Choose the correct translation: For clarification of diagnosis for
female patient it is need to make punction of Douglas’ space (rectal
-uterine excavation). Where is it needed виконати the puncture of
wall of vagina?
Choose the correct translation: Venous nodes are located на
задній поверхні гомілки and anterior surfaces of the thigh.
Choose the correct translation: What superficial leg veins
ушкоджені in this patient?
Choose the correct translation: A 28 year old male patient with cut
wound of frontal skin was admitted to the hospital. A vessel that
supplies blood to the frontal part of head була перев’язана in order
to stop bleeding.
Find the most appropriate translation: A 10-day-old child has
undergone a surgery to repair розщілину губи.
Find the most appropriate translation: Nonclosure of frontal and
maxillary processes of the first під'язикової дуги.
Find the most appropriate translation: After facial trauma the
patient developed a гематома щоки.
Choose the correct translation: What слинна залоза has its
outflow blocked by the hematoma?
Complete the following sentence: A patient ______ painful chewing,
especially when his lower jaw moves forward and to the side.
Choose the correct translation: It indicates functional disorder of
the бічних крилоподібних м’язів.
Choose the correct translation: Після застуди the patient
developed impaired perception of pain and thermal stimuli in the
front 2/3 of the tongue.
Find the most appropriate translation: Tрійчастий нерв was
damaged in this case.
Choose the correct translation: A 42-year-old male patient with
різаною раною on the lower anterior surface of his shoulder came
to the medical station.
Choose the correct translation: Objectively he presents with
impaired передпліччя flexion.
Find the most appropriate translation: A patient complains of
headache, heavy breathing. X-ray examination confirmed the
diagnosis − frontitis. What nasal meatus may contain гнійні
Find the most appropriate translation: A child has high temperature
and sore throat. Objectively: soft palate edema, мигдалини покриті
сірими плівками that can be hardly removed and leave deep
bleeding tissue injuries.
Find the most appropriate translation: A patient complains of
hemorrhage from gums. What vitamin deficiency may призвести
дo this phenomenon?
Choose the correct translation: However the opposite end of the cut
artery continued to кровоточити.
Choose the correct translation: A female patient has undergone a
surgery for стегнову грижу.
Choose the correct translation: A patient of tall stature with з
відвислою нижньою губою великим носом і великими
кінцівками. has made an appointment with the doctor.
Find the most appropriate translation: Anterior lobe of the гіпофіза
is likely to present with excessive secretion in this patient.
Find the most appropriate translation: During a surgery on the right
side of the neck, порушилася екскурсiя правого склепiння
Find the most appropriate translation: This disturbance сталося
because of the damage to the right phrenic nerve.
Find the most appropriate translation: The damage of the right
diaphragmatic dome occurred because of the damage to the right
діафрагмального нерва.
Choose the correct translation: A trauma patient has a рана у
скроневій ділянці, with trickle of bright red blood streaming from
Complete the following sentence: On examination a female patient
________________ with a retropharyngeal abscess.
Choose the correct translation: Заорганний простір should be
accessed by the surgeon lancing this abscess
Choose the correct translation: A hematoma in the genu of the
внутрішньої капсули was diagnosed by nuclear magnetic
resonance in the patient.
Choose the correct translation: A patient was diagnosed with a
damaged міжхребцевий диск in the lumbar spine.
Find the most appropriate translation: A patient complains of
severe rhinitis and total loss of нюхового сприйняття.
Complete the following sentence: Receptors of the olfactory
analyzer ____________ in this patient.
Find the most appropriate translation: A patient with knife wound of
the neck presents with hemorrhage. Initial wound management
revealed damage to the vessel that is located along the lateral edge
of the груднинно-ключично-соскоподібний muscle.
Choose the correct translation: A patient втратив здатність
розпізнавати the objects by the typical for them sounds (clock,
bell, music). What part of brain is the most likely damaged?
Choose the correct translation: A patient has difficulties with jaw
joining when he is chewing. There is partial atrophy of жувальних
м’язів situated below the zygomatic arch. What nerve branches do
these muscles innervate?
Choose the correct translation: A trauma patient has a fracture in
the кам’янистій частині скроневої кістки.
Choose the correct translation: The fracture line passes behind the
внутрішнім слуховим проходом.
Choose the correct translation: A woman у важкому стані
потрапила до лікарні with the diagnosis of the hemorrhagic stroke
in the region of frontal part of the right cerebral hemisphere.
Find the most appropriate translation: A patient страждає від
порушеного кровопостачання of the superior lateral surface of
the cerebral hemispheres.
Find the most appropriate translation: A man не може пiдняти
(його) опущену нижню щелепу. Masseter muscles of the head do
not function properly in this case.
Choose the correct translation: A patient with cancer of the back of
tongue had an intensive bleeding as a result of поширення
пухлини to the dorsal artery of tongue.
Give the translation: «нестача».
Choose the correct answer: Carious demineralization of hard dental
tissues is caused primarily by:
Choose the antonym: “occur”:
Choose the synonym: “reveal”:
Choose the synonym: “inner walls”:
Complete the sentence. Brain is protected by the _____ and is
enclosed in the cranium
Choose the correct variant. The head and the trunk are_____by the neck.
Insert the missing preposition. The brain controls our senses _____
vision, hearing, taste, smell, balance, and feeling.
Insert the missing preposition. The structure of the human brain
can be compared _____ other mammals, but it is three times bigger
and more advanced than other mammals.
Complete the sentence. Brain is the center of the nervous system,
and is the most _____ of all internal organs.
Complete the sentence. The head and the _____ play a major role in
protecting major internal organs.
Complete the sentence. A newborn boy has been ___with
Choose the synonym: “tumor”.
Choose the synonym: “to increase”.
Complete the sentence: Increased high density
lipoprotein_______decrease the risk of atherosclerosis.
Complete the sentence: What kind of meningitis is characterized by
such clinical_______?
Complete the sentence: After a craniocerebral____a patient is
unable to recognize objects by touch.
Complete the sentence: A patient with inflammation of tongue
mucosa ______ taste sensitivity disorder in the two anterior thirds of
his tongue.
Choose the correct translation:“tongue”
Choose the correct translation: “contraction”
Choose the correct translation: “swelling”
Choose the correct translation:“complain of”
Match the medical term with its description: Abnormal
development of dentin
Match the medical term with its description: Unusually large teeth
Complete the sentence: Microdontia is the presence of teeth which
are _____ than normal.
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