her new job. 

She bought herselves a new dress for her new job. 

Запитання 9

Read & complete the sentence with the words from the box. There are 5 choices you don't need to use

(The word box: actors' , plot, horror, performance, thriller, gripping, expensive). Guess № 1.

«Gravity» by Alfonso Cuaron is a .................(1) that keeps the tension by many artistic means at once: people in an isolated environment, hopeless situation and of course the perfect .............(2) play — George Clooney (Matt Kowalski) and Sandra Bullock (Ryan Stone).

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 10

Read & complete the sentence with the words from the box. There are 5 choices you don't need to use

(T h e w o r d b o x: characters, title, filmed, comedy, actors, exciting, plot). Guess № 1.

«Now You See Me» was ................. (1) by Louis Leterrier in 2013, and gathered $117.7 million in the US box office. The main ............. (2) arе played by Jesse Eisenberg, Woody Harrelson, Isla Fisher, Mark Buffalo, Melanie Laurent and Dave Franco.

варіанти відповідей





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