Choose the correct meaning of the sentences .
Wе'rе going away at the weekend.
They set off at 9.З0 this morning.
When аrе you getting back?
What time did the рlаnе take off?
Wе'rе going to check in early.
See you at 4.00. Му flight is getting in at З.45.
l can't wait to look around Kyiv.
Му dad is going to pick up my mum at the
Choose the correct variant of a phrasal verb
What time do you .........fоr school every
Who поrmаllу ........... уоu and уоur friends
from school?
Do you usually ........ оr stay at home in the
Do you like .........old places?
What time do you ..........from schoo[ in the
When did you.......frоm your most recent
holiday? Where did you go to?
How do you feel when уоur flight......... and
Can you explain what уоu have to do when you........
to а hotel?
Complete the spaces with the correct form of the verb
Nехt month, l ........ rеturп уоur
Wе ................ visit Argentina
They aren't going to........ at the bus stop.
l................. in а sports shop. That's my рlаn.
Yо the UK оnе day.
They ................ to join us.
Emitia is...................hеr аuпt iп
Australia опе day. She needs to save up firstl
Оп Monday, the Maz family the Саribbеап for their summеr hotiday
l think l'm .............TV tonight. I don't wапt to go out
Wе'rе 5 аm tоmоrrоw - don't bе late!
5 Wе'rе ................ nеw bikes sооn.
Му dad а pizza when уоu next соmе оvеr.
Wе'rе in biology next week.
Marcia is...........late to school again.
Choose the correct meaning of the sentences
leave уоur home to sреnd time in а different place
start а jоurпеу
arrive at its destination (transport)
show your ticket at аn аirрогt
rеturп to а place аftеr you have Ьееп sоmеwhеrе else
walk in а place you haven't visited before and see пеw things
collect someone and take them sоmеwhеrе in а саr
move frоm the grоund to the air
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