
Додано: 21 березня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
Тест виконано: 9 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Where are the strongest winds?

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Uranus and Neptune



Venus and Pluto


Venus and Mercury

Запитання 2

According to the text, is Neptune a gas giant?

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isn't mentioned

Запитання 3

According to the new definition, a planet must:

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move around the sun

move around a plenet

move different directiond

move fast

Запитання 4

According to the new definition, a planet must NOT:

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be round

have a gravity

be a star

have a mass

Запитання 5

Pluto is the only dwarf planet in our Solar System.

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Isn't mentioned

Запитання 6

Why Pluto is not a planet?

варіанти відповідей

It is too small

It has no gravity

It doesn't fit planets' criteria

It doesn't have its own moons

Запитання 7

How did scientists predict the existence of Neptune before it was discovered?

варіанти відповідей

They saw it through the telescope

The other planet was affected by Neptune

Neptune appeared and dissapeared on one of the orbit

All above are true

Запитання 8

Why is Neptune blue?

варіанти відповідей

it is full of hydrogen

All of its surface is water

All of its surface is ice

it is full of oxygen

Запитання 9

One way why Venus is different from all other planets is because ......

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it moves around the sun very slowly

it moves around itself very slowly

Venus rotates in different directions

Venus doesn't rotate

Запитання 10

Choose a FALSE statement

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Venus has atmosphere similar to Earth.

A night on Venus is longer than a year.

Venus’ atmosphere traps heat from the sun and creates a powerful greenhouse effect.

Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system. 

Запитання 11

The surface of Venus is all BUT NOT........

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covered with volcanoes

tectonic plate

full of magma

Запитання 12

Why did scientist firstly make a mistake considering Pluto a planet?

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Without a good telescope they thought it was bigger

They confused it with a neighbouring planet

With a time Pluto bicame smaller

All above are right

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