Natural wonders of Ukraine

Додано: 28 лютого 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 202 рази
11 запитань
Запитання 1

The brainchild of a 19th century Odesa German who acted on his slightly mad idea of importing animals from different continents to this unique natural steppe

варіанти відповідей

Shatskiy National Nature Park

Ascania Nova Reserve 

Carpathian National Park

Запитання 2

Ascania Nova Reserve is closed to visitors for most of summer.

варіанти відповідей

because there are many saiga antelopes, all types of birds and pink flamingos

because of steppe fire danger 

because of frosty weather

Запитання 3

This isle is separated from the mainland by a narow strait

варіанти відповідей

Black Sea

the isle of Dzharylhach 

Ascania Nova

Запитання 4

 Dzharylhach National Nature Park ...

варіанти відповідей

area 2300 hectares, virgin steppe, a lot of herbs of buffalo, wildbeest

area 76 square km, lenght 48 rm, boars, raps whelk and shrimp

area 56 square km, lenght of 42 km, sandy beaches, mineral springs, salty lakes 

Запитання 5

The Shatskiy National Nature Park lies

варіанти відповідей

161 km northeast of Lutsk in the corner between Belarus and Poland

161 km northeast between Russia and Poland

160 km northwest of Lutsk in the corner between Belarus and Poland 

Запитання 6

What is the deepest lake in Ukraine?

варіанти відповідей

Shatsk NNP


Svitiazianka and Lisova Pisnia

Запитання 7

Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve..

варіанти відповідей

Europe's largest wetland, and the 4th part of it is located in Ukraine's far southwest where the Danube dumps water and silt into the Black Sea.

Europe's largest land, and the 4th part of it is located in Ukraine's far southwest

Europe's largest wetland, and the 4th part of it is located in Ukraine's southeast

Запитання 8

Carpathian Biosphere Reserve was declared

варіанти відповідей

a UNESCO "Man and the Biosphere Programme" on April 30, 2002

a Unesco Biosphere reserve in 1990

a Unesco Biosphere reserve in 1992 

Запитання 9

 The protected area is made up of six separate locations, four of which can be found around Rakhiv

варіанти відповідей

Carpathian National Natural Park

Carpathian Biosphere Reserve 

Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve

Запитання 10

Carpathian National Natural Park

варіанти відповідей

the largest national park which was founded in 1981, it covers 503 sq km of wooden mountains and hills

parts of it shelter small numbers of animals and alpine parks are carpeted with species of flora

is the largest national park, was founded in 1980, covers 503 sq of wooden mountains and hills, is the source of mineral water of different types

Запитання 11

 Fauna is represented by typical woodlands species: elk, wild boar, roe deer, rabiits, squirrels

варіанти відповідей

Shatskiy National Nature Park 

Ascania Nova Reserve

Dzharylhach National Nature Park

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