Олімпіада\шкільний етап\11 клас\2024-2025

Додано: 25 жовтня 2024
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
25 запитань
Запитання 1

Аудіювання, 11 клас


In this Test you will carefully listen to a text read aloud twice. The text is followed by 20 tasks. You should do tasks 1 through 10 following the first reading of the text on the basis of what is stated or implied in the text. The text will be read a second time and you should do tasks 11 through 20 following the second reading of the text on the basis of what is stated or implied in the text. For each task you will choose from four possible answers (A, B, C or D), or two letters (T/F (True or False) as specified prior to each task.


Завдання 1. 


Statements 1 through 10 (decide if the statements are True or False):


1.    The traveller is going to America.






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Запитання 2

Аудіювання, 11 клас


In this Test you will carefully listen to a text read aloud twice. The text is followed by 20 tasks. You should do tasks 1 through 10 following the first reading of the text on the basis of what is stated or implied in the text. The text will be read a second time and you should do tasks 11 through 20 following the second reading of the text on the basis of what is stated or implied in the text. For each task you will choose from four possible answers (A, B, C or D), or two letters (T/F (True or False) as specified prior to each task.


Завдання 1. 


Statements 1 through 10 (decide if the statements are True or False):


2.    The traveller didn't want to go to bed on the first night.






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Запитання 3

Аудіювання, 11 клас


In this Test you will carefully listen to a text read aloud twice. The text is followed by 20 tasks. You should do tasks 1 through 10 following the first reading of the text on the basis of what is stated or implied in the text. The text will be read a second time and you should do tasks 11 through 20 following the second reading of the text on the basis of what is stated or implied in the text. For each task you will choose from four possible answers (A, B, C or D), or two letters (T/F (True or False) as specified prior to each task.


Завдання 1. 


Statements 1 through 10 (decide if the statements are True or False):


3.    The wind helped the traveller's ship.





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Запитання 4

Аудіювання, 11 клас


In this Test you will carefully listen to a text read aloud twice. The text is followed by 20 tasks. You should do tasks 1 through 10 following the first reading of the text on the basis of what is stated or implied in the text. The text will be read a second time and you should do tasks 11 through 20 following the second reading of the text on the basis of what is stated or implied in the text. For each task you will choose from four possible answers (A, B, C or D), or two letters (T/F (True or False) as specified prior to each task.


Завдання 1. 


Statements 1 through 10 (decide if the statements are True or False):


4.    There were only English people on the ship.






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Запитання 5

Аудіювання, 11 клас


In this Test you will carefully listen to a text read aloud twice. The text is followed by 20 tasks. You should do tasks 1 through 10 following the first reading of the text on the basis of what is stated or implied in the text. The text will be read a second time and you should do tasks 11 through 20 following the second reading of the text on the basis of what is stated or implied in the text. For each task you will choose from four possible answers (A, B, C or D), or two letters (T/F (True or False) as specified prior to each task.


Завдання 1. 


Statements 1 through 10 (decide if the statements are True or False):


5.    The traveller saw whales on Sunday morning





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Запитання 6

Аудіювання, 11 клас


In this Test you will carefully listen to a text read aloud twice. The text is followed by 20 tasks. You should do tasks 1 through 10 following the first reading of the text on the basis of what is stated or implied in the text. The text will be read a second time and you should do tasks 11 through 20 following the second reading of the text on the basis of what is stated or implied in the text. For each task you will choose from four possible answers (A, B, C or D), or two letters (T/F (True or False) as specified prior to each task.


Завдання 1. 


Statements 1 through 10 (decide if the statements are True or False):

6.    The people on the ship saw the iceberg in summer.






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Запитання 7

Аудіювання, 11 клас


In this Test you will carefully listen to a text read aloud twice. The text is followed by 20 tasks. You should do tasks 1 through 10 following the first reading of the text on the basis of what is stated or implied in the text. The text will be read a second time and you should do tasks 11 through 20 following the second reading of the text on the basis of what is stated or implied in the text. For each task you will choose from four possible answers (A, B, C or D), or two letters (T/F (True or False) as specified prior to each task.


Завдання 1. 


Statements 1 through 10 (decide if the statements are True or False):


7.    The traveller saw a sleeping lion and an old cathedral on the journey.





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Запитання 8

Аудіювання, 11 клас


In this Test you will carefully listen to a text read aloud twice. The text is followed by 20 tasks. You should do tasks 1 through 10 following the first reading of the text on the basis of what is stated or implied in the text. The text will be read a second time and you should do tasks 11 through 20 following the second reading of the text on the basis of what is stated or implied in the text. For each task you will choose from four possible answers (A, B, C or D), or two letters (T/F (True or False) as specified prior to each task.


Завдання 1. 


Statements 1 through 10 (decide if the statements are True or False):


8.    The traveller thought the two ships meeting was the most beautiful sight ever.






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Запитання 9

Аудіювання, 11 клас


In this Test you will carefully listen to a text read aloud twice. The text is followed by 20 tasks. You should do tasks 1 through 10 following the first reading of the text on the basis of what is stated or implied in the text. The text will be read a second time and you should do tasks 11 through 20 following the second reading of the text on the basis of what is stated or implied in the text. For each task you will choose from four possible answers (A, B, C or D), or two letters (T/F (True or False) as specified prior to each task.


Завдання 1. 


Statements 1 through 10 (decide if the statements are True or False):


9.    We can assume some tragedy happened to the Kestrel.






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Запитання 10

Аудіювання, 11 клас


In this Test you will carefully listen to a text read aloud twice. The text is followed by 20 tasks. You should do tasks 1 through 10 following the first reading of the text on the basis of what is stated or implied in the text. The text will be read a second time and you should do tasks 11 through 20 following the second reading of the text on the basis of what is stated or implied in the text. For each task you will choose from four possible answers (A, B, C or D), or two letters (T/F (True or False) as specified prior to each task.


Завдання 1. 


Statements 1 through 10 (decide if the statements are True or False):


10. We know that the traveller is a woman.






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Запитання 11

ROUND II. Читання, 11 клас

Directions: In this Test you will read three texts. Each text is followed by 5 tasks. You should do the tasks following the text on the basis of what is stated or implied in that text. For each task you will choose the best possible answer from four possible answers (a, b, c or d) or two letters (T/F (True or False)) as specified prior to each task.


Text 1

New research suggests that people who live close to the ocean or sea are happier. Researchers from the University of Exeter in the UK say people who live in coastal areas have better mental health than people who live inland. This is for rich people and poor people. The researchers looked at data from surveys of 25,963 people. The surveys asked people questions about their happiness, lifestyle and income. They found that those who live within one kilometer of the coast are 22 per cent less likely to show any signs of mental health problems. People who lived more than 50 kilometers from the coast had more symptoms of mental health problems. The researchers found that poorer people living within sight of the coast were around 40 per cent less likely to have mental health symptoms than those who lived inland.

Lead researcher of the study, doctor Jo Garrett, said: "Our research suggests, for the first time, that people in poorer households living close to the coast experience fewer symptoms of mental health disorders." She said the area along coasts seemed to protect people from experiencing mental health problems. They seemed to improve people's health and wellbeing. Dr Garrett added: "When it comes to mental health, this protective zone could play a useful role in helping to level the playing field between those on high and low incomes." Another researcher, Dr Mathew White, said: "We need to help policy makers understand how to maximize the wellbeing benefits of 'blue' spaces in towns and cities. We need to ensure that access is fair and inclusive for everyone, while not damaging our fragile coastal environments."


Task 1: Questions (choose the correct letter a, b, c or d):

1.    Which university carried out this research?

варіанти відповідей

a) Tokyo University

b) Oxford University

c) the University of Alabama

d) the University of Exeter

Запитання 12

ROUND II. Читання, 11 клас

Directions: In this Test you will read three texts. Each text is followed by 5 tasks. You should do the tasks following the text on the basis of what is stated or implied in that text. For each task you will choose the best possible answer from four possible answers (a, b, c or d) or two letters (T/F (True or False)) as specified prior to each task.


Text 1

New research suggests that people who live close to the ocean or sea are happier. Researchers from the University of Exeter in the UK say people who live in coastal areas have better mental health than people who live inland. This is for rich people and poor people. The researchers looked at data from surveys of 25,963 people. The surveys asked people questions about their happiness, lifestyle and income. They found that those who live within one kilometer of the coast are 22 per cent less likely to show any signs of mental health problems. People who lived more than 50 kilometers from the coast had more symptoms of mental health problems. The researchers found that poorer people living within sight of the coast were around 40 per cent less likely to have mental health symptoms than those who lived inland.

Lead researcher of the study, doctor Jo Garrett, said: "Our research suggests, for the first time, that people in poorer households living close to the coast experience fewer symptoms of mental health disorders." She said the area along coasts seemed to protect people from experiencing mental health problems. They seemed to improve people's health and wellbeing. Dr Garrett added: "When it comes to mental health, this protective zone could play a useful role in helping to level the playing field between those on high and low incomes." Another researcher, Dr Mathew White, said: "We need to help policy makers understand how to maximize the wellbeing benefits of 'blue' spaces in towns and cities. We need to ensure that access is fair and inclusive for everyone, while not damaging our fragile coastal environments."


2.    What did surveys question people about besides happiness and lifestyle?

варіанти відповідей

a) stress

b) beaches

c) diet

d) income

Запитання 13

ROUND II. Читання, 11 клас

Directions: In this Test you will read three texts. Each text is followed by 5 tasks. You should do the tasks following the text on the basis of what is stated or implied in that text. For each task you will choose the best possible answer from four possible answers (a, b, c or d) or two letters (T/F (True or False)) as specified prior to each task.


Text 1

New research suggests that people who live close to the ocean or sea are happier. Researchers from the University of Exeter in the UK say people who live in coastal areas have better mental health than people who live inland. This is for rich people and poor people. The researchers looked at data from surveys of 25,963 people. The surveys asked people questions about their happiness, lifestyle and income. They found that those who live within one kilometer of the coast are 22 per cent less likely to show any signs of mental health problems. People who lived more than 50 kilometers from the coast had more symptoms of mental health problems. The researchers found that poorer people living within sight of the coast were around 40 per cent less likely to have mental health symptoms than those who lived inland.

Lead researcher of the study, doctor Jo Garrett, said: "Our research suggests, for the first time, that people in poorer households living close to the coast experience fewer symptoms of mental health disorders." She said the area along coasts seemed to protect people from experiencing mental health problems. They seemed to improve people's health and wellbeing. Dr Garrett added: "When it comes to mental health, this protective zone could play a useful role in helping to level the playing field between those on high and low incomes." Another researcher, Dr Mathew White, said: "We need to help policy makers understand how to maximize the wellbeing benefits of 'blue' spaces in towns and cities. We need to ensure that access is fair and inclusive for everyone, while not damaging our fragile coastal environments."


3.    What did people who lived over 50km from the coast have more of?

варіанти відповідей

a) flowers in their garden

b) stress

c) money

d) mental health disorders

Запитання 14

ROUND II. Читання, 11 клас

Directions: In this Test you will read three texts. Each text is followed by 5 tasks. You should do the tasks following the text on the basis of what is stated or implied in that text. For each task you will choose the best possible answer from four possible answers (a, b, c or d) or two letters (T/F (True or False)) as specified prior to each task.


Text 1

New research suggests that people who live close to the ocean or sea are happier. Researchers from the University of Exeter in the UK say people who live in coastal areas have better mental health than people who live inland. This is for rich people and poor people. The researchers looked at data from surveys of 25,963 people. The surveys asked people questions about their happiness, lifestyle and income. They found that those who live within one kilometer of the coast are 22 per cent less likely to show any signs of mental health problems. People who lived more than 50 kilometers from the coast had more symptoms of mental health problems. The researchers found that poorer people living within sight of the coast were around 40 per cent less likely to have mental health symptoms than those who lived inland.

Lead researcher of the study, doctor Jo Garrett, said: "Our research suggests, for the first time, that people in poorer households living close to the coast experience fewer symptoms of mental health disorders." She said the area along coasts seemed to protect people from experiencing mental health problems. They seemed to improve people's health and wellbeing. Dr Garrett added: "When it comes to mental health, this protective zone could play a useful role in helping to level the playing field between those on high and low incomes." Another researcher, Dr Mathew White, said: "We need to help policy makers understand how to maximize the wellbeing benefits of 'blue' spaces in towns and cities. We need to ensure that access is fair and inclusive for everyone, while not damaging our fragile coastal environments."

4.    What did a doctor say areas along the coast did to people?

варіанти відповідей

a) protect them from mental health problems

b) made them sad

c) energized them

d) made them want to swim

Запитання 15

ROUND II. Читання, 11 клас

Directions: In this Test you will read three texts. Each text is followed by 5 tasks. You should do the tasks following the text on the basis of what is stated or implied in that text. For each task you will choose the best possible answer from four possible answers (a, b, c or d) or two letters (T/F (True or False)) as specified prior to each task.


Text 1

New research suggests that people who live close to the ocean or sea are happier. Researchers from the University of Exeter in the UK say people who live in coastal areas have better mental health than people who live inland. This is for rich people and poor people. The researchers looked at data from surveys of 25,963 people. The surveys asked people questions about their happiness, lifestyle and income. They found that those who live within one kilometer of the coast are 22 per cent less likely to show any signs of mental health problems. People who lived more than 50 kilometers from the coast had more symptoms of mental health problems. The researchers found that poorer people living within sight of the coast were around 40 per cent less likely to have mental health symptoms than those who lived inland.

Lead researcher of the study, doctor Jo Garrett, said: "Our research suggests, for the first time, that people in poorer households living close to the coast experience fewer symptoms of mental health disorders." She said the area along coasts seemed to protect people from experiencing mental health problems. They seemed to improve people's health and wellbeing. Dr Garrett added: "When it comes to mental health, this protective zone could play a useful role in helping to level the playing field between those on high and low incomes." Another researcher, Dr Mathew White, said: "We need to help policy makers understand how to maximize the wellbeing benefits of 'blue' spaces in towns and cities. We need to ensure that access is fair and inclusive for everyone, while not damaging our fragile coastal environments."


Task 1: Questions (choose the correct letter a, b, c or d):

5.     Who did a doctor want to help understand about wellbeing benefits?

варіанти відповідей

a) rich people


b) policy makers

c) poor people

d) researchers

Запитання 16

Читання, 11 клас

Questions 6 through 10 refer to Text 2.


Text 2                                               Marine Creatures

One of the world's leading travel websites, TripAdvisor, has decided to stop selling tickets to attractions and aquariums that have marine creatures like dolphins, orcas, porpoises and whales. One top attraction that TripAdvisor will not sell tickets for is SeaWorld in Florida. A TripAdvisor spokesperson said the ban is a continuation of the company's 2016 policy that prohibited sales of tickets to attractions where tourists come into physical contact with animals, like elephant rides. TripAdvisor halted ticket sales to "demeaning animal shows and performances" in 2018. The latest ban applies to any attractions that "contribute to the captivity" of dolphins, orcas, porpoises and whales.

A TripAdvisor spokesman elaborated on his company's new initiative. He said: "Whales and dolphins do not thrive in limited captive environments, and we hope to see a future where they live as they should - free and in the wild." He added: "We believe the current generation of whales and dolphins in captivity should be the last, and we look forward to seeing this position adopted more widely throughout the travel industry." A SeaWorld spokesman said: "We are disappointed by TripAdvisor's new position that ignores the educational value and conservation mission of professionally accredited zoos and aquariums....SeaWorld maintains the highest standards of care for all animals."


Task 2: Statements (decide if the statements are True or False):

1.    The article said TripAdvisor would stop selling tickets to SeaWorld.    


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Запитання 17

Читання, 11 клас

Questions 6 through 10 refer to Text 2.


Text 2                                               Marine Creatures

One of the world's leading travel websites, TripAdvisor, has decided to stop selling tickets to attractions and aquariums that have marine creatures like dolphins, orcas, porpoises and whales. One top attraction that TripAdvisor will not sell tickets for is SeaWorld in Florida. A TripAdvisor spokesperson said the ban is a continuation of the company's 2016 policy that prohibited sales of tickets to attractions where tourists come into physical contact with animals, like elephant rides. TripAdvisor halted ticket sales to "demeaning animal shows and performances" in 2018. The latest ban applies to any attractions that "contribute to the captivity" of dolphins, orcas, porpoises and whales.

A TripAdvisor spokesman elaborated on his company's new initiative. He said: "Whales and dolphins do not thrive in limited captive environments, and we hope to see a future where they live as they should - free and in the wild." He added: "We believe the current generation of whales and dolphins in captivity should be the last, and we look forward to seeing this position adopted more widely throughout the travel industry." A SeaWorld spokesman said: "We are disappointed by TripAdvisor's new position that ignores the educational value and conservation mission of professionally accredited zoos and aquariums....SeaWorld maintains the highest standards of care for all animals."


Task 2: Statements (decide if the statements are True or False):


2.    TripAdvisor stopped selling tickets for elephant rides in 2016.    



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Запитання 18

Читання, 11 клас

Questions 6 through 10 refer to Text 2.


Text 2                                               Marine Creatures

One of the world's leading travel websites, TripAdvisor, has decided to stop selling tickets to attractions and aquariums that have marine creatures like dolphins, orcas, porpoises and whales. One top attraction that TripAdvisor will not sell tickets for is SeaWorld in Florida. A TripAdvisor spokesperson said the ban is a continuation of the company's 2016 policy that prohibited sales of tickets to attractions where tourists come into physical contact with animals, like elephant rides. TripAdvisor halted ticket sales to "demeaning animal shows and performances" in 2018. The latest ban applies to any attractions that "contribute to the captivity" of dolphins, orcas, porpoises and whales.

A TripAdvisor spokesman elaborated on his company's new initiative. He said: "Whales and dolphins do not thrive in limited captive environments, and we hope to see a future where they live as they should - free and in the wild." He added: "We believe the current generation of whales and dolphins in captivity should be the last, and we look forward to seeing this position adopted more widely throughout the travel industry." A SeaWorld spokesman said: "We are disappointed by TripAdvisor's new position that ignores the educational value and conservation mission of professionally accredited zoos and aquariums....SeaWorld maintains the highest standards of care for all animals."


Task 2: Statements (decide if the statements are True or False):

3.    TripAdvisor said whales thrive in captivity.    




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Запитання 19

Читання, 11 клас

Questions 6 through 10 refer to Text 2.


Text 2                                               Marine Creatures

One of the world's leading travel websites, TripAdvisor, has decided to stop selling tickets to attractions and aquariums that have marine creatures like dolphins, orcas, porpoises and whales. One top attraction that TripAdvisor will not sell tickets for is SeaWorld in Florida. A TripAdvisor spokesperson said the ban is a continuation of the company's 2016 policy that prohibited sales of tickets to attractions where tourists come into physical contact with animals, like elephant rides. TripAdvisor halted ticket sales to "demeaning animal shows and performances" in 2018. The latest ban applies to any attractions that "contribute to the captivity" of dolphins, orcas, porpoises and whales.

A TripAdvisor spokesman elaborated on his company's new initiative. He said: "Whales and dolphins do not thrive in limited captive environments, and we hope to see a future where they live as they should - free and in the wild." He added: "We believe the current generation of whales and dolphins in captivity should be the last, and we look forward to seeing this position adopted more widely throughout the travel industry." A SeaWorld spokesman said: "We are disappointed by TripAdvisor's new position that ignores the educational value and conservation mission of professionally accredited zoos and aquariums....SeaWorld maintains the highest standards of care for all animals."


Task 2: Statements (decide if the statements are True or False):


4.    TripAdvisor hopes this generation of captive dolphins will be the last.  



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Запитання 20

Читання, 11 клас

Questions 6 through 10 refer to Text 2.


Text 2                                               Marine Creatures

One of the world's leading travel websites, TripAdvisor, has decided to stop selling tickets to attractions and aquariums that have marine creatures like dolphins, orcas, porpoises and whales. One top attraction that TripAdvisor will not sell tickets for is SeaWorld in Florida. A TripAdvisor spokesperson said the ban is a continuation of the company's 2016 policy that prohibited sales of tickets to attractions where tourists come into physical contact with animals, like elephant rides. TripAdvisor halted ticket sales to "demeaning animal shows and performances" in 2018. The latest ban applies to any attractions that "contribute to the captivity" of dolphins, orcas, porpoises and whales.

A TripAdvisor spokesman elaborated on his company's new initiative. He said: "Whales and dolphins do not thrive in limited captive environments, and we hope to see a future where they live as they should - free and in the wild." He added: "We believe the current generation of whales and dolphins in captivity should be the last, and we look forward to seeing this position adopted more widely throughout the travel industry." A SeaWorld spokesman said: "We are disappointed by TripAdvisor's new position that ignores the educational value and conservation mission of professionally accredited zoos and aquariums....SeaWorld maintains the highest standards of care for all animals."


Task 2: Statements (decide if the statements are True or False):


5.     SeaWorld says it maintains the highest standards of animal care.    



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Запитання 21

Читання, 11 клас

Statements 11 through 15 refer to Text 3


Text 3                                   The strange world of your dreams


There are many different theories about dreams and how they work; however, what is certain is that the science of dreams is not exact. In ancient times, people believed that when we dreamt we entered another world which was real. As the fields of science and medicine became more advanced, different theories started to come out. Some scientists believe that dreams are just verbal, visual and emotional stimuli with no apparent meaning. However, others believe that dreams are important for our mental well-being. The leading psychiatrist, Carl Jung thought that analysing our dreams provides us with a way to think more deeply about our lives and solve problems.

           For centuries, people have believed that dreams have a deeper meaning. For example, many of us dream that we are falling and suddenly we wake up. Experts say this dream means we are feeling anxious and insecure or we feel we have failed in achieving a goal. Another popular dream is that of being chased; this means we are trying to escape our problems. If you see yourself in a dream trying to run but your legs don't take you anywhere, then you could be trying to do too many things at the same time. Also, dreams about losing our teeth are believed to show that we are worried about our physical appearance.

           There has been a lot of research done into controlling dreams and this has led to the term lucid dreaming. Lucid dreaming happens when you are aware that you are dreaming and are able to control what happens in your dream. This is an amazing skill but it is also extremely difficult to do and not many people are able to learn it. Lucid dreaming can be a fun way to experience the strange world of your dreams but it is also believed to help personal development and improve your problem solving skills.

           Some people are able to see future events through their dreams. There is the case of the man who dreamt that he took his son on a camping trip and his son died near a lake. Some time after he had had the dream, the man and his son were invited on a camping trip. Then, at a certain time during the trip, the man remembered his dream and noticed that everything was the same as in his dream; the boy was standing near a lake looking down at pebbles. The man quickly grabbed his son and took him to safety.

           There is still a lot of research taking place into dreams, and it will be some time before we are able to really understand the strange dream world that we enter every night. Dreams allow us to experience things that would not be possible in real life, and by analysing our dreams we can learn more about ourselves.



Statements 11 through 15 refer to Text 3


Task 3: Questions (choose the correct letter a, b, c or d):


1. According to the writer, ancient people believed that



варіанти відповідей

a. the dream world was real.

b. dreams were verbal and visual stimuli.

c. dreams were essential for our mental health.

d. dreams could help solve problems.

Запитання 22

Читання, 11 клас

Statements 11 through 15 refer to Text 3


Text 3                                   The strange world of your dreams


There are many different theories about dreams and how they work; however, what is certain is that the science of dreams is not exact. In ancient times, people believed that when we dreamt we entered another world which was real. As the fields of science and medicine became more advanced, different theories started to come out. Some scientists believe that dreams are just verbal, visual and emotional stimuli with no apparent meaning. However, others believe that dreams are important for our mental well-being. The leading psychiatrist, Carl Jung thought that analysing our dreams provides us with a way to think more deeply about our lives and solve problems.

           For centuries, people have believed that dreams have a deeper meaning. For example, many of us dream that we are falling and suddenly we wake up. Experts say this dream means we are feeling anxious and insecure or we feel we have failed in achieving a goal. Another popular dream is that of being chased; this means we are trying to escape our problems. If you see yourself in a dream trying to run but your legs don't take you anywhere, then you could be trying to do too many things at the same time. Also, dreams about losing our teeth are believed to show that we are worried about our physical appearance.

           There has been a lot of research done into controlling dreams and this has led to the term lucid dreaming. Lucid dreaming happens when you are aware that you are dreaming and are able to control what happens in your dream. This is an amazing skill but it is also extremely difficult to do and not many people are able to learn it. Lucid dreaming can be a fun way to experience the strange world of your dreams but it is also believed to help personal development and improve your problem solving skills.

           Some people are able to see future events through their dreams. There is the case of the man who dreamt that he took his son on a camping trip and his son died near a lake. Some time after he had had the dream, the man and his son were invited on a camping trip. Then, at a certain time during the trip, the man remembered his dream and noticed that everything was the same as in his dream; the boy was standing near a lake looking down at pebbles. The man quickly grabbed his son and took him to safety.

           There is still a lot of research taking place into dreams, and it will be some time before we are able to really understand the strange dream world that we enter every night. Dreams allow us to experience things that would not be possible in real life, and by analysing our dreams we can learn more about ourselves.





Task 3: Questions (choose the correct letter a, b, c or d):



2. If you dream that you are falling, this could mean that


варіанти відповідей

a. you are worried about the way you look.

b. you are doing too many things.

c. you are trying to escape from your problems.

d. you are worried about something.

Запитання 23

Читання, 11 клас

Statements 11 through 15 refer to Text 3


Text 3                                   The strange world of your dreams


There are many different theories about dreams and how they work; however, what is certain is that the science of dreams is not exact. In ancient times, people believed that when we dreamt we entered another world which was real. As the fields of science and medicine became more advanced, different theories started to come out. Some scientists believe that dreams are just verbal, visual and emotional stimuli with no apparent meaning. However, others believe that dreams are important for our mental well-being. The leading psychiatrist, Carl Jung thought that analysing our dreams provides us with a way to think more deeply about our lives and solve problems.

           For centuries, people have believed that dreams have a deeper meaning. For example, many of us dream that we are falling and suddenly we wake up. Experts say this dream means we are feeling anxious and insecure or we feel we have failed in achieving a goal. Another popular dream is that of being chased; this means we are trying to escape our problems. If you see yourself in a dream trying to run but your legs don't take you anywhere, then you could be trying to do too many things at the same time. Also, dreams about losing our teeth are believed to show that we are worried about our physical appearance.

           There has been a lot of research done into controlling dreams and this has led to the term lucid dreaming. Lucid dreaming happens when you are aware that you are dreaming and are able to control what happens in your dream. This is an amazing skill but it is also extremely difficult to do and not many people are able to learn it. Lucid dreaming can be a fun way to experience the strange world of your dreams but it is also believed to help personal development and improve your problem solving skills.

           Some people are able to see future events through their dreams. There is the case of the man who dreamt that he took his son on a camping trip and his son died near a lake. Some time after he had had the dream, the man and his son were invited on a camping trip. Then, at a certain time during the trip, the man remembered his dream and noticed that everything was the same as in his dream; the boy was standing near a lake looking down at pebbles. The man quickly grabbed his son and took him to safety.

           There is still a lot of research taking place into dreams, and it will be some time before we are able to really understand the strange dream world that we enter every night. Dreams allow us to experience things that would not be possible in real life, and by analysing our dreams we can learn more about ourselves.





3. Lucid dreaming










варіанти відповідей

a. is a way of controlling your dreams.


b. reduces your ability to solve problems.

c. is very easy to learn.

d. has been learnt by a large number of people.

Запитання 24

Читання, 11 клас

Statements 11 through 15 refer to Text 3


Text 3                                   The strange world of your dreams


There are many different theories about dreams and how they work; however, what is certain is that the science of dreams is not exact. In ancient times, people believed that when we dreamt we entered another world which was real. As the fields of science and medicine became more advanced, different theories started to come out. Some scientists believe that dreams are just verbal, visual and emotional stimuli with no apparent meaning. However, others believe that dreams are important for our mental well-being. The leading psychiatrist, Carl Jung thought that analysing our dreams provides us with a way to think more deeply about our lives and solve problems.

           For centuries, people have believed that dreams have a deeper meaning. For example, many of us dream that we are falling and suddenly we wake up. Experts say this dream means we are feeling anxious and insecure or we feel we have failed in achieving a goal. Another popular dream is that of being chased; this means we are trying to escape our problems. If you see yourself in a dream trying to run but your legs don't take you anywhere, then you could be trying to do too many things at the same time. Also, dreams about losing our teeth are believed to show that we are worried about our physical appearance.

           There has been a lot of research done into controlling dreams and this has led to the term lucid dreaming. Lucid dreaming happens when you are aware that you are dreaming and are able to control what happens in your dream. This is an amazing skill but it is also extremely difficult to do and not many people are able to learn it. Lucid dreaming can be a fun way to experience the strange world of your dreams but it is also believed to help personal development and improve your problem solving skills.

           Some people are able to see future events through their dreams. There is the case of the man who dreamt that he took his son on a camping trip and his son died near a lake. Some time after he had had the dream, the man and his son were invited on a camping trip. Then, at a certain time during the trip, the man remembered his dream and noticed that everything was the same as in his dream; the boy was standing near a lake looking down at pebbles. The man quickly grabbed his son and took him to safety.

           There is still a lot of research taking place into dreams, and it will be some time before we are able to really understand the strange dream world that we enter every night. Dreams allow us to experience things that would not be possible in real life, and by analysing our dreams we can learn more about ourselves.



Statements 11 through 15 refer to Text 3


Task 3: Questions (choose the correct letter a, b, c or d):



4. What does 'it' in the underlined sentence refer to?



варіанти відповідей

a. lucid dreaming

b. research

c. the term

d. dream

Запитання 25

Читання, 11 клас

Statements 11 through 15 refer to Text 3


Text 3                                   The strange world of your dreams


There are many different theories about dreams and how they work; however, what is certain is that the science of dreams is not exact. In ancient times, people believed that when we dreamt we entered another world which was real. As the fields of science and medicine became more advanced, different theories started to come out. Some scientists believe that dreams are just verbal, visual and emotional stimuli with no apparent meaning. However, others believe that dreams are important for our mental well-being. The leading psychiatrist, Carl Jung thought that analysing our dreams provides us with a way to think more deeply about our lives and solve problems.

           For centuries, people have believed that dreams have a deeper meaning. For example, many of us dream that we are falling and suddenly we wake up. Experts say this dream means we are feeling anxious and insecure or we feel we have failed in achieving a goal. Another popular dream is that of being chased; this means we are trying to escape our problems. If you see yourself in a dream trying to run but your legs don't take you anywhere, then you could be trying to do too many things at the same time. Also, dreams about losing our teeth are believed to show that we are worried about our physical appearance.

           There has been a lot of research done into controlling dreams and this has led to the term lucid dreaming. Lucid dreaming happens when you are aware that you are dreaming and are able to control what happens in your dream. This is an amazing skill but it is also extremely difficult to do and not many people are able to learn it. Lucid dreaming can be a fun way to experience the strange world of your dreams but it is also believed to help personal development and improve your problem solving skills.

           Some people are able to see future events through their dreams. There is the case of the man who dreamt that he took his son on a camping trip and his son died near a lake. Some time after he had had the dream, the man and his son were invited on a camping trip. Then, at a certain time during the trip, the man remembered his dream and noticed that everything was the same as in his dream; the boy was standing near a lake looking down at pebbles. The man quickly grabbed his son and took him to safety.

           There is still a lot of research taking place into dreams, and it will be some time before we are able to really understand the strange dream world that we enter every night. Dreams allow us to experience things that would not be possible in real life, and by analysing our dreams we can learn more about ourselves.





Читання, 11 клас

Statements 11 through 15 refer to Text 3


Task 3: Questions (choose the correct letter a, b, c or d):



5. According to the writer, why are dreams important?



варіанти відповідей

a. They help us see the future.

b. They allow us to live in a dream world.

c. They help us to understand ourselves.

d. If we can control them, they are a way to entertain ourselves.

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