OnScreen2 unit4

Додано: 14 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
Тест виконано: 61 раз
20 запитань
Запитання 1

……., poultry and seafood are great sources of protein.

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Запитання 2

You should wear sunglasses to protect your eyes because bright sunlight can damage your ……. .

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Запитання 3

You should drink milk every day to get the ……. you need to stay healthy.

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Запитання 4

The brain needs a type of ……. called glucose for energy

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Запитання 5

Suzy has got a bad ….. in her ear. She needs to see a doctor.

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Запитання 6

The head ….. watched his team win the game from the side of the pitch.

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Запитання 7

….. are delicious little red fruits that go well with some cream.

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Запитання 8

Your brain is the most important ….. in your body. It controls everything.

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Запитання 9

Rules for Safe Cycling:

    You must wear a helmet that fits.

 You mustn't wear loose clothing or headphones.

 You should wear light clothing so that drivers can see you.

 You must use hand signals on the road.

 You should always check the tyres, chain and brakes on your

bicycle before cycling.

 According to the notice, cyclists ......

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shouldn’t listen to music while cycling.

shouldn’t wear tight fitting clothes

are advised to wear a bright helmet.

Запитання 10

The Eatwell Plate shows us what we should eat:

mostly carbohydrates from

fruit and vegetables

whole grains like bread and pasta

some protein from

meat, eggs and dairy products

nuts and beans

a little bit of fat and sugar from

oils and butter

sweets and desserts

These foods will keep your body fit and healthy!

According to the leaflet.......

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we shouldn’t eat sweets and desserts

protein is the most important part of our diet.

we should eat more carbohydrates than proteins.

Запитання 11

Summer Sports Camp

¨  Where: Woodbury School

¨  Dates: 6th to 10th July, 9 am to 3 pm daily

¨  Please note: The cost is £5 per day and includes lunch. 

Call 01253 884544 to sign up!

Parents need to ...........

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go to the school to sign up.

contact the school by telephone.

provide lunch for their children

Запитання 12

Munroe School Sports News

With the help of our new coach, Mr Hill, the football team is off to a fantastic start this year. Yesterday, they won the first match of the year against Martindale High. The captain of the team, Andrew Reading, scored two goals in the first half. Unfortunately, he fell hard in the second half and had to sit on the sidelines as his team scored the third and final goal winning the game 3-0. 

In the football match, the Munroe school team.......

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started the game with a new captain

didn’t let the other team score any goals.

did badly after the captain got hurt.

Запитання 13

A:  Would you like to join me?

      B: ..............................

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That’s the spirit.

Oh, alright.

Запитання 14

A:  Exercising is really important.

      B: ........................................

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You’ve got a point.

No, thanks. I don’t see the point.

Запитання 15

A:  I get enough exercise from my everyday activities.

      B: .......................................................

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I don’t like exercising.

I don’t see it that way.

Запитання 16

A:  In my opinion, you need regular exercise.

      B: ...............................................

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It’s not enough.

I don’t really agree.

Запитання 17

A:  Exercising isn’t fun.


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You’re wrong.

No, thanks.

Запитання 18

Cleaning in Progress

Junior pool closed until further notice

For information about rescheduling classes please speak to reception

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You can find this text at a sports shop.

This text announces to a special event. 

You can see this text on a website

This text is warning people about something

Запитання 19

Bicycle for sale!

Good condition boy’s bike 2 years old like new

Includes repair kit and helmet

Call Derek on 07955561231 or click on the link below

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This text is advertising a deal. 

You can see this text on a website. 

This text announces to a special event. 

This text is warning people about something. 

Запитання 20

Murray’s Sports Centre

Welcome to our Open Day

 Free admission to gym and pool for everyone and introductory lessons on the squash and tennis courts for under 15s

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This text announces to a special event. 

You can find this text at a sports shop.

This text is warning people about something. 

This text is advertising a deal. 

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