Nature and weather. 5.

Додано: 29 січня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
Тест виконано: 13 разів
9 запитань
Запитання 1

Прочитай тексти, вибери рядок, у якому правильно вказано пори року відповідно до текстів.

1) The weather is changeable. It often rains. The sky is grey. It is cloudy. You can see yellow, red, brown leaves everywhere. It is time to gather the harvest. Sometimes it is cold in, but there are many mushrooms, berries and fruits, and vegetables. It is a golden rich season. Pupils start going to school in this season.

2) It is a very nice season. The weather is fine, it is warm. March, April and May are months of this season. There are many green trees in the streets in the parks and in the yards. Sometimes it rains but usually the sun shines brightly. The birds return from the hot countries and build their nests.

3) The weather is cold, usually it snows. It is frosty. The days are short and the nights are long. December, January and February are three months of this season. The rivers and lakes freeze and we can go skating and skiing.

4) It is hot or warm. The days are long and the nights are short. There are many nice flowers in the parks and squares in the summer. The pupils do not go to school, they have summer holidays. June is the first month. July is the second month. It is hot and sun shines brightly. The sky is blue and cloudless. August is the last month. 

варіанти відповідей

Spring, autumn, winter, summer.

Autumn, spring, winter, summer.

Summer, winter, autumn, spring.

Winter, spring, autumn, summer.

Запитання 2

What is the weather?

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 3

What is the weather?

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 4

What is the weather?

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 5

It is cloudy and rainy. You should ....

варіанти відповідей

go swimming.

take an umbrella.

play football.

Запитання 6

it is snowy and frosty. You should ...

варіанти відповідей

wear shorts and dress.

make a snowman.

take an umbrella.

Запитання 7

Вибери правильне твердження щодо прогнозу погоди:

варіанти відповідей

It will be sunny on Tuesday. The temperature will be thirteen deggres above zero.

It will be mainly sunny on Tuesday. The temperature will be thirty degrees above zero.

It will be mainly sunny on Tuesday. The temperature will be thirteen degrees above zero.

Запитання 8

Вибери правильне твердження щодо прогнозу погоди:

варіанти відповідей

It will be sunny on Sunday. The temperature will be fourty degrees above zero.

It will be mainly sunny on Sunday. The temperature will be fourteen degrees above zero.

It will be sunny on Sunday. The temperature will be fourteen degrees above zero.

Запитання 9

Прочитай текст і обери всі правдиві твердження:

Autumn comes in September. Early autumn is the most beautiful time of the year. The weather is still warm and sunny. The leaves change their colour from green to yellow. However, towards the end of October the weather gets colder and colder. There is much rain and fog. Leaves fall from the trees and cover the ground. Birds fly away to warm countries. Low and heavy clouds are in the sky.

варіанти відповідей

Birds don’t fly away to warm countries

There is no rain and fog.

The leaves become yellow.

It is still warm and sunny.

Autumn comes in September.

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