A Choose the correct item.
1 People have one ……… on each hand.
2 I wash my ……… with cold water every morning.
3 My dad’s mum is my ……… .
4 Gary is very good at basketball because he’s so ……… and can reach the basket easily.
5 Your ……… is in the middle of your leg.
6 My uncle’s ……… is my aunt.
7 Our heart and lungs are in our ……… .
8 My dentist tells me to brush my ……… twice a day.
9 Roger has a problem with his ……… and he can’t see well.
10 Our ……… helps us stand upright.
11 The different bones in our body ……… up our skeleton.
12 My father’s brother is my ……… .
13 You can ……… a helping hand and sign up to be a volunteer.
14 It is important to ……… time with your family.
15 The children’s ……… needs people to supervise activities in the playroom.
16 My grandma is old and she has got long, ……… hair.
17 Sally’s ……… life is interesting because she does different things every day.
18 My aunt and uncle have got a ……… . She is my cousin.
19 Professional players usually start football ……… early in the morning.
20 On weekdays, I get up early and ……… a shower before I go to school.
B Read the text below. Complete the gaps (1-3) with appropriate words A-F from the box to obtain a grammatically and lexically correct text. Fill in the gaps with appropriate letters. There are three extra words that do not match any of the gaps.
Our local charities do important work, but they need the support of people like us. Charities ask people to 1) ………………..……. clothes, toys and money, but they also need people to give up their time for free.
You can 2) ………………..……. children at the children’s 3) ………………..……. or help elderly people with their shopping. Whatever you have the time to do, you can make a real difference to someone’s life.
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