Places of Interest

Додано: 27 травня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
Тест виконано: 58 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

These famous places are in London.

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Запитання 2

... was the main entrance to the capital of Kyivan Rus in the 11th century.

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Запитання 3

These famous places are in Kyiv.

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Запитання 4

This is Pyrohiv Open-Air Museum.

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Запитання 5

This bridge crosses the river Thames.

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Tower Bridge

Paton Bridge

Golden Gate Bridge

Запитання 6

Its architect is Sir Christopher Wren.

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The House with Chimeras

the Gherkin

St Paul's Cathedral

Запитання 7

Madame Tussauds is .. .

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a wax museum

a cathedral

an art gallery

Запитання 8

The CN Tower, the Calgary Stampede, Niagara Falls ...

Which country are we talking about?

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the USA


the UK

Запитання 9

William Shakespeare was born in ... .

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Запитання 10

... was founded by Yaroslav the Wise.

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St Andrew's Church

St Sophia Cathedral

the House with Chimeras

Mariyinsky Palace

Запитання 11

There are a lot of caves in ... .

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Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra

St Mychail's Zolotoverkhyi Monastery

St Andrew's Church

Запитання 12

Ukrainian Parliament sits here.

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