Наука і технічний прогрес. 11 клас

Додано: 26 квітня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 96 разів
13 запитань
Запитання 1

Choose the correct computer expression.

visit different websites

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upload information

browse the Web

surf the net

install software

Запитання 2

Choose the correct computer expression.

visit web pages for a particular purpose

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surf the net


browse the Web

upload information

Запитання 3

Choose the correct computer expression.

copy files to your computer from the Internet

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upload information


install software

download information

Запитання 4

Choose the correct computer expression.

send files to the Internet or other Internet users

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upload information

download information

bounce an e-mail


Запитання 5

Choose the correct computer expression.

return a message

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surf the net

bounce an e-mail

hack into a computer

Запитання 6

Choose the correct computer expression.

change into a form suitable for computer processing

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bounce an e-mail

install software

surf the net

Запитання 7

Choose the correct computer expression.

put a program into use

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upload information


install software


Запитання 8

Choose the correct computer expression.

access illegally

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switch on



hack into a computer

Запитання 9

Read the dialogue and choose the correct answer.


W o m a n. Hey, you look really unhappy. What’s going on? Well, tell me, but just quickly. I hurry.

Y o u n g  M a n. No, wait. You see, my parents really don’t love me.

W o m a n. What do you mean? When I met them last week, they seemed really caring.

Y o u n g M a n. Uh, you don’t understand! You see, I want a new smart phone… I mean, I need one, and my parents won’t buy me a new one!

W o m a n. Excuse me, but don’t you already have an iPhone?

Y o u n g M a n. Ma’am, yeah, but it’s three months old, and it has a small scratch on it.

W o m a n. Where? Let me see. I don’t see a scratch.

Y o u n g M a n. Look, look right here! That! Do you see it?

W o m a n. It’s just a speck of dust.

Y o u n g M a n. Anyway. And my other phone…

W o m a n. Do you have two phones?

Y o u n g M a n. That’s beside the point.

W o m a n. So, so, did your parents give you a reason for not buying you a new phone?

Y o u n g M a n. Not a good one. Only something about being self-reliant and not being so entitled, or something like that. And now they want me to work… on the neighbour’s farm to pay for it. It’s not fair.

W o m a n. Hey, good idea! I think I know the problem. Take a look in the mirror. You’ll see both, the problem and the solution.

Y o u n g M a n. Are you kidding me?



1.     The young man needs a new phone because…

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his phone is an older model

someone stole his last one

his parents took his last one

Запитання 10

Read the dialogue and choose the correct answer.


W o m a n. Hey, you look really unhappy. What’s going on? Well, tell me, but just quickly. I hurry.

Y o u n g  M a n. No, wait. You see, my parents really don’t love me.

W o m a n. What do you mean? When I met them last week, they seemed really caring.

Y o u n g M a n. Uh, you don’t understand! You see, I want a new smart phone… I mean, I need one, and my parents won’t buy me a new one!

W o m a n. Excuse me, but don’t you already have an iPhone?

Y o u n g M a n. Ma’am, yeah, but it’s three months old, and it has a small scratch on it.

W o m a n. Where? Let me see. I don’t see a scratch.

Y o u n g M a n. Look, look right here! That! Do you see it?

W o m a n. It’s just a speck of dust.

Y o u n g M a n. Anyway. And my other phone…

W o m a n. Do you have two phones?

Y o u n g M a n. That’s beside the point.

W o m a n. So, so, did your parents give you a reason for not buying you a new phone?

Y o u n g M a n. Not a good one. Only something about being self-reliant and not being so entitled, or something like that. And now they want me to work… on the neighbour’s farm to pay for it. It’s not fair.

W o m a n. Hey, good idea! I think I know the problem. Take a look in the mirror. You’ll see both, the problem and the solution.

Y o u n g M a n. Are you kidding me?

2. How many phones does the young man already have?

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Запитання 11

Read the dialogue and choose the correct answer.


W o m a n. Hey, you look really unhappy. What’s going on? Well, tell me, but just quickly. I hurry.

Y o u n g  M a n. No, wait. You see, my parents really don’t love me.

W o m a n. What do you mean? When I met them last week, they seemed really caring.

Y o u n g M a n. Uh, you don’t understand! You see, I want a new smart phone… I mean, I need one, and my parents won’t buy me a new one!

W o m a n. Excuse me, but don’t you already have an iPhone?

Y o u n g M a n. Ma’am, yeah, but it’s three months old, and it has a small scratch on it.

W o m a n. Where? Let me see. I don’t see a scratch.

Y o u n g M a n. Look, look right here! That! Do you see it?

W o m a n. It’s just a speck of dust.

Y o u n g M a n. Anyway. And my other phone…

W o m a n. Do you have two phones?

Y o u n g M a n. That’s beside the point.

W o m a n. So, so, did your parents give you a reason for not buying you a new phone?

Y o u n g M a n. Not a good one. Only something about being self-reliant and not being so entitled, or something like that. And now they want me to work… on the neighbour’s farm to pay for it. It’s not fair.

W o m a n. Hey, good idea! I think I know the problem. Take a look in the mirror. You’ll see both, the problem and the solution.

Y o u n g M a n. Are you kidding me?

3. According to the conversation, what are the young man’s parents like?

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Запитання 12

Read the dialogue and choose the correct answer.


W o m a n. Hey, you look really unhappy. What’s going on? Well, tell me, but just quickly. I hurry.

Y o u n g  M a n. No, wait. You see, my parents really don’t love me.

W o m a n. What do you mean? When I met them last week, they seemed really caring.

Y o u n g M a n. Uh, you don’t understand! You see, I want a new smart phone… I mean, I need one, and my parents won’t buy me a new one!

W o m a n. Excuse me, but don’t you already have an iPhone?

Y o u n g M a n. Ma’am, yeah, but it’s three months old, and it has a small scratch on it.

W o m a n. Where? Let me see. I don’t see a scratch.

Y o u n g M a n. Look, look right here! That! Do you see it?

W o m a n. It’s just a speck of dust.

Y o u n g M a n. Anyway. And my other phone…

W o m a n. Do you have two phones?

Y o u n g M a n. That’s beside the point.

W o m a n. So, so, did your parents give you a reason for not buying you a new phone?

Y o u n g M a n. Not a good one. Only something about being self-reliant and not being so entitled, or something like that. And now they want me to work… on the neighbour’s farm to pay for it. It’s not fair.

W o m a n. Hey, good idea! I think I know the problem. Take a look in the mirror. You’ll see both, the problem and the solution.

Y o u n g M a n. Are you kidding me?

4. What do his parents want their son to do to get a phone?

варіанти відповідей

ask his brother if he can use an old phone

find a job and work to earn money

take out money from his bank account

Запитання 13

Read the dialogue and choose the correct answer.


W o m a n. Hey, you look really unhappy. What’s going on? Well, tell me, but just quickly. I hurry.

Y o u n g  M a n. No, wait. You see, my parents really don’t love me.

W o m a n. What do you mean? When I met them last week, they seemed really caring.

Y o u n g M a n. Uh, you don’t understand! You see, I want a new smart phone… I mean, I need one, and my parents won’t buy me a new one!

W o m a n. Excuse me, but don’t you already have an iPhone?

Y o u n g M a n. Ma’am, yeah, but it’s three months old, and it has a small scratch on it.

W o m a n. Where? Let me see. I don’t see a scratch.

Y o u n g M a n. Look, look right here! That! Do you see it?

W o m a n. It’s just a speck of dust.

Y o u n g M a n. Anyway. And my other phone…

W o m a n. Do you have two phones?

Y o u n g M a n. That’s beside the point.

W o m a n. So, so, did your parents give you a reason for not buying you a new phone?

Y o u n g M a n. Not a good one. Only something about being self-reliant and not being so entitled, or something like that. And now they want me to work… on the neighbour’s farm to pay for it. It’s not fair.

W o m a n. Hey, good idea! I think I know the problem. Take a look in the mirror. You’ll see both, the problem and the solution.

Y o u n g M a n. Are you kidding me?

5. What is the BEST word to describe the young man’s personality?

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