Choose the correct option for the sentence.
His new girlfriend _______ him to write a new song. His girlfriend was very... .
Choose the correct option for the sentence.
We were all ______ because the game was very _______.
Choose the correct option for the sentence.
Mum _______ me with a cup of chocolate. The chocolate was very ______.
Choose the correct option for the sentence.
It _______ me to see my marks at the end of every term. They are usually very _______ marks.
Choose the correct option for the sentence.
I was rather ________ by what he said. His words were very _______.
Choose the correct option for the sentence.
I was _______ to accept the job offer. The salary was very _______.
Choose the correct option for the sentence.
Losing the final was _______. The players were _______.
Choose the correct option for the sentence.
We were _______ to have Sam at home. He is such a _______ boy!
Choose the correct option for the sentence.
Her behaviour was really _______. Her teacher felt _______.
Choose the correct option for the sentence.
We were totally _______. His _______ words didn't make any sense to us.
Choose the correct option for the sentence.
There’s nothing more ... than a child with a ... present in their hands.
Choose the correct option for the sentence.
My new job is extremely ... . I'm ... at the end of the day. (tire/exhaust)
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