Reading Comprehension

Sedna was a beautiful Inuit girl who didn’t want to get married. Many hunters wanted to marry her, but she refused their offers. Her father scolded her, saying, “I am getting older, and soon you will need a good husband who can provide you with food and furs. You must marry the next hunter who asks for you.” Sedna still wasn’t interested.

Soon a young hunter from a distant place came to her father’s camp . He was dressed in warm furs, and spoke in a soft voice. He promised to provide a good home and plenty of animals for food and clothing. Although he kept his face hidden under his hood, Sedna was very impressed with him, so she agreed to marry him.

Sedna got into her husband’s kayak and travelled with him to her new home. When they arrived at his island, she saw that her home was nothing but some sticks and bits of moss and feathers clinging to a large rock. Her husband took off his hood, and she realized that he was not a man, but an evil raven. He never hunted, he only caught fish. Sedna was cold, lonely, hungry, and very unhappy. Every day she cried for her father to come and save her.

Her father heard her cries and decided to rescue her. He paddled his kayak to the island where she was living. On their way home, Sedna looked back and saw that the raven was following them. He was gaining on them quickly. As the raven came close, her father took his paddle and struck the bird, who had to fall back. Then the raven flapped his powerful wings at the ocean and caused a huge storm to blow up.

When her father saw that their lives were in danger, he became afraid for his own life. He threw Sedna over the side of the kayak. Sedna tried to save herself. She grabbed onto the kayak with her fingers, but her father took his paddle and beat at her fingers until they broke off. As they sank into the ocean, her fingers turned into seals and fish. Again, Sedna grabbed the kayak with her hands, but her father took his paddle and beat her hands until they also fell into the water. As they sank into the ocean, her hands turned into whales and walrus. Sedna also sank into the ocean.

Sedna lives at the bottom of the ocean. She is the goddess of the sea. She is the one who provides animals for the hunters, but only when she feels generous. When she is angry, and this is often, the hunters can’t find food; and the people go hungry.

Додано: 14 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
Тест виконано: 125 разів
13 запитань
Запитання 1

What did her father want Sedna to do?

варіанти відповідей

get married

hunt for food

make clothing from animal skins.

live a happy life

Запитання 2

How did Sedna react to the hunters' proposals of marriage?

варіанти відповідей

She refused their offers.

 She said, "Maybe later."

She was interested.

She didn't want to listen to them

Запитання 3

Why did Sedna agree to marry the young hunter?

варіанти відповідей

He was the best-dressed hunter.

   He promised to look after her.

He made a good impression.

She fell in love with him

Запитання 4

What did Sedna find out when she got to her new home?

варіанти відповідей

Her husband was a fisherman, not a hunter.

Her husband was a raven, not a man.

There were no warm clothes for her.

Запитання 5

Why did her husband keep his face hidden?

варіанти відповідей

He didn't want her to know he wasn't human.

 It was a sign of respect.


So the animals couldn't recognise him.

He always wore hoods

Запитання 6

What did the girl do to get out off her husband's house?

варіанти відповідей

She poisoned her husband

She cried every day and called for help

She asked her husband to let her go to her father.

She built a kayak and escaped

Запитання 7

Why did the raven fly after Sedna and her father?

варіанти відповідей

He wanted to kill his wife's father

He wanted to take his wife back

He didn't want to hunt fish any more

He decided to be with his wife wherever she were

Запитання 8

What did her father do when their lives were in danger?

варіанти відповідей

He beat the kayak with his paddle.

He called on the gods to help them.

He threw Sedna out of the kayak.

He jumped out off the kayak and saved his daughter's life.

Запитання 9

Why did her father throw Sedna out of the kayak?

варіанти відповідей

He wanted to give her to the raven

He wanted to make the kayak lighter.

He wanted to save his own life.

He didn't want to do that it was an accident.

Запитання 10

How did the raven cause the dangerous storm?

варіанти відповідей

By calling on the water gods to make a storm.

By flapping his wings at the ocean.

 By calling on other ravens to help him.

By blowing strong winds

Запитання 11

How did Sedna try to save herself?

варіанти відповідей

She asked the raven to help her.

She gave animals to the hunters.

She grabbed the kayak with her fingers.

She asked her father to help her

Запитання 12

How did the sea animals come into the world?

варіанти відповідей

Sedna's fingers became the seals and fish, and her hands became the whales and walrus.

The raven created the sea animals.

Her father found them in the sea

The goddess of the sea helped animals to appear

Запитання 13

Decide if the sentence is true or false.

The girl liked hunting very much.

варіанти відповідей



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