Places of interest

Додано: 12 травня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
Тест виконано: 126 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

The capital of ancient Kyivan Rus was ...

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Запитання 2

The main entrance to the city was

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 Sribni Vorota

 Zoloti Vorota

 Brilliant Vororta

Запитання 3

When you come to our capital you will go on your tour from ...

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 Zoloti Vorota

St. Sophia Cathedral

 Andriyivsky Uzviz

Запитання 4

The cathedral which was the centre of culture was founded

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980 years ago

1037 years ago

1500 years ago

Запитання 5

 Kyiv’s patron saint is

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St. Andriy

St. Nickolai

St. Michael

Запитання 6

Andriyivsky Uzviz was called so because St. Andriy

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lived there

built the church there

climbed the hill there

Запитання 7

There are many caves in

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 St. Michael’s Zolotoverkhyi Monastery

St. Sophia Cathedral

 Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra

Запитання 8

The fairy animals on one of the buildings in Kyiv are

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Запитання 9

Christianity was brought in Rus by

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Volodymyr the Great

Volodymyr Monomach

 Volodymyr the Wise

Запитання 10

The Pyrohiv is a museum of

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Kyiv Rus

 folk architecture


Запитання 11

During your day-trip tour you can visit

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open-air museum

the Dnipro museum

the museum of nature

Запитання 12

One half of Kyiv’s territory is

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the river Dnipro

museums and churches

parks and gardens

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