National Dance of Ukraine

Тест створений до тексту National Dance of Ukraine для перевірки рівня розуміння прочитаного та відпрацювання навичок читання.

National Dance of Ukraine

While not all nations officially recognize a national dance (including the U.S.), many countries around the world have either formal or informal recognitions of national dances. The Hopak, also known as the Cossack dance, originated in Ukrainian military communities in the 1600s. It first appeared in Zaporozhian Sich in the XVI-XIII centuries – not as a dance, but more as a specific kind of martial art.

When the Cossacks would return from battle, the men would celebrate through this improvised dance. Town musicians would gather their instruments, mainly a variety of string instruments and drums, as well as mountain horns, and play for the men while they danced. With its notable, upbeat tune, the music that normally accompanies this dance is lively and simply a joy to listen to. Originally, the Ukrainian folk dance was improvised, with participants forming a circle and members taking turns entering the center and giving their best moves. The dance is sometimes considered a form of Martial Art since many of the moves performed include high kicks, arm raises, and symbolic gestures. Hopak is derived from the Ukrainian word hopaty, which means to ‘to leap or jump.’

In modern times, this type of dance is normally performed at organized events, recitals, or weddings. Clad in ornate, traditional Ukrainian garb, the dancers are a bright, colorful vision on stage, often twirling ribbons and spinning about. Men’s costumes for these dances represent traditional Kozak dress–tall boots, a loose shirt, a sash tied around the waist, “sharovary”, and often even overcoats, hats, and swords. Women’s costumes include a heavily embroidered blouses, skirt featuring intricate geometric and color patterns, and headpieces made of flowers and ribbons, called a vinok. While the costumes are elaborate, they do offer comfort and easy movement for the dancers.

Since the dance is so physically demanding, one must have a great level of stamina, flexibility, and immense athletic ability to perform the Hopak. Complex acrobatic movements are common in stage arrangements of the dance. Most of the physical stunts are performed by men, either in unison or solo. Moves include high jumps, spins, squats at fast speeds and high energy levels. The technicality to perform such feats is impeccable! As in many Ukrainian dances, the dancers, especially the women, do not stop moving until the end of the dance.

 This dance for me is simply mesmerizing to watch. The moves performed are way above an average person’s athletic capability. While my mother taught me a few step sequences, I hardly am near the level of stellar these men and women are at. 

Додано: 30 квітня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 8 клас
Тест виконано: 248 разів
10 запитань
Запитання 1

1.    What is the National dance of Ukraine?

варіанти відповідей

Horovod is the national dance of Ukraine

Hopak is the national dance of Ukrain         

  Pleskach Dance is the national dance of Ukraine.            

  Kolomyika is the national dance of Ukraine

Запитання 2

2.    The national dance Hopak is still popular in Ukraine.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 3

3.     The Hopak  also known as the …. .

варіанти відповідей

Cossack dance

volunteer dance

Hetman dance

ancient ritual dance

Запитання 4

4. The Cossacks celebrated their returning from battles through the …. .

варіанти відповідей

shots in the air.

Improvising dance Hopak.

plentiful feast and songs.

having a rest on a picnic.

Запитання 5

5. Hopak is derived from the Ukrainian word hopaty, which means to ‘to leap or jump.’ (Оберіть правильний варіант перекладу речення на українську мову)

варіанти відповідей

Гопак походить від українського слова ховати, що означає «ховати чи класти щось в таємне місце »

Гопак походить від українського слова гопати, що означає «підскакувати чи стрибати».

Гопак походить від українського слова гупати, що означає «гупати ногами та руками»

Гопак походить від українського слова копати, що означає «копати, пушити грунт »

Запитання 6

6. The Men’s costumes for these dances represent traditional Kozak dresses, such as….

варіанти відповідей

tall boots, a loose shirt, a sash tied around the waist, billowy riding trousers “sharovary”, and often even overcoats, hats, and swords, glasses and caps.

tall boots, a loose shirt, a sash tied around the waist, billowy riding trousers “sharovary”, and often even overcoats, hats, and swords. 

tall boots, trainers, a loose shirt, a sash tied around the waist, billowy riding trousers “sharovary”, jeans and often even overcoats, hats, and swords. 

Запитання 7

7. Women’s costumes for Hopak include a ….. .

(choose several right answers)

варіанти відповідей

 heavily embroidered blouses,

skirt featuring intricate geometric and color patterns,  

fashionable blouse,


colorful ribbons 

shoes on high hills

Запитання 8

8. Hopak is not easy for dancing.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 9

9. The dance Hopak consists of ….. .

(choose several right answers according to the text)

варіанти відповідей

 Complex acrobatic movements

physical stunts

high jumps



slow speeds of dancing

fast speeds of dancing

Запитання 10

This dance for me is not simply mesmerizing to watch.

варіанти відповідей



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