Our climate is changing. The world is becoming...
The population of the world is growing so that ...
Nowadays there are a lot of ___________ animals that can become extinct very soon.
Water pollution is
What doesn't belong to the environment?
It doesn't belong to environmental problems.
Pandas are endangered by disappearance of ...
Recycled paper can save ...
If we don't .....(to have) enough water, we ... (to be) thirsty.
This symbol indicates that the item can be
Choose the correct pronoun
The people ______ live above our flat are very noisy.
Choose the correct pronoun
I remember the day ________ there was a festival in our town.
Choose the correct pronoun
It's a new kind of car _____ runs on electricity.
Choose the correct pronoun
That's the boy _______ cat disappeared.
Choose the correct pronoun
That's the village _________ my mother was born.
That's the boy ____dog attacked me.
The school canteen is the place _____you have lunch.
I can't find a T-shirt _____I want to buy.
My dad's the one______does the cooking in our family.
That's the man _______lives next door to us.
I still remember the time _____I met you.
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