Petroleum and gas. Pipelines

Додано: 22 жовтня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 38 разів
32 запитання
Запитання 1

The source of most petroleum is aquatic organisms... (choose two)

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underlying rocks

Запитання 2

The most common porous rock is

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Запитання 3

Oil burning produces... (choose five)

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carbon dioxide

carbon monoxide

nitrogen oxides

sulfur dioxide


cod-liver oil

strike oil

Запитання 4

Choose the right variant of the sentence ending:

During the last five hundred million years incompletely decayed plant and animal remains...

варіанти відповідей

has become buried under thick layers of rock.

have become buried under thick layers of rock.

will have become buried under thick layers of rock.

would have become buried under thick layers of rock.

Запитання 5

Which word is different?

enormous, immense, huge, quick, vast, giant, gigantic, titanic

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Запитання 6

The modern history of petroleum began ...

варіанти відповідей

in 1846 with the discovery of the process of refining kerosene from coal.

in 1946 with the discovery of asphalt.

in 1852 with the discovery of the process of drilling of producing well.

in 1859 with the discovery of the process of oil lamps and candles in general use.

Запитання 7

Meerzoeff built the first refinery...

варіанти відповідей

in the exploratory oil fields at Pennsilvania in 1862.

in the offset oil fields at Baku in 1863.

in the mature oil fields at Baku in 1861.

near the wildcat at Baku in 1864.

Запитання 8

Where can the gasoline engine be applied? (choose four)

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pitch springs

sensitive instruments

Запитання 9

In order to reduce the number of ...drilled, scientific methods are used to pick the most promising sites.

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air pockets

exploratory wells (wild cats)

offset wells


Запитання 10

The earliest known oil (1) were drilled in China in 347 CE or even earlier. They had (2) of up to about 800 feet and were (3) using bits attached to bamboo (4). The oil was (5) to evaporate brine and produce (6) .

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1.holes 2. width 3.drilled 4. refined. 5. sticks 6. salt

1.wells 2. width 3.digged 4. refined. 5. sticks 6. salt

1.holes 2. depths 3.drilled 4. burned. 5. poles 6. salt

1.wells 2. depths 3.digged 4. burned. 5. sticks 6. salt

Запитання 11

The specialized drilling ship is used for

варіанти відповідей

drilling, exploration and production wells in medium to deep water (up to 1,000 m. water depth)

drilling, exploration and production wild cats in medium to deep water (up to 3,000 m. water depth)

drilling, exploration and production wells in medium to deep water (up to 3,000 m. water depth)

drilling, exploration and production wells in deep water (up to 10,000 m. water depth)

Запитання 12

Pipeline workers use different forms of pipeline testing to analyze the integrity of their pipes. Learn more about these testing methods with this guide.

Oil and gas companies must be diligent about the quality of their pipelines. Consistent monitoring and maintenance are crucial in preventing cracks, leaks, and other hazards throughout a pipeline’s lifespan. There are many different pipeline testing methods that pipeline operators can use to identify trouble areas before they become expensive and dangerous issues. From magnetic flux tools to pipeline pressure testing equipment, here are the resources and methods pipeline operators can use to evaluate the integrity of their pipelines and promote better preventative maintenance.

Corrosion and other forms of degradation can cause walls to grow thin and lose their integrity over time. Knowing the exact thickness of a pipe wall is crucial in determining the kind of pressure it can hold and the amount of structural support it can offer to other pipeline components. Pipeline operators can determine the thickness of a pipe wall through ultrasonic testing, which sends high-frequency sound waves through the pipe’s interior. Professionals will then measure the sound wave as it travels and bounces off the pipe walls. With this information, they can accurately determine the thickness of the pipe walls and identify any areas that contain corrosion and other imperfections.

Hydrostatic tests are some of the most common pipeline testing methods. During a hydrostatic test, pipeline workers fill an isolated section of pipe with water, pressurizing the pipe until it’s slightly above its normal pressure requirement. Workers then hold the pipe at that pressure level and record information about the volume and pressure levels within the pipeline. If these levels drop unexpectedly, operators know that there is a leak somewhere in the pipe. They can then inspect the pipe for cracks or other flaws that are causing the problem.

Magnetic flux tests use electronic tools known as magnetic flux leakage tools to measure metal loss from corrosion, gouges, and other issues. During a magnetic flux test, pipeline workers use these tools to apply a temporary magnetic field within the pipe. As the magnetic flux tool passes through the pipe, workers monitor the magnetic field for changes. If the pipeline has zero imperfections and is operating perfectly, the magnetic field will be uniform. Any anomalies that change the distribution of the magnetic flux will indicate metal loss or other defects. Sensors in the magnetic flux tool measure these anomalies so that pipeline workers can identify problem areas and determine the best way to fix them.

What are the main types of tests? (Choose three)

варіанти відповідей

Hydrostatic Tests

Magnetic Flux Tests

Ultrasonic Tests

Measuring metal loss from corrosion Tests

Pressure level Test

Запитання 13

Oil well fires can ________(1)_ the loss of millions of barrels of crude oil per day. Combined with the ecological problems __________(2) by the large amounts of smoke and unburnt petroleum falling back to earth, oil well fires such as those seen in Kuwait in 1991 can ______________(3) enormous economic losses.

варіанти відповідей

(1)cause, (2)caused, (3)cause

(1)to cause,(2)caused, (3)to cause

(1)cause, (2)cause, (3)cause

(1)cause, (2)caused, (3)to cause

Запитання 14

An oil well is a boring in the Earth that is designed to bring petroleum oil hydrocarbons to the surface. 

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Запитання 15

Which variant is right?

petrole_m reservo_r or oil and gas reservo_r is a subs_rface accum_lation of h_drocarbons contained in poro_s or fract_red ro_k form_tions.

варіанти відповідей

petroleam reservour or oil and gas reservour is a subserface accumjulation of haidrocarbons contained in porous or fractured rok formations.

petroleum reservoir or oil and gas reservoir is a subsurface accumulation of hydrocarbons contained in porous or fractured rock formations.

petroleum reservoar or oil and gas reservoar is a subsarface accumylation of hidrocarbons contained in porous or fractured rosk formations.

petroleum reservoir or oil and gas reservoir is a subsyrface accumyulation of haydrocarbons contained in porous or fractured rock formations.

Запитання 16

Make up the text:

-This means that there are small pockets of space within the rock where oil or gas can settle and small channels connecting these pockets to allow the oil or gas to flow out of this rock easily when it is drilled. 

-These spaces between grains can develop as the formation of rock occurs or afterwards, usually as a result of groundwater passing through the rock and dissolving some of the cement between sediment grains.

-Reservoir rocks need to be both porous and permeable.

-Anticlines are the most common formation shape for this to occur.

-The rock formation must be formed or deformed in such a way to create a trap for the oil and gas. 

- Anticlines for a rough "A" shape, with the cap rock making the sides of the "A".

-The fossil fuels accumulate in the peak of the "A" and the bottom is sealed (usually with water), preventing the oil and gas from seeping out and escaping.

варіанти відповідей

-These spaces between grains can develop as the formation of rock occurs or afterwards, usually as a result of groundwater passing through the rock and dissolving some of the cement between sediment grains.

-This means that there are small pockets of space within the rock where oil or gas can settle and small channels connecting these pockets to allow the oil or gas to flow out of this rock easily when it is drilled. 

-Reservoir rocks need to be both porous and permeable.

-Anticlines are the most common formation shape for this to occur.

-The rock formation must be formed or deformed in such a way to create a trap for the oil and gas. 

- Anticlines for a rough "A" shape, with the cap rock making the sides of the "A".

-The fossil fuels accumulate in the peak of the "A" and the bottom is sealed (usually with water), preventing the oil and gas from seeping out and escaping.

-This means that there are small pockets of space within the rock where oil or gas can settle and small channels connecting these pockets to allow the oil or gas to flow out of this rock easily when it is drilled. 

-These spaces between grains can develop as the formation of rock occurs or afterwards, usually as a result of groundwater passing through the rock and dissolving some of the cement between sediment grains.

-Reservoir rocks need to be both porous and permeable.

-Anticlines are the most common formation shape for this to occur.

-The rock formation must be formed or deformed in such a way to create a trap for the oil and gas. 

- Anticlines for a rough "A" shape, with the cap rock making the sides of the "A".

-The fossil fuels accumulate in the peak of the "A" and the bottom is sealed (usually with water), preventing the oil and gas from seeping out and escaping.

-Reservoir rocks need to be both porous and permeable.

-This means that there are small pockets of space within the rock where oil or gas can settle and small channels connecting these pockets to allow the oil or gas to flow out of this rock easily when it is drilled. 

-These spaces between grains can develop as the formation of rock occurs or afterwards, usually as a result of groundwater passing through the rock and dissolving some of the cement between sediment grains.

-The rock formation must be formed or deformed in such a way to create a trap for the oil and gas. 

-Anticlines are the most common formation shape for this to occur.

- Anticlines for a rough "A" shape, with the cap rock making the sides of the "A".

-The fossil fuels accumulate in the peak of the "A" and the bottom is sealed (usually with water), preventing the oil and gas from seeping out and escaping.

Запитання 17

Products Made from a Barrel of Crude Oil

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47% Gasoline

23% Diesel Fuel & Heating Oil

18% Other Products

10% Jet Fuel

4% Liquefied Petroleum

3% Asphalt

47% Gasoline

20% Diesel Fuel & Heating Oil

18% Other Products

15% Jet Fuel

4% Liquefied Petroleum

3% Asphalt

57% Gasoline

23% Diesel Fuel & Heating Oil

48% Other Products

10% Jet Fuel

14% Liquefied Petroleum

13% Asphalt

Запитання 18

Crude oil moves from wellhead to refinery using ...

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barges, aircrafts, over land, pipelines, trucks, and railroads. 

barges, tankers, over land, pipelines, trucks, and railroads. 

barges, tankers, over land, pipelines, trucks, and containers. 

barges, tankers, oil depot, pipelines, vehicles, and railroads. 

Запитання 19

Aboveground storage tanks (ASTs) used for the storage of petroleum products differ from underground (UST) varieties...

варіанти відповідей

in the kinds of regulations that are applied.

in the operating pressure.

in flat bottom and fixed domed roofs, hinged or floating roofs.

in the form of delivery.

Запитання 20

Where in the fractionating column will the longest hydrocarbons condense?

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At the top

In the middle

At the bottom

Запитання 21

What is the name of the process which separates crude oil into simpler mixtures of hydrocarbon compounds?

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Fractional distillation

Запитання 22

Which is the correct definition of the term 'hydrocarbon'?

варіанти відповідей

A molecule containing carbon and hydrogen atoms only

A molecule containing carbon and hydrogen molecules only

A molecule containing atoms, including carbon and hydrogen

Запитання 23

Crude oil is a finite resource. What does this mean?

варіанти відповідей

It can be replaced

It only produces a small amount of energy when burned

It takes a long time to form

Запитання 24

What happens to hydrocarbons with very high boiling points in a fractionating column?

варіанти відповідей

They leave the column at the same level they entered

They leave at the top of the column

They leave at the bottom of the column

Запитання 25

Why is cracking used?

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To produce smaller, more useful hydrocarbons

To separate the fractions in crude oil

To produce polymers

Запитання 26

Crude oil is usually black.

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Запитання 27

Petroleum is also called crude oil.

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Запитання 28

A petroleum field lies above ground.

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Запитання 29

Crude oil is a fossil fuel.

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Запитання 30

The Mesopotamians used a black liquid that oozed from the ground for caulking and, when set alight, as a weapon. When?

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150 AD

500 BC

4000 BC

1000 BC

Запитання 31

The first oil well was drilled in 1859. Where?

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Запитання 32

What is oil made from?

варіанти відповідей

Prehistoric plants and animals boiled in lava

The remains of pressurised, microscopic sea creatures

Nobody knows

Dinosaur dung

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