1.You pay a visit to Covent Garden Opera House in London: the Ukrainian for 'to book tickets in stalls' is:?
2. You pay a visit to Covent Garden Opera House in London: the Ukrainian for 'to book tickets in a box' is:?
3. You pay a visit to Covent Garden Opera House in London: the Ukrainian for 'to book tickets in a circle' is:?
4. In any theatre, in London too, 'curtains' mean:?
5.You pay a visit to Covent Garden Opera House in London: the Ukrainian for 'aisle' (at the theatre) is:?
6.You pay a visit to Covent Garden Opera House in London: the Ukrainian for 'row' (at the theatre) is:?
7.The English for do you think 'режисер' is:?
8.You pay a visit to Covent Garden Opera House in London: the English for 'вистава' is:?
9. In any theatre, in London too, the English for 'сцена' is:?
10. In any theatre, in London too, the English for 'вражаюча п'єса' is:?
11. You act as tourist. The translation of 'at a supplement' is:?
12. You act as tourist. Find the most appropriate question to the answer:"You could have it two days prior to your departure"?
13. You act now as tour operator! ... The translation of 'летіти туристичним класом' into English is:
14.The Ukrainian for 'get-away-from-it-all holiday' is:?
15.Do you think ‘trackker ‘is definetely a __________ ?
16.In the tourist industry the small independents are working _______to meet individual needs.
17. Tailor finders has only recently offered __________holidays.
18. Ooops, pretty bad mark again! I like English but it _______ really like me.
19.I ______ (buy) this house if I _____ (have) enough money?
20.We‘ll go to the seaside if it___sunny tomorrow?
21. Why ______ he do English?
22 There _______guide books on the desk.
23 Who _______ them there?
24 I went to college ______.
25 What did you ______ on the blackboard?
26 Truly, I ______ a lot of time on it yesterday.
27 What did _______ get at the lessons?
28 Who ______ speak English fluently?
29 What _______ you do at home?
30. If Kate______(go) on a diet, she ____ (lose weight).
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