New Destinations A1 Module 5 (Reading test)

Додано: 7 травня 2024
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
5 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text and write T for True or F for False.

A triathlon is a very popular sport all over the world. Some people think that a triathlon is very difficult and is only for sports freaks but this is not true. A triathlon race includes running, cycling and swimming. The ‘triathletes’ as they are called try to finish the race in the fastest time. They usually start with swimming, then cycling and finally running. The swimming event often takes place in a lake or the sea and the cycling and running on the road.

Triathletes train very hard before the race. They swim at least three times a week, they ride their bikes for an hour a week and run once or twice a week. Also, triathletes do other exercises to be strong.

Triathlons take place in different parts of the world. A very famous triathlon is for example, the Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon in San Francisco. The triathletes swim 1.5 miles, then ride their bikes for 18 miles over hills and finally a difficult run, this includes 400 steps up a cliff! This race is really hard. Other famous triathlons are the Noosa Festival in Queensland, Australia and Ironman in Hawaii. Interested in trying a triathlon? Well, check your local paper for triathlon events happening near you.

Only very fit athletes can take part in triathlons

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Запитання 2

Read the text and write T for True or F for False.

A triathlon is a very popular sport all over the world. Some people think that a triathlon is very difficult and is only for sports freaks but this is not true. A triathlon race includes running, cycling and swimming. The ‘triathletes’ as they are called try to finish the race in the fastest time. They usually start with swimming, then cycling and finally running. The swimming event often takes place in a lake or the sea and the cycling and running on the road.

Triathletes train very hard before the race. They swim at least three times a week, they ride their bikes for an hour a week and run once or twice a week. Also, triathletes do other exercises to be strong.

Triathlons take place in different parts of the world. A very famous triathlon is for example, the Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon in San Francisco. The triathletes swim 1.5 miles, then ride their bikes for 18 miles over hills and finally a difficult run, this includes 400 steps up a cliff! This race is really hard. Other famous triathlons are the Noosa Festival in Queensland, Australia and Ironman in Hawaii. Interested in trying a triathlon? Well, check your local paper for triathlon events happening near you.

The triathletes usually run first, then swim, then bike.

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Запитання 3

Read the text and write T for True or F for False.

A triathlon is a very popular sport all over the world. Some people think that a triathlon is very difficult and is only for sports freaks but this is not true. A triathlon race includes running, cycling and swimming. The ‘triathletes’ as they are called try to finish the race in the fastest time. They usually start with swimming, then cycling and finally running. The swimming event often takes place in a lake or the sea and the cycling and running on the road.

Triathletes train very hard before the race. They swim at least three times a week, they ride their bikes for an hour a week and run once or twice a week. Also, triathletes do other exercises to be strong.

Triathlons take place in different parts of the world. A very famous triathlon is for example, the Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon in San Francisco. The triathletes swim 1.5 miles, then ride their bikes for 18 miles over hills and finally a difficult run, this includes 400 steps up a cliff! This race is really hard. Other famous triathlons are the Noosa Festival in Queensland, Australia and Ironman in Hawaii. Interested in trying a triathlon? Well, check your local paper for triathlon events happening near you.

 Triathletes go swimming at least three times a week.

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Запитання 4

Read the text and write T for True or F for False.

A triathlon is a very popular sport all over the world. Some people think that a triathlon is very difficult and is only for sports freaks but this is not true. A triathlon race includes running, cycling and swimming. The ‘triathletes’ as they are called try to finish the race in the fastest time. They usually start with swimming, then cycling and finally running. The swimming event often takes place in a lake or the sea and the cycling and running on the road.

Triathletes train very hard before the race. They swim at least three times a week, they ride their bikes for an hour a week and run once or twice a week. Also, triathletes do other exercises to be strong.

Triathlons take place in different parts of the world. A very famous triathlon is for example, the Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon in San Francisco. The triathletes swim 1.5 miles, then ride their bikes for 18 miles over hills and finally a difficult run, this includes 400 steps up a cliff! This race is really hard. Other famous triathlons are the Noosa Festival in Queensland, Australia and Ironman in Hawaii. Interested in trying a triathlon? Well, check your local paper for triathlon events happening near you.

There are triathlon races in lots of different places.

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Запитання 5

Read the text and write T for True or F for False.

A triathlon is a very popular sport all over the world. Some people think that a triathlon is very difficult and is only for sports freaks but this is not true. A triathlon race includes running, cycling and swimming. The ‘triathletes’ as they are called try to finish the race in the fastest time. They usually start with swimming, then cycling and finally running. The swimming event often takes place in a lake or the sea and the cycling and running on the road.

Triathletes train very hard before the race. They swim at least three times a week, they ride their bikes for an hour a week and run once or twice a week. Also, triathletes do other exercises to be strong.

Triathlons take place in different parts of the world. A very famous triathlon is for example, the Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon in San Francisco. The triathletes swim 1.5 miles, then ride their bikes for 18 miles over hills and finally a difficult run, this includes 400 steps up a cliff! This race is really hard. Other famous triathlons are the Noosa Festival in Queensland, Australia and Ironman in Hawaii. Interested in trying a triathlon? Well, check your local paper for triathlon events happening near you.

 In the Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon, athletes have to run up steps.

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