to make someone feel silly or not important by criticizing them
to make something such as a fire or cigarette stop burning
to delay something
to move something to a place or position it was in before
to let somebody stay at your home
tolerate or endure something
to build something or place something somewhere
place it on your body in order to wear it
store something in an appropriate or usual place
I think you should ...... your ideas on paper so that we can discuss them later
The secretary ..... me ....... to the manager department.
.... your scarf. It's chilly outside!
Oh, dear! The shop has ..... the prices again! For the second time this month!
Unfortunately, I am unable to ..... any money - my salary is so low!
It took the fire brigade two hours ..... the fire
We were forced to .... out trip due to the busy schedule
Their old mansion was ..... for sale last month. They are not going to live there any more
I'll ..... for the night if you are ever in my city
If you don't change your eating habits, you will .... weight.
I didn't mean to ....., but I am in desperate need of your help.
The public called for the criminal to be ..... for a long time.
Sindy .... her bad mood ..... to the fact that she had been fired earlier that day
Are you bored? .... the TV .... !
The local theatre is ...... a new play this year. Are you going to attend?
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