Nature and environment

Додано: 4 лютого 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 69 разів
6 запитань
Запитання 1

Hi Kitty!

Just a quick email to tell you I arrived safely in Edinburg - even though I drove in the worst weather ever for ten hours. You saw the 1) ____ fog when I set off in the morning- it was difficult to see anything. Well, as soon as the fog lifted, it started to rain. The 2)_____drizzle soon changed into a 3)_____ downpour. 

On the top of that, there was a 4)_____ wind, which did its best to push the car off the road. As I got further north, the rain turned to 5)____, which made the road incredibly slippery. Finally, when I crossed the Scottish border, it became a proper 6)____ . Thank you so much for nagging me to put on winter tyres! 

Much love,


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Запитання 2

Hi Kitty!

Just a quick email to tell you I arrived safely in Edinburg - even though I drove in the worst weather ever for ten hours. You saw the 1) ____ for when I set off in the morning- it was difficult to see anything. Well, as soon as the fog lifted, it started to rain. The 2)_____drizzle soon changed into a 3)_____ downpour. 

On the top of that, there was a 4)_____ wind, which did its best to push the car off the road. As I got further north, the rain turned to 5)____, which made the road incredibly slippery. Finally, when I crossed the Scottish border, it became a proper 6)____ . Thank you so much for nagging me to put on winter tyres! 

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Запитання 3

Hi Kitty!

Just a quick email to tell you I arrived safely in Edinburg - even though I drove in the worst weather ever for ten hours. You saw the 1) ____ for when I set off in the morning- it was difficult to see anything. Well, as soon as the fog lifted, it started to rain. The 2)_____drizzle soon changed into a 3)_____ downpour. 

On the top of that, there was a 4)_____ wind, which did its best to push the car off the road. As I got further north, the rain turned to 5)____, which made the road incredibly slippery. Finally, when I crossed the Scottish border, it became a proper 6)____ . Thank you so much for nagging me to put on winter tyres! 

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Запитання 4

Hi Kitty!

Just a quick email to tell you I arrived safely in Edinburg - even though I drove in the worst weather ever for ten hours. You saw the 1) ____ for when I set off in the morning- it was difficult to see anything. Well, as soon as the fog lifted, it started to rain. The 2)_____drizzle soon changed into a 3)_____ downpour. 

On the top of that, there was a 4)_____ wind, which did its best to push the car off the road. As I got further north, the rain turned to 5)____, which made the road incredibly slippery. Finally, when I crossed the Scottish border, it became a proper 6)____ . Thank you so much for nagging me to put on winter tyres! 

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Запитання 5

Hi Kitty!

Just a quick email to tell you I arrived safely in Edinburg - even though I drove in the worst weather ever for ten hours. You saw the 1) ____ for when I set off in the morning- it was difficult to see anything. Well, as soon as the fog lifted, it started to rain. The 2)_____drizzle soon changed into a 3)_____ downpour. 

On the top of that, there was a 4)_____ wind, which did its best to push the car off the road. As I got further north, the rain turned to 5)____, which made the road incredibly slippery. Finally, when I crossed the Scottish border, it became a proper 6)____ . Thank you so much for nagging me to put on winter tyres! 

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 6

Hi Kitty!

Just a quick email to tell you I arrived safely in Edinburg - even though I drove in the worst weather ever for ten hours. You saw the 1) ____ for when I set off in the morning- it was difficult to see anything. Well, as soon as the fog lifted, it started to rain. The 2)_____drizzle soon changed into a 3)_____ downpour. 

On the top of that, there was a 4)_____ wind, which did its best to push the car off the road. As I got further north, the rain turned to 5)____, which made the road incredibly slippery. Finally, when I crossed the Scottish border, it became a proper 6)____ . Thank you so much for nagging me to put on winter tyres! 

варіанти відповідей



icy road


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