New Destinations A1 Module 2(Reading test)

Додано: 16 грудня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
4 запитання
Запитання 1

Read the text and answer the questions.


Linda Donaldson is the editor of The Bristol Gazette. All the reporters and photographers at the newspaper like Linda a lot. She’s a great boss and they enjoy working with her. She lives in Bristol with her husband, Jake, and two daughters. She works very hard and gets home after eight in the evening. She’s usually very tired so she rarely cooks. Anyway, her husband is a part-time chef so he cooks lovely food for them. Linda doesn’t have much free time but, when she does, she loves watching DVDs and surfing the Net. Her dream is to take karate lessons and become more active in the future.




What does Linda do?

варіанти відповідей

She is an editor

She is a reporter

She is a manager

Запитання 2

Read the text and answer the questions.


Linda Donaldson is the editor of The Bristol Gazette. All the reporters and photographers at the newspaper like Linda a lot. She’s a great boss and they enjoy working with her. She lives in Bristol with her husband, Jake, and two daughters. She works very hard and gets home after eight in the evening. She’s usually very tired so she rarely cooks. Anyway, her husband is a part-time chef so he cooks lovely food for them. Linda doesn’t have much free time but, when she does, she loves watching DVDs and surfing the Net. Her dream is to take karate lessons and become more active in the future.




Who likes working with Linda?

варіанти відповідей

All the reporters and photographers.

Linda's husband.

Linda's two daughters.

Запитання 3

Read the text and answer the questions.


Linda Donaldson is the editor of The Bristol Gazette. All the reporters and photographers at the newspaper like Linda a lot. She’s a great boss and they enjoy working with her. She lives in Bristol with her husband, Jake, and two daughters. She works very hard and gets home after eight in the evening. She’s usually very tired so she rarely cooks. Anyway, her husband is a part-time chef so he cooks lovely food for them. Linda doesn’t have much free time but, when she does, she loves watching DVDs and surfing the Net. Her dream is to take karate lessons and become more active in the future.

Who usually cooks dinner?

варіанти відповідей

Linda’s husband.

Linda's daughters.

Linda by herself.

Запитання 4

Read the text and answer the questions.


Linda Donaldson is the editor of The Bristol Gazette. All the reporters and photographers at the newspaper like Linda a lot. She’s a great boss and they enjoy working with her. She lives in Bristol with her husband, Jake, and two daughters. She works very hard and gets home after eight in the evening. She’s usually very tired so she rarely cooks. Anyway, her husband is a part-time chef so he cooks lovely food for them. Linda doesn’t have much free time but, when she does, she loves watching DVDs and surfing the Net. Her dream is to take karate lessons and become more active in the future.

What would Linda like to do in the future?

варіанти відповідей

She’d like to take karate lessons and become more active. 

She is going to be famous reporter.

She'd like to be a housekeeper.

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